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joined Aug 4, 2018

First half of the ch 15 was out yesterday. I think this time we are going to be done with it pretty fast.

Thanks for your hard work!

joined Sep 9, 2017

First half of the ch 15 was out yesterday. I think this time we are going to be done with it pretty fast.

Thanks for your hard work!

You are welcome. Also I feel like this is a perfect time to mention that Goggled Anon is translator for this manga and current typesetter is /yuri/ onee-san from Yuri Scanlations. Me? I'm just doing some minor editing and providing raws.

joined Jun 25, 2017

First half of the ch 15 was out yesterday. I think this time we are going to be done with it pretty fast.

Thanks for your hard work!

You are welcome. Also I feel like this is a perfect time to mention that Goggled Anon is translator for this manga and current typesetter is /yuri/ onee-san from Yuri Scanlations. Me? I'm just doing some minor editing and providing raws.

Both of you, thank you a ton.

joined Jun 25, 2019

But let me tell you this: I don't like where things are going in this chapter.

Is it sexy time ?

In all honesty I don't know how to answer this, spoiler notwithstanding. It's kinda heading that way.Or maybe it's not.

Marty I am scared

And should be, read the chapter on MD and Holy cow, did Taiyaki really implying child rape (or sexual abuse) for the Mom here ? That's really heavy stuff and that take in consideration we are in an incest manga.

joined Jun 5, 2016

And should be, read the chapter on MD and Holy cow, did Taiyaki really implying child rape (or sexual abuse) for the Mom here ? That's really heavy stuff and that take in consideration we are in an incest manga.

Same, just read it elsewhere. It didn't just imply, it was pretty clearly outright showing she had been abused or assaulted.

The way she spoke about loneliness and then fear, and the imagery that corresponded with those words--a "?" as she looks up from her book on the bench, an image of first a shadow looming over, then a hand caressing her face, and then finally a partial shot of her dress hitting the ground--either she got abused by a stranger or she was systematically abused by someone close to her. The deeper implication is that going through that caused her to shut off/out her feelings and emotions, resulting in the "cool" attitude toward others that she's infamous for; and that she was triggered by seeing Asuka knew how to kiss, causing either a fear Asuka was being abused OR simply bringing back old yet horrible memories and baggage that she just doesn't know how to cope with. Either way, shit just got real heavy.

Watching the train wreck just went from morbid curiosity to dread for me in the 2 minutes it took for me to read and take in this last chapter . Goddamn.

joined Dec 26, 2014

And should be, read the chapter on MD

Is the translation out somewhere?

joined Jun 25, 2019

And should be, read the chapter on MD

Is the translation out somewhere?

MD stand for Mangadex and the chapter is on it. It should be upload soon here.

joined Dec 26, 2014

And should be, read the chapter on MD

Is the translation out somewhere?

MD stand for Mangadex and the chapter is on it. It should be upload soon here.

Thank you

joined Apr 20, 2013

This is an acute kind of pain that feels demoralizing ... I just want to leave the server

joined Jun 25, 2019

Shit got more heavy then it's already was.

last edited at Dec 15, 2019 7:46PM

joined Dec 26, 2014

Need next chapter asap

joined Mar 16, 2018

Well, uh, fuck.
That was a really heavy chapter all of the sudden

joined Dec 18, 2013

Considering how things ended up with the senpai, I suggest to wait and see where the story goes before start having panic attacks or ripping your clothes.

That said, Ayako taking the gloves off was unexpected and hot.

joined Jan 17, 2017


joined Mar 29, 2019

Wait wtf?

joined Dec 10, 2017

I’m glad we’re learning more about Ayako

joined Oct 26, 2016

Holy moly

joined Dec 26, 2014

As much as I love incest manga I cringe every time she calls her mom. I wish she calls her by her name later on, I mean they already went to second base lol

last edited at Dec 15, 2019 8:19PM

joined Jan 22, 2015

Aw fuck here we go. Fasten your seat belts cause this is looking to be a bumpy ride.

joined Mar 5, 2019

I've had this theory since chapter 5-ish, but I think there's finally enough evidence to put it out there. I think Ayako has special pheromones (kind of like that one yuri assassin manga that the name of slips my mind at the moment) that causes others to be attracted to her. I think her and the aunt were researching them in college to try to find a way to cure her, and somehow it ended with the brother dying. I think Ayako is humoring Asuka because she thinks that it's her fault and that she can't control her feelings for her because she's under the pheromones' influence. It's possible she's right (but I doubt it), and that Asuka has the same pheromones albeit in a smaller amount, for which Ayako is probably going to blame her attraction to her on. I figure end game is that they both get cured and find out that they do actually love each other after all; maybe the incestuous siblings will be the ones to point out that it's possible to just accidentally love each other?

joined Mar 5, 2019

If I'm right, I think what we just saw in Ayako's childhood is the reason why she never tried dating again; she was protecting Asuka just in case she also has the pheromones.

joined May 24, 2014

One step forward, three steps back

joined Jun 25, 2019

kind of like that one yuri assassin manga that the name of slips my mind at the momen

That's Akuma No Riddle. But that theory is way too farfetch to be true.It's way too supernatural for a rather normal manga.

joined Sep 6, 2017

kind of like that one yuri assassin manga that the name of slips my mind at the momen

That's Akuma No Riddle. But that theory is way too farfetch to be true.It's way too supernatural for a rather normal manga.

I put the "normal" in quotes as I was reading. xD

joined Jun 25, 2019

kind of like that one yuri assassin manga that the name of slips my mind at the momen

That's Akuma No Riddle. But that theory is way too farfetch to be true.It's way too supernatural for a rather normal manga.

I put the "normal" in quotes as I was reading. xD

I mean normal as in no supernatural or fantasy settings.

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