Forum › Kadan -Helichrysum- discussion

joined Oct 30, 2018

I wanna say that's there more to this story than what Nozomi remembers. Yes, Shion 100% took advantage of Nozomi's emotional frailty in that situation, but at the same time that face she made doesn't look like the kinda of face someone without any remorse for what they did would make.

I dunno, maybe I'm too optimistic. Either way, looking forward to seeing this progress

joined Sep 20, 2019

Oh my god!!!!!they are so =_<( !:/ hot!!!
Author-san would it be wrong to ask for more....

joined Sep 16, 2019

If they tell you to stop, and you continue on regardless, it’s even more so.

Then 90% of the hentai are rape then, it's more than common in hentai to have the some on the receiving end telling to stop. I won't provide exemple because there is more than enough, even on the site, to prove my example

If you initiate sex with a person who is mentally and emotionally compromised, it’s technically rape.

What the ? And if both are drunk it's double ? Nozomi was barely drunk when Shion arrive, she wasn't even that smashed as people seem to imply.It will be nice to also stop assuming things when we didn't have Shion's side of the story. Before judging someone, you should listen to their side of the story.

I am well aware of the trope in hentai where no=yes, so I normally ignore it. This manga, however, is a little different in that Nozomi feels like she was actually attacked, which makes me wonder if the same rules apply, or if this might not fall into the 10% of hentai in which that is not the case. Where responding to “Do you want to continue?” with “No,” (page 10) actually means, “No, I don’t want to continue.” Regardless, I’m willing to shelve that complaint as a simple case of hentai logic, as the presence of alcohol is a much bigger issue here.

And legally speaking, Yes (according to American standards), two people having sex while drunk could technically constitute rape, as a person who is significantly under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not legally considered able to consent. In the situation you posited, of course, no one would report it, as it falls into a weird grey area where it would be hard to find an actual offender, but that doesn’t change the fact that it still technically counts, and it’s even worse if one person does seem to have been sober enough to realize this fact, while the other person wasn’t.

Also, how do you know that Nozomi wasn’t that drunk? She was clearly drinking before Shion arrived, and there is a gap between Shion’s arrival and the commencement of sex in which more drinks were likely consumed (it is possible that Shion managed to catch up during that time, but unlikely as Nozomi had a head start). Also, considering the fact that Nozomi could not remember the events of that night in the morning (down to forgetting who it was she even slept with), I’d venture that she was pretty drunk. Meanwhile, Shion seems to remember what happens (based on her reactions and the fact that she did not seem phased after leaving the shower), which implies that she was probably more sober than Nozomi.

Of course, as I said, I’m basing my assessment solely off of what we have been shown so far, which I am certain is not the whole story. There are a bunch of theories milling around in my head as to what actually happened, but the one I wrote down is the current prevailing one. If we see Shion’s side of the story, then I’ll modify my theory, just as I will as more of Nozomi’s story comes to light. Until then, the theory that seems to make the most sense to me is that Shion took advantage of Nozomi, who she appears to be in love with, while the latter was drunk and reeling from a bad break-up.

Edit: My God, that’s the longest forum post I’ve written in a long time. Sorry folks.

last edited at May 1, 2020 6:08PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Where responding to “Do you want to continue?” with “No,” (page 10) actually means, “No, I don’t want to continue.

While proceding in the next page to extend her time in the karaoke when Shion has already start to have her way with her.

joined Feb 6, 2017

Manga is fine and I'm intrigued where it's going, but holy heck I'm worried so few people understand consent on this thread.

Here's the IRL rule: don't START a sexual relationship with drugs or alcohol involved. Regardless of how much the drunk person had, consent is iffy and they might wake up to regret it which can lead to you being heartbroken and/or rape charges.

It's the sober person's responsibility to refuse much like it's the adult's responsibility when the other person's a minor. If you really like each other, have your first time sober or at least agree before drinking that one/both of you need liquid courage. (Drunk sex sucks anyways since alcohol makes you less sensitive and sleepy.)

If you already have a sexual relationship, you can probably have drunk sex (but can still be risky consent-wise) because you know the people involved are willing to have sex sober. The longer and more serious the relationship, the more likely it's fine.

If you're both drunk, it's a grey area but can still be clear cut rape under certain circumstances (like a drunken gang rape of one passed out person.)

If you don't follow the rule, it doesn't always mean "rape", but the likelihood of consequences goes up and it's just not worth it. Even if it's not "rape", you're an ass if you don't care that you've hurt your partner emotionally. I wouldn't want my partner to regret sleeping with me even if it was just a one night stand!

Remember to drink responsibly.

last edited at May 1, 2020 7:03PM

joined Feb 16, 2018

Nozomi was wondering what sort of guy lured her into bed. Thinking about how this "guy" had made her feel so good, she gets worked up and starts masturbating.

She remembers it was her close friend, whom she has presumably known for a long time and is female. She suddenly changes her attitude and feels like she was attacked.

Its interesting to note that lunch carried on as usual for them and only after acknowledging that things felt so normal did Nozomi have her outburst. Perhaps she feels betrayed, or is grieving the profound change that is about to happen in a close friendship. Maybe she's having a gay panic, maybe it's all 3 at once.

We shouldn't expect ultra realism and backbreaking respect for consent from this manga. If we are lucky, it will at least acknowledge some aspects that I've brought up while the 2 work through the dubious nature of their hookup.

last edited at May 1, 2020 8:29PM

joined Aug 21, 2017

Man, while reading I was thinking that Shion was raping Nozomi. I'm honestly surprised that Nozomi freaked out, it's an interesting change of pace.

joined May 28, 2012

Nice boobies.

last edited at May 1, 2020 10:00PM

joined Dec 9, 2019

The scanlation team is just superb. Thanks for this.

It is exactly what it looks like ma dude. You deserve to be thrown off a cliff.

last edited at May 2, 2020 12:11AM

afkeroge Uploader
Noca Scans
joined May 29, 2015

The scanlation team is just superb. Thanks for this.

It is exactly what it looks like ma dude. You deserve to be thrown off a cliff.

Thanks! Your support is what keeps us going. The typesetter here really deserves some extra credit. They even wrote the text in the sex scenes by hand! That was really impressive.

last edited at May 2, 2020 1:02AM

joined Jan 11, 2019

Pretty good art imo..

joined Feb 18, 2015

I'm pretty sure that isn't supposed to be Shion having sex with her boyfriend. Otherwise, I can't imagine how she'd be coming home eagerly telling him about what just happened with Shion while she was away. It doesn't make sense for her to have just been with Shion and then Shion is there in bed with her boyfriend. Did she run extra fast to beat her home and make sure she got caught? (Granted, if she wanted to make sure Nozomi broke up with the boyfriend that would work, but I doubt that it would lead to the two of them getting together.)

And, as others have mentioned, it's pretty clear that Nozomi wasn't all that drunk when the sex started. Her initial protests were of the "I'm dirty" sort and she willingly extended the time on the room. It's also pretty clear that they had some discussions about living arrangements that Nozomi isn't remembering yet because she kept drinking.

I'm betting that she'll eventually remember telling Shion that she loves her and doing all sorts of things that totally go against her "betrayal" concept.

joined Oct 10, 2016

So Shion took away Nozomi's boyfriend, and that's why Nozomi is angry on Shion. That's my guess.

Nah... The girl in this panel isn't Shion. She never "took away Nozomi's boyfriend". Do the rest of the things she did seem kinda scummy, and without further details look like she took advantage at best, and raped her at worst? Yeah, it does seem that way. So, while I don't agree with this one conclusion, I do agree that I've seen this in the other Yuri and I think I might be out.

I mean the boyfriend Shion was with, Nozomi had a crush on him, but he chose Shion, only later to just cheat with another unrelated gal.

Miyako akagi
joined Apr 23, 2020

This is getting pretty good... Maybe, just maybe her boyfriend cheat on her cuz shion is always on her mind like when she caught him she's talking about shion... Right? Well it's just maybe

joined Jun 25, 2019

So Shion took away Nozomi's boyfriend, and that's why Nozomi is angry on Shion. That's my guess.

Nah... The girl in this panel isn't Shion. She never "took away Nozomi's boyfriend". Do the rest of the things she did seem kinda scummy, and without further details look like she took advantage at best, and raped her at worst? Yeah, it does seem that way. So, while I don't agree with this one conclusion, I do agree that I've seen this in the other Yuri and I think I might be out.

I mean the boyfriend Shion was with, Nozomi had a crush on him, but he chose Shion, only later to just cheat with another unrelated gal.

What boyfriend Shion was with ? Shion never mentionned any boyfriend. Unless you talking about the raws chapters , which mean you just spoil what happen.

joined Oct 10, 2016

So Shion took away Nozomi's boyfriend, and that's why Nozomi is angry on Shion. That's my guess.

Nah... The girl in this panel isn't Shion. She never "took away Nozomi's boyfriend". Do the rest of the things she did seem kinda scummy, and without further details look like she took advantage at best, and raped her at worst? Yeah, it does seem that way. So, while I don't agree with this one conclusion, I do agree that I've seen this in the other Yuri and I think I might be out.

I mean the boyfriend Shion was with, Nozomi had a crush on him, but he chose Shion, only later to just cheat with another unrelated gal.

What boyfriend Shion was with ? Shion never mentionned any boyfriend. Unless you talking about the raws chapters , which mean you just spoil what happen.

No idea bout any raws, even if, at best I could only look at images, I don't speak Japanese.

Also yes, I realize I misread names, sorry, I must have been still sleepy. Will edit right away.

last edited at May 2, 2020 4:58PM

Miyako akagi
joined Apr 23, 2020

I really like where this story going. Bless you friend

joined Mar 16, 2018

That's some weird selective memory there

joined Mar 8, 2019

I’m beginning to think “No” on this manga does not mean “No I don’t want.” It’s more like “No I’m too shy to ask you to keep going.”...

So Shion’s always been in love with Nozomi. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nozomi was wallowing and talking about how no one was ever gonna love her and that’s what prompted Shion’s confession.

joined Jun 20, 2017

What the hell was that flashback. When Nozomi was going on with that "you told me we were friends" crap, I genuinely thought we were seeing Shion having a nightmare or something. She said that manipulative homophobic stuff with a really creepy expression.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Why you should never fuck someone that is completely drunk. Ever.
Kinda goes without saying.

joined Jun 12, 2019


joined Aug 13, 2019

Anyone know where the Raws are?

joined Jun 18, 2018

But what if Shion was drunk af too. And she doesn't remember what's happened, and that's why she acts so casual :D

joined Feb 23, 2016

Bruh this woman is beyond useless

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