Forum › Camouflage discussion

joined Sep 1, 2017

I would agree except: p11. The problem is when Shino-chan is caught in his (The director's) radar what to do what to do, and p24. Besides everybody in the department already knows. The director even...
The second one is the most telling. I mean The director even what? Heard the rumor? That doesn't make sence. After all he would know the truth one way or the other. I think it was the director even admitted it. Meaning the rumor is true.

Look, your explanation makes even less sense. Please think about this a little more.
Let's say for argument's sake that she slept with him. What would the line "Even the director knows" even mean then? The director already knows he slept with her? That's way more stupid than the director already knows about the rumor. You do understand that Misa was saying here that Maya already lost, because the rumor reached everywhere? The director now has to deal with that rumor and will be upset at Maya, that's what she is getting at here.

There is no real evidence at all for Maya having slept with the director. The entire time she has been quite adept at deflecting every approach.

The rumor about the affair started before Maya's monolog on p11. So I guess you're right. However your logic is flawed. The quote from p24 is "The director even..." then Maya cut Misa off. MY WHOLE POINT WAS THAT "The director even knows about the rumor" DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.
And your point about the director would be angry with Maya about the false rumor doesn't make sense either. Why would he be mad at Maya for a malicious rumor that someone obviously started to slander them both. So the only thing I could think of that made sence was "The director even admitted to the affair". Honestly even after a few rereads it still one of the few things I could think of that fits. I guess It also could have been "the director even had to resign".
Look I don't mind if you disagree with me, but at least thoroughly read my argument before attacking it.

Edit: I forgot1 to say hello BugDevil I've missed our little sparring matches. (Smirking evilly while stroking my cat... wait are you the supervillian or am i? Sigh alright alright let's start again from where I left off. Places people places. And action) I'm looking forward to matching wits once again this greatest PC warrior I've ever crossed paths with. Til we eat again.

last edited at Apr 6, 2020 5:11PM

joined Dec 23, 2017

God... I don't know if it's just my inexistent sense of self-preservation but she's hot

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think "the director even" is intentionally ambiguous--it could be any number of things, including "made remarks suggesting the he found Maya attractive" or "goes out of his way to help Maya" or "put his arm on Maya's chair" (if Glasses-kun is actually the sales director) or whatever.

A couple of things are fairly clear:
* The rumor about Maya and the director is widespread
* Misa may or may not have anything to do with starting it, although she may have helped to spread it
* Maya keeps everyone at arm's length, and she especially despises men and their attempts to get close to women

My question is: who sent the picture of Misa kissing Shino at the drinking party to Maya, and why?
Someone other than Misa obviously took the shot, but until Maya confronts Misa, nobody knows of Maya's interest in Shino.

Furthermore, why would Misa be so insistent that Shino go drinking in the first place? She might just be one of those "everybody has to go--it'll be fun!" people, who just can't stand someone opting out of group socializing. But her (implicitly drunken) kissing suggests a specific interest in Shino (not necessarily sexual, but maybe some kind of "everybody has to like me-I'm a cuddle bunny!" trip).

Further points:
* Shino has a cute butt (page 11).
* The teasing scene in the coffee room suggests that Maya and Shino would be hot in the sack.

joined Mar 20, 2017

yeah, that part on page 11 was kinda confusing

I'm telling you Maya slept with the director to keep him away from Shino-san

I have to disagree
1/ Shino's into woman + pure mind + already have good position in the company. She has no reason to be in affair with the director even if he make a move. And Maya surely know about that
2/ Even if the director force his way in, Maya can just threaten him like what she did with Misa

So sleep with him to keep him away from Shino is just doesn't make sense.

P/S: In page 18, she's still calling it a "rumor" so i'm pretty sure she wasn't

last edited at Apr 6, 2020 1:23PM

joined Mar 20, 2017

My question is: who sent the picture of Misa kissing Shino at the drinking party to Maya, and why?
Someone other than Misa obviously took the shot, but until Maya confronts Misa, nobody knows of Maya's interest in Shino.

Furthermore, why would Misa be so insistent that Shino go drinking in the first place? She might just be one of those "everybody has to go--it'll be fun!" people, who just can't stand someone opting out of group socializing. But her (implicitly drunken) kissing suggests a specific interest in Shino (not necessarily sexual, but maybe some kind of "everybody has to like me-I'm a cuddle bunny!" trip).

Further points:
* Shino has a cute butt (page 11).
* The teasing scene in the coffee room suggests that Maya and Shino would be hot in the sack.

Page 21, the guy/girl on the upper right of the phone screen.
Probably a selfie with the scene, like "Ey, this party is wild, yo. Wish you were here" kind of photos.
About Misa, well, she tried one of the most classic strategy of bullying, "make everyone my allies so I can isolate the person i hate (Maya)"

last edited at Apr 6, 2020 1:30PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

My question is: who sent the picture of Misa kissing Shino at the drinking party to Maya, and why?
Someone other than Misa obviously took the shot, but until Maya confronts Misa, nobody knows of Maya's interest in Shino.

Furthermore, why would Misa be so insistent that Shino go drinking in the first place? She might just be one of those "everybody has to go--it'll be fun!" people, who just can't stand someone opting out of group socializing. But her (implicitly drunken) kissing suggests a specific interest in Shino (not necessarily sexual, but maybe some kind of "everybody has to like me-I'm a cuddle bunny!" trip).

Page 21, the guy/girl on the upper right of the phone screen.
Probably a selfie with the scene, like "Ey, this party is wild, yo. Wish you were here" kind of photos.
About Misa, well, she tried one of the most classic strategy of bullying, "make everyone my allies so I can isolate the person i hate (Maya)"

The selfie taker is obviously a woman--in this story women have eyelashes, men don't. The hairline, too.

And I guess you're right--Maya is "popular" enough (since no one knows what she's really like until the reveal to Misa) that someone might conceivably randomly send a party picture.

The picture of the Misa-Shino kiss is an awfully convenient plot device, though, given the circumstances of what we know but nobody else in the story does.

joined Dec 27, 2019

How to identify a possible yandere:

  1. They think they are better than everyone
  2. They may or may not have the hability to manipulate others as their second nature
  3. They will have a single target to be obsessed at time
  4. Their mantra is "All is fair in love and war"
  5. High probability for them to have threaten the shit out of a person that is toying with what is "their"
joined Sep 1, 2017

yeah, that part on page 11 was kinda confusing

I'm telling you Maya slept with the director to keep him away from Shino-san

I have to disagree
1/ Shino's into woman + pure mind + already have good position in the company. She has no reason to be in affair with the director even if he make a move. And Maya surely know about that
2/ Even if the director force his way in, Maya can just threaten him like what she did with Misa

So sleep with him to keep him away from Shino is just doesn't make sense.

P/S: In page 18, she's still calling it a "rumor" so i'm pretty sure she wasn't

Well first off you are right it was just a rumor my whole argument fell apart when I realised that the rumor started before p11. Second off Shino might be gay but she seems like a pushover, so Maya might be worried that she will cave under a "high pressure sales pitch" if you get my drift plus threatening a fellow office lady isn't in the same league as threatening the boss. And third I chalked Maya referring to it as a rumor because the rumor was what was giving her problems and not the act itself.

Like I said. This is all just academic. I was wrong after all. I just wanted you to know I thought about this stuff before I wrote my post. Kind of dumb when you think about I did all of that figuring just missed the simple timing of events.

joined Sep 1, 2017

My question is: who sent the picture of Misa kissing Shino at the drinking party to Maya, and why?
Someone other than Misa obviously took the shot, but until Maya confronts Misa, nobody knows of Maya's interest in Shino.

Furthermore, why would Misa be so insistent that Shino go drinking in the first place? She might just be one of those "everybody has to go--it'll be fun!" people, who just can't stand someone opting out of group socializing. But her (implicitly drunken) kissing suggests a specific interest in Shino (not necessarily sexual, but maybe some kind of "everybody has to like me-I'm a cuddle bunny!" trip).

Page 21, the guy/girl on the upper right of the phone screen.
Probably a selfie with the scene, like "Ey, this party is wild, yo. Wish you were here" kind of photos.
About Misa, well, she tried one of the most classic strategy of bullying, "make everyone my allies so I can isolate the person i hate (Maya)"

The selfie taker is obviously a woman--in this story women have eyelashes, men don't. The hairline, too.

And I guess you're right--Maya is "popular" enough (since no one knows what she's really like until the reveal to Misa) that someone might conceivably randomly send a party picture.

The picture of the Misa-Shino kiss is an awfully convenient plot device, though, given the circumstances of what we know but nobody else in the story does.

Somebody could have just been posting pics of the office party on social media. That's how I took it anyway.

joined Mar 16, 2018

My question is: who sent the picture of Misa kissing Shino at the drinking party to Maya, and why?
Someone other than Misa obviously took the shot, but until Maya confronts Misa, nobody knows of Maya's interest in Shino.

Furthermore, why would Misa be so insistent that Shino go drinking in the first place? She might just be one of those "everybody has to go--it'll be fun!" people, who just can't stand someone opting out of group socializing. But her (implicitly drunken) kissing suggests a specific interest in Shino (not necessarily sexual, but maybe some kind of "everybody has to like me-I'm a cuddle bunny!" trip).

Page 21, the guy/girl on the upper right of the phone screen.
Probably a selfie with the scene, like "Ey, this party is wild, yo. Wish you were here" kind of photos.
About Misa, well, she tried one of the most classic strategy of bullying, "make everyone my allies so I can isolate the person i hate (Maya)"

The selfie taker is obviously a woman--in this story women have eyelashes, men don't. The hairline, too.

And I guess you're right--Maya is "popular" enough (since no one knows what she's really like until the reveal to Misa) that someone might conceivably randomly send a party picture.

The picture of the Misa-Shino kiss is an awfully convenient plot device, though, given the circumstances of what we know but nobody else in the story does.

I figured that picture was simply posted on a company chat or something like twitter or instagram rather than something sent to Maya directly
It'd make sense that Maya is stalking it like crazy after seeing them chatting it up in the break room

joined Jul 29, 2017

My question is: who sent the picture of Misa kissing Shino at the drinking party to Maya, and why?
Someone other than Misa obviously took the shot, but until Maya confronts Misa, nobody knows of Maya's interest in Shino.

Furthermore, why would Misa be so insistent that Shino go drinking in the first place? She might just be one of those "everybody has to go--it'll be fun!" people, who just can't stand someone opting out of group socializing. But her (implicitly drunken) kissing suggests a specific interest in Shino (not necessarily sexual, but maybe some kind of "everybody has to like me-I'm a cuddle bunny!" trip).

Page 21, the guy/girl on the upper right of the phone screen.
Probably a selfie with the scene, like "Ey, this party is wild, yo. Wish you were here" kind of photos.
About Misa, well, she tried one of the most classic strategy of bullying, "make everyone my allies so I can isolate the person i hate (Maya)"

The selfie taker is obviously a woman--in this story women have eyelashes, men don't. The hairline, too.

And I guess you're right--Maya is "popular" enough (since no one knows what she's really like until the reveal to Misa) that someone might conceivably randomly send a party picture.

The picture of the Misa-Shino kiss is an awfully convenient plot device, though, given the circumstances of what we know but nobody else in the story does.

I figured that picture was simply posted on a company chat or something like twitter or instagram rather than something sent to Maya directly
It'd make sense that Maya is stalking it like crazy after seeing them chatting it up in the break room

You’re right. That might have been clearer with some signal that the pic was posted on social media rather than something sent directly to Maya (or maybe there’s signal I didn’t pick up).

joined Nov 11, 2015

This is one of the best types of characters, try me.

last edited at Apr 6, 2020 7:10PM

joined Apr 6, 2020

love it!

joined Dec 27, 2014

Daammmn lmao that turned yandere haha,nice one shot, wouldn't mind a follow-up

joined Apr 29, 2018

i'm really confused.... so many questions unansewered (but i think it's up to us to decide i guess). the bigest question i have: is Maya really right with all her assumptions? or is she just assuming wrong? by the end we only have her view of the story were she is certain that shino is lesbian but no narrative element to proove her right OR wrong. making it even more confusing. i took this one as an exemple but there are other things that SHE assumed to be true but WE have no confirmation at all. was she right all along was she wrong and just arogant?

last edited at Apr 8, 2020 11:46PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

i'm really confused.... so many questions unansewered (but i think it's up to us to decide i guess). the bigest question i have: is Maya really right with all her assumptions? or is she just assuming wrong? by the end we only have her view of the story were she is certain that shino is lesbian but no narrative element to proove her right OR wrong. making it even more confusing. i took this one as an exemple but there are other things that SHE assumed to be true but WE have no confirmation at all. was she right all along was she wrong and just arogant?

Once again (assuming this is a one-shot) I think the answer is: "intentionally ambiguous."

To me this story is a nice little exercise in narrative point-of-view, which in prose is carried by the words alone but which in comics is a combination of words and visuals. As you suggest, much of the information that would appear at first glance to be attributed to the characters is actually Maya hypothesizing what the others are thinking.

It would certainly be possible to do a sequel switching the POVs and showing that Maya's inferences are all wildly off base.

joined Mar 8, 2016

I was also among those confused about the "who did what and where to whom" here. It's not entirely clear, either due to the translation or the original I don't know. P.11 is indeed where it gets funky.

The first panel only uses pronouns, so my best guess is that it's a carryover from the previous page and "she" refers to Misa, and she is speculating that Misa is the one sleeping with the director. I think she's implying that people know the director is having an affair with someone in the office, and somehow the speculation is that it's Maya. (I'm not sure she's directly accusing Misa of spreading the rumor or why Misa would attract the attention of spreading a rumor about something she herself was doing).

It's also a little abrupt because the middle panel is the first time we hear any indication that the director was (also?) interested in Shino-san, who he obviously wasn't having the affair with. It seems out of place.

P.12 adds a new layer of confusion - why is Shino thanking Maya for helping her out and allowing her to leave early? The first part was all about Maya (possibly intentionally) flubbing up to manipulate peoples' attention, and ultimately Shino saying she would help Maya.

P.16 it's clearly said that the rumor is about Shino and the director, whereas P.9 it's clearly said that the rumor is about Maya and the director. I have a feeling 9 is mistranslated - it just doesn't make sense for someone to sort of bashfully confront a woman about a rumor of her sleeping with the boss. It makes more sense if he's talking to her about Shino. Back on p.16, I'm not sure on the context of the "Regarding my feelings about Maya" bubble - confusing again.

P.24 makes it seem like Misa is also not the one involved in the affair or the rumor, in which case it's seemingly just an unfounded rumor? But in that case it's unclear who started it and why, or why the director would know about a rumor that is damaging the company (per p. 18) and not do anything about it.

Aaaanyway, it all fits together better if, again, p. 9 is mistranslated. But either way I do enjoy Sal Jiang's stuff a lot and hope to see a lot more from her!

last edited at Apr 12, 2020 1:01AM

joined Jun 20, 2014


DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Why is it always the cute ones

Shino-san is just so attractive.

last edited at Jul 5, 2020 1:01PM by

This artist is really good at making toxic woman.
I love it.

Just what I was thinking

joined Nov 12, 2020

sheesh, that woman's eyes were bad from the get go

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019

Honestly loved this story. Absolutely amazing. Gave me chills.

joined Jul 23, 2020

i love it when yandere-

joined Jun 12, 2021

At least it wasn't a "they were dating" development, leaving the fake airhead alone.

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