I guess you'll have to look around and see if you like anything else, right now I have Mario kart, Hyrule warriors, Tekken TT2 and Bayonetta1+2. Don't bother with any ubisoft games they are all half assed, good examples: Mario 3d world, Resident Evil Revelations, Wind Waker hd, the upcoming Fatal Frame and the teased SMT x FE, there's some multiplats like Injustice and I won't lie Cpnt toad looks kinda fun.
It took me over a year before I decided to buy the console so take your time, do some research and think about it or you know Nintendo may throw a cool promotion like with MK8 that gives you a free game or something like that.
yeah another thing that's keeping me from buying it is my friend already has one so I go play smash at their house sometimes and I've even played hyrule warriors which is pretty fun. I would definitely buy one before a PS4 though so yeah Im definitely gonna have to think about it