Forum › Can't Defy the Lonely Girl discussion

joined Feb 23, 2016

Lonely indeed

joined Feb 14, 2018

now this scene right here reminded me specifically of the visual novel lonely yuri

joined Oct 4, 2018

Is it just me or does that black haired girl look suspiciously like Takarada Rikka?

joined Aug 16, 2017

okay this is cute
joined Jan 11, 2020

What!? it's 3 chap and we have cuddling I wonder what the next request MIGHT BE?

joined Nov 26, 2019

I'm actually expecting pretty soon (maybe 2-4 more chapters) for the "lonely girl" to not make a request for a little bit, and for the other one to initially be relieved, then to start worrying that she's not interested, and by that route realize her feelings. Or for the requests to stop being romantic (ish) in nature, and start being things that are just useful, and for her to start worrying the lonely girl isn't actually interested in her through that route. Depends on how long Kashikaze wants to keep things going in the current status quo though, seems like developments have been fast enough already that I'd expect them to keep being so, but they could also stay at this point or level of intimacy for fairly long pretty easily I bet.

joined Mar 22, 2018

The teacher needs an entrance theme, just to round out her character.

joined Dec 27, 2014

What!? it's 3 chap and we have cuddling I wonder what the next request MIGHT BE?

You forgot about the explicit handholding

joined Oct 22, 2018

What!? it's 3 chap and we have cuddling I wonder what the next request MIGHT BE?

You forgot about the explicit handholding

Nah, it's too early to make that request. That being said, they did hold hands already, it's just that it wasn't part of a request, but rather to help the MC to keep as calm as possible due to her fear of lightning and the dark.

joined Nov 5, 2018

Is it just me or does that black haired girl look suspiciously like Takarada Rikka?

I'd even say the short hair girl also looks like Akane

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ I can see some physical resemblances, so yeah...

joined Nov 18, 2018

this manga a whole damn buffet of cuteness

joined Nov 26, 2019

God I love this manga. I'd like 60 more chapters today pls&thankyou

joined Apr 1, 2015

For some reason we are seeing alot of hedgehogs lately

joined Apr 20, 2013

Really love that Squeeze moment.

Also, I'm so happy that none of her friends seems to be jealous or secretly in love with the protagonist right off the bat, because holy f****** s************** I'm so tired of that xD I mean, it could still happen, but I'm glad is not happening RIGHT NOW

joined Sep 19, 2017

This is getting interesting... cute, everything. I want more.

last edited at Jan 23, 2020 9:35PM

joined Apr 1, 2015

Really love that Squeeze moment.

That was really cute, but am mostly confused by the drip scene myself. Meanwhile: Floof

joined Jun 12, 2019

They are sooooo cute

The adorableness just keeps on increasing. Honestly this manga really is another one of those mangas, that's like cocaine to me, I can't get enough, IT'S SO DAMN CUTE.

joined Nov 26, 2019

Really love that Squeeze moment.

That was really cute, but am mostly confused by the drip scene myself. Meanwhile: Floof

Seems to be the sweat from the previous page?

joined Feb 9, 2019

super fluffy chapter.

edit: just wanted to say that the effort going into this scanlation is really impressive. translating sfx adds a ton of work redrawing and typesetting. looks like some of the handwritten stuff has been replaced manually, instead of using a font. it looks excellent. thanks piranhaplant! inspiring.

last edited at Jan 23, 2020 11:12PM

joined May 27, 2019

It's nice that the friends are so eager to add someone into the fold!
joined Jan 11, 2020

Really cute indeed. Hope to see more of honda-san perspective

joined Nov 5, 2017

bro ferris wheel time

joined Apr 17, 2017

It's nice that it's not just the teacher who is quirky, but other members of the supporting cast. The panel of the MC's friend coming out with, "Wait a minute...are you trying to...keep her for yourself?" is hilarious to me. Hopefully there will be more of these giddy interactions at the amusement park.

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