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joined Jul 29, 2017

She’s a good friend. But I have no idea who she is.

Nishimiya Aoi, Chiyo's best friend. Chapter 3.1.

joined Jan 23, 2020

Awwwwwwwwwww everyone in this manga is so sweet =w=

joined Mar 4, 2018

I was wondering if making out with a fair amount of saliva (and being breathless) were signs of love, but I realized that's stupid talk.

joined Sep 30, 2014

I am yuri fortune-teller. I predict main character will need few chapters to confess her feelins. Confession will be treated as yet another great Service. Comedy of errors will last for another few chapters. Everything will be resolved with some good old nsfw handholding.

joined Oct 28, 2016

^ But we already had handholding :0

joined Dec 27, 2014

Progress! Yes, I love it!

joined Oct 1, 2014


joined Jan 27, 2016

Angry clicking on the right side to the next chapter!!!!

joined Aug 17, 2019
joined Jun 20, 2020

She doesn't regret it anymore.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Oh my oh myy i want more~

joined Aug 10, 2015

oh wow a missunderstood confession, i´ve never seen one before, how could this happen, who could predict such tragedy?, i bet this isn´t gonna take forever to be solved, such an original development

last edited at Aug 8, 2020 9:32PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Landlady discovers new forms of uselessness.

Pain. This chapter is pain, homegirl had to say sorry for accidentally confessing, ouch, but she's gonna keep trying! That's the spirt. On a side note Miss Landlady looks really pretty with her hair out of her face on page 10.

Kozuka: Can you come sleep with me?
Miss Landlady: I'm good.
Kozuka: I can be your hug pillow.
Miss Landlady: You son of a bitch, I'm in.

joined Dec 4, 2018

BIGGEST misunderstanding i've ever seen, can't mc just talk it out instead of going along with the landlord's wrong interpretation of her adorable confession? Anyway i need these two to resolve this asap, they're both adults at this point this contract thingy should come to end

joined Jul 8, 2016

Your confession would probably hit harder if you, ya know, actually knew her name? Just saying, it helps to know your partners name at least.

joined Jun 12, 2017

Kozuka gay

joined Oct 30, 2018

Honestly I've half a mind to think it was uselessness, but I almost think Landlady is using the contract to hide from her feelings. Like, we already know that Landlady likes Kozuka, but maybe she's decided that her feelings aren't going to be returned? So because of that, she just waved off the confession as service?

It's going to be interesting to figure out how Kozuka is going to get Landlady to take her seriously

joined Jul 29, 2017

Honestly I've half a mind to think it was uselessness, but I almost think Landlady is using the contract to hide from her feelings. Like, we already know that Landlady likes Kozuka, but maybe she's decided that her feelings aren't going to be returned? So because of that, she just waved off the confession as service?

It's going to be interesting to figure out how Kozuka is going to get Landlady to take her seriously

My suspicion Is that it’s tied to Landlady-chan’s past—she’s committed to Advanced Uselessness to avoid repeating some former emotional trauma.

Kozuka now knows the score in regard to her own feelings, so the best way for her to knock down the wall of uselessness is to keep banging away.

(That last phrase could perhaps be improved, but let it stand.)

joined Jan 23, 2020

Pain. This chapter is pain, homegirl had to say sorry for accidentally confessing, ouch, but she's gonna keep trying! That's the spirt. On a side note Miss Landlady looks really pretty with her hair out of her face on page 10.

Kozuka: Can you come sleep with me?
Miss Landlady: I'm good.
Kozuka: I can be your hug pillow.
Miss Landlady: You son of a bitch, I'm in.

I visualized this in a vine format.

Also... misunderstandings... why can't humans just communicate with brain waves.

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Honestly I've half a mind to think it was uselessness, but I almost think Landlady is using the contract to hide from her feelings. Like, we already know that Landlady likes Kozuka, but maybe she's decided that her feelings aren't going to be returned? So because of that, she just waved off the confession as service?

It's going to be interesting to figure out how Kozuka is going to get Landlady to take her seriously

My suspicion Is that it’s tied to Landlady-chan’s past—she’s committed to Advanced Uselessness to avoid repeating some former emotional trauma.

Kozuka now knows the score in regard to her own feelings, so the best way for her to knock down the wall of uselessness is to keep banging away.

(That last phrase could perhaps be improved, but let it stand.)

No no I think that last phrase works quite well. Bang the gay away, more like bang the gay not away amiright? Hah...I’m so funny.

joined Apr 30, 2020

confession in bed


just a contract

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

joined Sep 29, 2018

I’ve said “WHAT?” so many times during this chapter that it’s lost all meaning. Useless lesbians, useless!

joined Jun 4, 2015

God dammit there's no way she actually thought that was just for the contract

joined Aug 9, 2020

Wow I was so excited for a confession chapter, but after reading this my soul has just died

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