Forum › I Say You Say I Love You discussion

joined Jan 18, 2014

so sweet (:

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It's cute, but the art's just the slightest bit off. Like a group of adult women dressed up as the Love Live characters.

joined Jan 18, 2014

It's cute, but the art's just the slightest bit off. Like a group of adult women dressed up as the Love Live characters.

haha I actually thought that same thing

joined May 10, 2014

Cute short but damn it don't cut it there! XD.
There art wasn't bad the thing that distracts you is the noses since they are "normal" size.

joined May 17, 2014

It's cute, but the art's just the slightest bit off. Like a group of adult women dressed up as the Love Live characters.

haha I actually thought that same thing

It felt more like teenage boys cosplaying as µ's to me. Their faces were really masculine. Cute story though.

joined May 1, 2014

It's cute, but the art's just the slightest bit off. Like a group of adult women dressed up as the Love Live characters.

Yup. Same page here.

Cute story though. :3

joined May 2, 2014

It felt more like teenage boys cosplaying as µ's to me. Their faces were really masculine. Cute story though.

I felt the same way XD

joined Jul 13, 2014

Screwed the school. It's NicoMaki time!

joined Apr 8, 2013

It's cute, but the art's just the slightest bit off. Like a group of adult women dressed up as the Love Live characters.

haha I actually thought that same thing

It felt more like teenage boys cosplaying as µ's to me. Their faces were really masculine. Cute story though.

Now that you say that I can't unsee it. xD

I still liked it though.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Art really bothers me x.x

joined May 17, 2014

Screwed the school. It's NicoMaki time!

Lets be real, its always NicoMaki time.

joined May 8, 2013

I can't unsee that either but I liked it too.

joined Apr 1, 2013

Cu- cuuuuuuute

joined Feb 11, 2014

Art was indeed a bit weird, but the story was cute.

joined Apr 1, 2014

It's cute, but the art's just the slightest bit off. Like a group of adult women dressed up as the Love Live characters.

haha I actually thought that same thing

It felt more like teenage boys cosplaying as µ's to me. Their faces were really masculine. Cute story though.

Now that you say that I can't unsee it. xD

I still liked it though.

Lots of bishounen and traps..
Even if they would be genderbend i would read it as long i can see the characters..

joined Jul 6, 2012


joined Jul 14, 2013

Ah, my raws. Maybe I should get more Love Live stuff as it seems to actually be used.

joined May 28, 2011

pg 14, "I won't forgive you if you if you let go of my hand.", if you is repeated twiced.

joined Jul 4, 2012

It's cute, but the art's just the slightest bit off. Like a group of adult women dressed up as the Love Live characters.

haha I actually thought that same thing

It felt more like teenage boys cosplaying as µ's to me. Their faces were really masculine. Cute story though.

Now that you say that I can't unsee it. xD

I still liked it though.

Lots of bishounen and traps..
Even if they would be genderbend i would read it as long i can see the characters..

Traps, traps everywhere. D:

joined Sep 5, 2012

Gotta love how you guys react to the art. The art is nice but Fugace-san's other work is really cute. I just wish Fugace-san didn't cut the next scene but it seems inappropriate for the flow. owo

rexbandit Uploader
joined May 12, 2013

Will correct, EvilDevil. Thanks!

joined Apr 22, 2013

I liked the art especially since it's so different from the derivative work, and reminiscent of Horii Kisuke's art in a sense. Sometimes the babyish faces for these doujins throw me off a bit so it's always nice to see some sort of maturity in their physical features.

joined May 1, 2014

I also think they look like boys, but story is good :3

Ah, my raws. Maybe I should get more Love Live stuff as it seems to actually be used.

Yes, you should :D

joined Apr 14, 2013

Aww no lewd >->

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