Do you think she screams her name or she just says "Mom! Aaahhhh!!!" when they're having sex?
Serenata, I love how, in the middle of all these pointless discussions about things like Asuka's exact age, you steer our attention back to the stuff that matters. Well done! 
Lo/ I've been thinking about it since yesterday, like you know how in Japan you become more intimate by using first names, there's also the jump from mother and daughter to lovers or if they want to keep both statuses and ultimately what Ayako prefers to be called.
I think she should use her first name during intimacy only as something very special because if they screw up, get used to it and call her like that outside people will give them weird stares.
Also this mangaka recently made another short doujin with mom x daughter and the girl keep trying to change their relation by calling her mom's name instead.
last edited at Apr 2, 2020 11:57AM