Forum › Twins in Agony discussion

joined Dec 27, 2019

I'm surprised to see that this isn't actually incest haha. Well, maybe it'll be one-sided incest at this rate.

Is it not? Glad I came to the comment section first...
Have a nice day~

LMAO!!! Yep now Idk what to do lol don't like to read drama. I have my life full of it already

joined Feb 17, 2020

AHH I want more

joined Aug 4, 2018

Translator, typesetter, redrawer, cleaner, QC-er and moral support here. Hope you guys liked the first chapter. This took me an entire day to typeset, starting from almost zero knowledge with Photoshop. But on the bright side, I now know more about image editing than ever before!

Thank you so much for all your hard work!

joined Oct 6, 2017

that smile on the last page... it just screams MURDER shivers

minagi mikoto
joined Nov 14, 2014

"I like him to be a bit pushy" WELL YOU'VE DUG YOUR OWN GRAVE SENSEI xD

joined Mar 28, 2015

Inb4 Love Triangle (or square?) and Wincest?

I'm pretty sure "Yuki-chan" is pinning for Komachi.

last edited at May 16, 2020 1:49PM

joined Feb 17, 2019

There isn't a tag for it, so... Anyway, I always save the comments for after I read the story as to not get spoiled.

Also, I can't tell if you are upset or happy about there not being incest (atm).


joined Dec 7, 2019

She been that pushy and agresive with the teacher was painful to read but whatever.

joined Feb 7, 2018

I saw a giant black flag there...

joined Jun 22, 2018

This looks pretty and is an enjoyable read, can't wait for the ensuing drama to escalate

joined Oct 10, 2016

Wait so it's like, a love triangle? Oh boy, I sense angst and drama
So now the line is like this:

This shit's fucked up and ready for drama.

Nah, totally not buying it. Sayonara.

last edited at May 22, 2020 2:30PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Wait so it's like, a love triangle? Oh boy, I sense angst and drama

If it was only a triangle.I believe the 5 persons are included in this clusterfuck. This to go even further beyond Love triangle. I forsee huge complications.

joined Oct 10, 2016

Wait so it's like, a love triangle? Oh boy, I sense angst and drama

If it was only a triangle.I believe the 5 persons are included in this clusterfuck. This to go even further beyond Love triangle. I forsee huge complications.

Yyyeeeeaaaaahhh for a moment I get lost who is in love with whom and just GAAAAH.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Kinda boring.

joined Jan 1, 2019

This looks healthy...
She's latching on to someone trying to escape... what?

I know it's only the second chapter but there is so little communication between the characters that everyone is left wondering what's wrong with the other person(s) and agonizing what to do (hence the title, I assume). One twin's going through anguish and seeking salvation from, and throwing herself at, a teacher who struggles herself to communicate all while the sister is left worrying and completely in the dark (and barely tries to reach out herself) along with their friend who is left out and feeling the same way (at least she's trying to open a dialogue though). Now they've introduced a new character, to be left in the dark about her friend's woes, whom might have her own anguishes to deal with.

It's a cycle brought on by a serious lack dialogue.

last edited at May 22, 2020 2:34PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

It's already a pentagone.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Ako found someone that helps her escape her anxieties but does Maki return her feelings? Or will she go along with things out of pity/sense of duty? Yuki's into Komachi but Komachi's too obsessed with her sister. I don't know quite know whether it's romantic or borne out of this desire that they remain close/nothing change between them. And Chie seems like she also might be into Maki but it could be something else since unrequited love friend already exists.

Yet again, I'm here to watch this dumpster fire burn.

joined Jul 5, 2017

She been that pushy and agresive with the teacher was painful to read but whatever.

Well, the teacher did say she likes the 'pushy types'. But yeah, the whole thing is a bit rough, especially given that the teacher feels guilty Ako's studies are being affected because of her.

But this is only the 2nd chapter, hopefully on the date she'll open up and act more honestly with Sensei.

joined Feb 24, 2019

It's a cycle brought on by a serious lack dialogue.

Eeyuuuuuup! I normally don't care for those types of stories, but for some odd reason I think this one will handle it well. I do, however, have an extremely bad feeling about Yuki's place in all of this. She seems like a really good friend and I can't help feeling that she is going to have her heart broken. Maybe Chie will be able to help her out since she seems to be in a similar position with her friend/one-sided love interest, but neither character is really a "main" character, so I doubt they'll even be given page space to consul each other when the drama goes down.

joined Jul 5, 2017

Ako found someone that helps her escape her anxieties but does Maki return her feelings? Or will she go along with things out of pity/sense of duty?

Hopefully the date will clarify Ako's feelings to Maki sensei and help her make a better decision.

Yuki's into Komachi but Komachi's too obsessed with her sister. I don't know quite know whether it's romantic or borne out of this desire that they remain close/nothing change between them.

Yuki could be persistent with Komachi and simply be there for her, which can then develop into love between the two.

And Chie seems like she also might be into Maki but it could be something else since unrequited love friend already exists.

The way the author hides Chie sensei's face when interacting with Making sensei, shows some sad history between the two of them.

Yet again, I'm here to watch this dumpster fire burn.

Hopefully the fires burns and leaves behind a beautiful picture.

Seems like this story could have any combination of pairs ending up as couples.

afkeroge Uploader
Noca Scans
joined May 29, 2015

There are five chapters of this out at the moment. Typesetter-chan was kind enough to help me with this one so I don't have to do everything myself like the first chapter. This is a pretty good manga in my opinion, especially in the next few chapters. If you like the emotional roller coaster types of stories, this one's for you. The manga admittedly tries to play coy about what it really wants to do, but everything will become clear soon enough.

last edited at May 22, 2020 3:54PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

We had a quadrangle lining up just from the first chapter, as the recap page of this one indicates. Chie would make five!

Art's nice.

Yeah, I can't even guess at the direction this will go in, other than aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangst.

joined Jan 9, 2020

Manga would be so much more enjoyable if constructive dialogue and healthy communication had never been invented. Then it wouldn't be so painful to see the utter lack of it cause pointless drama over and over again.

Mangaka really need to figure out a new way to cause conflict. Like, does nobody have the writing chops to create drama among characters that actually talk to one another?

joined Mar 25, 2020

this... will be utterly painful. gonna be honest here, I'm rooting for Yuki. If anything happens between her and her goals i'll punch someone.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Hopefully the date will clarify Ako's feelings to Maki sensei and help her make a better decision.

I think she pretty much gets that Ako likes her. I just don't know whether Maki will agree to date her out of guilt/pity/duty or because she feels the same.

Yuki could be persistent with Komachi and simply be there for her, which can then develop into love between the two.

I'm shipping them so I'm down for that.

The way the author hides Chie sensei's face when interacting with Making sensei, shows some sad history between the two of them.

Yeah, there's definitely an untold story there.

Hopefully the fires burns and leaves behind a beautiful picture.

Seems like this story could have any combination of pairs ending up as couples.

It can go in any direction and it'd be believable because we don't know the characters that well yet.

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