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joined Apr 19, 2018

The "very best friend" got me real good

No amount of intentional comedy can even come close to this masterpiece
10/10 comdey done by God's grace

joined Aug 21, 2019

Is "very best friend" the new "gal pals"?

joined Nov 15, 2019

my main gal just shooting down every and all ships in one fell swoop, just a god damn carpet bombing, efficient as fuck, there were no survivors

joined Nov 5, 2018

Reee!! This ch was drawn with so much intense, and that made everything so much better! I’m both glad that they sorted it out, but at the same time very sad... i wish she could have gotten a smooch at least from what we saw from the cover so that Izumi could at least be a little happy and closure .°(ಗдಗ。)°.

"please give me smooch to be happy and have closure" lol like wtf

joined Jul 26, 2016

my main gal just shooting down every and all ships in one fell swoop, just a god damn carpet bombing, efficient as fuck, there were no survivors

I was at Kure, in '45...

joined May 20, 2019

"Why are they shouting so much? This is so dumb and over the top!"

Yeah! How dare these teenage girls with raging hormones get overly emotional when they're put in emotionally difficult situations!


joined Aug 4, 2016

This chapter probably could have been really good if it didn't go so overboard. I don't want to say it "took itself too seriously," because it's a serious moment, but yikes...that was kinda hard to read, and not in a good way.

And now that Nanaki has gone and said she just wants to be Kurokawa's bff we're stuck between a rock and a hard place where if she does end up loving her it will be even more shitty to Izumi and if she doesn't, well, she doesn't.

joined Dec 5, 2019

Izumi knows it's bullshit, the whole reason she confessed it's because she knows Nanaki fell for Kurokawa, and that bff line confirmed it for Izumi once again I think

joined Mar 20, 2020

This chapter is overdramatic? At least for me. There's a lot of shouting going on, and it sucks that Nanaki just wants to be Kanade's number 1 gal pal. Disappointing.

And also, I honestly kind of like how Kanade looked before the makeover. It's dorky and charming before, now she just looks generic.

joined Nov 15, 2019

This chapter is overdramatic? At least for me. There's a lot of shouting going on, and it sucks that Nanaki just wants to be Kanade's number 1 gal pal. Disappointing.

youre right, teens are known to be peak mature and rational and not drown in a glass of water, v unrealistic

joined Jul 26, 2016

and it sucks that Nanaki just wants to be Kanade's number 1 gal pal. Disappointing.

why do people keep taking this blatantly unconvincing claim at a face value seriously

joined Apr 6, 2013

Chapters like this make want to race to the forums and see the Yuri Rage.

With this, Scums Wish, and Nanashi No Asterism, we are getting alot of these Just Friends confessions it seems.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ grumpy sigh

Interpret this comment as you will

last edited at Mar 20, 2020 6:02PM

joined May 1, 2013

Anyone got insight on the translation of that "very best friend" thing? It strikes me as the kind of thing that originally meant something abstract and hard to rephrase in English.

But mostly all I care about is the good friendship going on here and the nice work on Nanaki's character. You can see her accidentally get Izumi's hopes up and then almost immediately act to clarify.

(Also remember, Izumi trying to disguise her own crush is the SOURCE of the whole "my feelings are just friendship!" idea)

joined May 20, 2019

This chapter is overdramatic? At least for me. There's a lot of shouting going on, and it sucks that Nanaki just wants to be Kanade's number 1 gal pal. Disappointing.

youre right, teens are known to be peak mature and rational and not drown in a glass of water, v unrealistic

Finally, I've found another sensible person in these comments.
My brother is still in high school and him and all his friends are completely mature and never get emotional, loud or dramatic when faced with conflict ¯_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jan 20, 2019

yes frick THIS MADE ME CRY

joined Mar 30, 2016

This chapter is overdramatic? At least for me. There's a lot of shouting going on, and it sucks that Nanaki just wants to be Kanade's number 1 gal pal. Disappointing.

youre right, teens are known to be peak mature and rational and not drown in a glass of water, v unrealistic

Finally, I've found another sensible person in these comments.
My brother is still in high school and him and all his friends are completely mature and never get emotional, loud or dramatic when faced with conflict ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I think comparing teenage girls and boys is not the right comparison to make because we are not the same lol. I’m a teenage girl and reading this felt so strange because it just didn’t seem like two real people interacting with each other. It seemed to be drawn deliberately to make things over the top. Now this is just my opinion of course but just my two cents.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Just friendship? With both of them? Then I guess it's time for the JJKS Izumi/Kurokawa to throw off the bowlines and sail into the rainbow horizon!

People saying this is "overdramatic" and not "authentic teenage experience", when I personally saw a lot of this scream crying arguing in my high school. Just because you personally didn't experience it doesn't mean there aren't any teenagers that act like this, and unfortunately for me I met A LOT in my time as a teen. (Also you guys do realize you are reading fiction right? Of course it's gonna be over the top...have some fun.)

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Time posted:

I think comparing teenage girls and boys is not the right comparison to make because we are not the same lol. I’m a teenage girl and reading this felt so strange because it just didn’t seem like two real people interacting with each other. It seemed to be drawn deliberately to make things over the top. Now this is just my opinion of course but just my two cents.

There's a rather wide variety in how emotional teenage girls can get. My sister, for example, was so emotional when she was in the 12-15 year old range that you could make her burst into tears just by looking at her shortly after she got up. This chapter might be a bit overly emotional but it's far from unrealistic.

joined Sep 19, 2018

How is anyone taking her bff confession at face value?? Lmao it was so obviously another fit of useless closet denial, and Izumi looked about ready to call her out on it too. In the first place, Kurokawa hasn’t had any time to develop feelings for Fujishiro anyway (it hasn’t seemed like that to me anyway) so it’d be best for her to take a moment longer to sort things out and allow Kurokawa to find a deeper interest in her.

joined Mar 30, 2016

Time posted:

I think comparing teenage girls and boys is not the right comparison to make because we are not the same lol. I’m a teenage girl and reading this felt so strange because it just didn’t seem like two real people interacting with each other. It seemed to be drawn deliberately to make things over the top. Now this is just my opinion of course but just my two cents.

There's a rather wide variety in how emotional teenage girls can get. My sister, for example, was so emotional when she was in the 12-15 year old range that you could make her burst into tears just by looking at her shortly after she got up. This chapter might be a bit overly emotional but it's far from unrealistic.

I would say about of 99% teens do not cry if you just look at them I say this by personal experience and going to school with them everyday. When I say unrealistic I just think the characters are speaking like they’re not even real people.

last edited at Mar 21, 2020 3:01AM

joined Mar 30, 2016

People saying this is "overdramatic" and not "authentic teenage experience", when I personally saw a lot of this scream crying arguing in my high school. Just because you personally didn't experience it doesn't mean there aren't any teenagers that act like this, and unfortunately for me I met A LOT in my time as a teen. (Also you guys do realize you are reading fiction right? Of course it's gonna be over the top...have some fun.)

Some things can be over the top in a good and interesting way! This however wasn’t in my opinion. What’s supposed to be a serious and emotional moment gets overthrown because the author thinks screaming the entire time carries emotional weight. I don’t disagree that teens get emotional it’s just with this narrative it seemed off putting and the screaming was just to overdramatize the scene.

joined Oct 26, 2016

Oh heck yeah friendzone all the girls

joined Aug 6, 2014

I'm not giving up, maybe by 2022 we'll get a confession by fujishiro.

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