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joined Apr 19, 2013

Could you also please explain why Mikage feels glad after she gave her first kiss to Takayanagi? How about her feeling to her older sister? It is remain unchanged or Mikage will open up to Takayanagi? #confused

I think she was glad because she gave it for the right person (who loved her), their relationship maybe would remain like this cuz Mikage from the begining didnt have the same feeling for Takayanagi.
Mikage did have a strong feeling for her sister but was it really "that love" i dont know. Cuz that kid was somehow growing fast (because of her family's tragedy), but she's still a kid that fooling around to understand herself like we can see in this chapter.
Hope this manga wouldnt have a nasty ending...

last edited at Sep 23, 2014 1:59PM

joined Apr 10, 2013

Woah woah woah! Stop for a fucking moment!

What just happened?

Damn... I need to reread this thing again... God fucking damnit, that curly girl!

joined Oct 15, 2013

Lesbians all over the place, all falling for MCs, all characters seem to be damaged in some sort of way. This manga pulling drama out of it's own ass and spreading it all over itself, shit is actually hilarious. It's fucking ridiculous and laughable xD

joined May 17, 2014

That looked kinda... perv...

And wait.. what the heck's wrong with this chapter?

His eyes were drawn flat without any color or depth. I think it was meant to be more of his emptiness as a person/father after the loss of his wife rather pervert. Like he's dead inside.

And same, I don't get why the girl ripped up the papers, tht was a shitty thing to do...

joined Aug 1, 2013

Well that's pretty fucked up.

joined Apr 1, 2014

I think this is actually dumber than the cat manga

joined Apr 20, 2013

Forget about the shitty dad... What THE fucking fuck just happened D:

joined Apr 14, 2014

Wtf ?! y-yandere...? she just ripped her future there, so she cant live without her ?!
Is that the meaning of the last pages? WHAAAAAAAAAAAT !!! ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\

last edited at Sep 24, 2014 7:40PM

joined Feb 1, 2013

My reaction to the last few pages on finally happening:

Okay, I really like the pairing but Wtf at the same time XD

last edited at Sep 24, 2014 7:33PM

joined Apr 16, 2013


joined Jan 8, 2014

Damn at this point I just want Tomoe to somehow get into some university and away from all these lunatics

u fuckin said it...smh one serio messed up manga :P
poor Tomoe

joined Jun 6, 2014

I beg of you all...don't bash the manga itself. Just because it's not all cutes n' roses doesn't mean it's bad. Yeah, the characters have had some fucked up shit happen to them. But look from a third eye perspective...

The dad may have not been good persay...but I think we finally see that he wasn't a bad guy either. He was simply empty. Completely, utterly, empty. Devoid of all care since his beloved wife died, and couldn't find it in himself to see his wife in his children and to live on her spirit with and through them. But the only way he was a bad father was that he was a detached figure to his childrens' lives.

And Kujou made a mistake in how to approach Tomoe with her feelings. She probably panicked when she inferred that Mikage was making a move, and decided to go all-in. She just misfired. Badly.

I am actually looking forward to how this plot wraps itself up, as you all should too. You'd be amazed how a well-executed ending can make all the nonsense before it make sense.

joined Apr 23, 2014

I am actually looking forward to how this plot wraps itself up, as you all should too. You'd be amazed how a well-executed ending can make all the nonsense before it make sense.

I agree to an extent. Too much nonsense, however, can eventually cause a massive increase of plot holes, and worse, it can cause even a nicely formed ending to lose credibility and value or become cursed as a "excuse", "half-assed", and usually "lost in the confusion".

This confession is coming right after a series of different events, some lacking understanding or connection, that came and went by at light speed, but usually gave us a clear view of each characters reaction and their actions. The point is that the final panels of chapter 9 feels a bit rushed, more so then any of the other situations, which indicates that this is probably the 'rising action' and that we are nearing the final chapter.

I do pray that I'm wrong, because last minute confessions and straight-from-the-ass 'I realized me wanting to have sex with you/kiss you/etc was just a sign of sisterly love and nothing more, teehee!' plot excuses fit misfits such as "Lemonade" and "Happy End" more so then Sakane No Miru Yume.

If I'm right (I really don't want to be), then this manga succeeded only in making its plot holes into its very own grave.

last edited at Sep 25, 2014 12:30AM

joined Sep 25, 2014

That looked kinda... perv...

His eyes were drawn flat without any color or depth. I think it was meant to be more of his emptiness as a person/father after the loss of his wife rather pervert. Like he's dead inside.

A keen observation and very true but why draw another panel focusing on her inner thigh?
The empty look in his eyes plus the thigh shot looks prettyyy creepy to me lol.

The dad seemed almost human in this chapter, unlike others where he is drawn as a faceless menacing figure. The fatherly persona he had appeared to be quite insincere and forced. He probably tries hard to act the part of a father in order to absolve the 'actions' he had or will have with Mikage (I don't think he is genuinely interested or even care about her inner conflict). Really a predatory sonofabitch.

last edited at Sep 25, 2014 12:40AM
joined Sep 24, 2013

Kujou.. maybe you can't understand this, but confessing to someone after being mean to them would never works. After what you did, it wont be strange for Tomoe to hates you for the rest of her life.

joined Sep 8, 2014

wow, what an asshole -_- ...poor Tomoe

joined Mar 12, 2014

whaaaat whaaat whaaaat wtffff noooo

joined Oct 15, 2013

I beg of you all...don't bash the manga itself. Just because it's not all cutes n' roses doesn't mean it's bad. Yeah, the characters have had some fucked up shit happen to them.

Reason of why I bash the manga is because the drama is all over the place, story and pacing feels really disjointed due to this, said it before: Like a bunch of one-shots sloppily stapled together. Drama also played off way too high up it's own ass to such extent that it makes it ridiculous and hilarious to me. (A neatly tied ending will not make me ignore a terrible execution, it will not fix all these issues for me)

I tried to get into it, after a few /facedesk's I was not able to do so. Guess this is where I drop this.

joined Jul 26, 2013

I thought that girl was going to stab Tomoe LOL

joined Jan 31, 2013

Dropping this shit, its all messy and way to exaggerated.

joined May 28, 2012

What a lovely family.
Totally my cup of tea.
joined Sep 24, 2013

I thought that girl was going to stab Tomoe LOL

Well, she really did stab Tomoe. She just prefer to not use knife this time =(

joined Jul 16, 2013

Kujou.. maybe you can't understand this, but confessing to someone after being mean to them would never works. After what you did, it wont be strange for Tomoe to hates you for the rest of her life.

Or punch your in the face. I kinda really want to see that...

joined Oct 16, 2013

Da Fuuuuuh??? O_o

joined Mar 30, 2013

The tone towards the end reminded me a lot of School Days...

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