Been a while since last time I did this so I hope I can express my feelings properly. And well, there's like 3 ppl on here that care about yugioh.
I watched YGO Sevens, it is a very weird show. It definitely doesn't feel like the other seasons, ok maybe early Zexal minus the annoying friends. *5 episodes in, its on hiatus rn thanks to covid.
New mechanics first! Rush duels...I kinda like them, definitely more unique than speed duels or random gimmicks. But I can't just ignore Konamis blatant attempt to make more ¥¥¥¥ by releasing new shiny cards you can't play with the old ones...I guess it's better than destroying a bunch of decks like when links and pendulums came out.
Story is...not there yet. Theres not even the usual hook! Just some shady people and just some usual king of games thing, barely anything. It really feels like kids show. Children's card game is canon now.
The characters are significantly younger than the usual cast. They are adorable! Which is very different. YMMV
The animations are...decent? Definitely not as detailed and beautiful as the usual. And I can't talk about the animations without at least mentioning Konami ditching the studio that has animated this thing for so many years.
Soundtrack....uh I didn't even pay attention to it. I guess it's serviceable.
TL;DR It's ok, it's a sorta reboot. There's potential.
Yuri? Nah. Then again Arc-v did randomly hit us with yuri scenes lol
last edited at May 7, 2020 7:29AM