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joined Mar 3, 2019

I just died from that thrilling sweetness overload like ch. 63 is perfection.

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

To any mods that might read this: Chapter 61 marks the beginning of volume 6. 61-63 are currently categorized as part of volume 5 on the series page.

joined Nov 5, 2017

bruh this series honestly gonna give me diabetes

joined Dec 30, 2018

Dunno why, but the idea of folding a love letter into a shirt is oddly adorable to me.

Yeah I thought the same thing!
It looks really cute

joined Oct 22, 2018

bruh this series honestly gonna give me diabetes

We're comrades in yuri-cuteness-induced diabetes.

joined Jun 1, 2016

Chidori be like: you're not even a player

joined May 31, 2019

Chidori be like: you're not even a player

People are getting rustled over a love triangle, meanwhile Kouhai-chan is just an ant circling around the Yuri goodness. She never stood a chance.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Also, at least to me, she just feels far less intrusive or butting in than most other loser-in-love-triangle characters I've read.

joined Feb 23, 2016

I like how they are slowly learning more and more about each other :)

joined Oct 22, 2018

Really, most of the more recent chapters just feel more positively heart-touching than usual.

To anyone who read the raws of the chapters yet to be scanlated and put here;
How long should I expect this feeling I mentioned in the first sentence of this comment to hold up?

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

Really, most of the more recent chapters just feel more positively heart-touching than usual.

To anyone who read the raws of the chapters yet to be scanlated and put here;
How long should I expect this feeling I mentioned in the first sentence of this comment to hold up?

Well, it's a fluff series first and foremost. The next few are really cute and should be up relatively soon, then we go into another end of volume arc. People who have read the raws will have their speculations on what exactly happens, but until we actually get to it, they're all probably going to be inaccurate and / or overblown.

last edited at Dec 7, 2019 6:18AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Really, most of the more recent chapters just feel more positively heart-touching than usual.

To anyone who read the raws of the chapters yet to be scanlated and put here;
How long should I expect this feeling I mentioned in the first sentence of this comment to hold up?

Well, it's a fluff series first and foremost. The next few are really cute and should be up relatively soon, then we go into another end of volume arc. People who have read the raws will have their speculations on what exactly happens, but until we actually get to it, they're all probably going to be inaccurate and / or overblown.


joined Aug 22, 2016

There’s 78 chapters and the latest one has a fascinating development. It seems that another girl has a crush on high af chan and she’s completely oblivious to it since she’s obsessing over Nanoha and Chidori

First of Law Of Yuridynamics, Conservation of Uselessness, confirmed.

Well, for now the chapters are adorable. If Mai's (for now) just here to give our main couple the push to get to know each other better (other than the biblical sense), then I'm all in for it :P

Aside, Mai noticed "it looks like the others still haven't noticed" - which makes me appreciate that this does not go against my theory of them already knowing but playing dumb or not caring (in any bad way). I mean, they hardly even react to Nanoha being all flustered after pulling something out of Chidori's hair :P ...So, yeah, I'll stick to that theory until the contrary is proven.

last edited at Dec 7, 2019 7:43AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Aside, Mai noticed "it *looks* like the others still haven't noticed" - which makes me appreciate that this does not go against my theory of them already knowing but playing dumb or not caring (in any bad way). I mean, they hardly even react to Nanoha being all flustered after pulling something out of Chidori's hair :P ...So, yeah, I'll stick to that theory until the contrary is proven.

That's a theory I wish is true but think it isn't.

Basically the opposite of what I feel for my own theory about how Belkraine in Rat's canon came to be.

joined May 2, 2018

I'm happy to admit overreacting to Mai's jarring introduction as the story is going just fine now, shark jump cancelled.

last edited at Dec 7, 2019 8:45AM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I'm happy to admit overreacting to Mai's jarring introduction as the story is going just fine now, shark jump cancelled.

I was a little surprised by the overwhelmingly negative reaction to Mai in the comments (on Mangadex, 90% of the posts are some variant of "begone thot"), even before she had a chance to do anything. But then I guess I had already read these chapters, so I knew that she was a fairly harmless addition. The focus remains firmly on main couple. Plus, Mai's perspective on the other two is entertaining, and she has enough self-awareness to have a sense of humor about the whole thing, which Chidori and Nanoha lack.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I was a little surprised by the overwhelmingly negative reaction to Mai in the comments

I mean when someone said " oh the one is crushing on is dating a girl and kiss her, that mean i have a chance", she don't give you a harmless vibe so that's kinda the normal reactions you could have about someone who seemingly want to butt in an establish relation just to snatch the girl. Even 62 is a bit of stupid thought "she doesn't say anything so she doesn't care", so the fact she is considerate and trust Nanoha enough is not an option ? You're Nanoha's friend and kohai and you seemingly don't like a bad person so she don't really have a reason to be angry.

After the two last chapter on Mangadex i know she is less mischievous than she seem to be and understand that the relation between Nanoha and Chidori is strong

last edited at Dec 7, 2019 9:31AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

If Mai really wants to emulate her Naa-chan rather than just hero-worship her, she’ll fall in love with Chidori.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I was a little surprised by the overwhelmingly negative reaction to Mai in the comments

I mean when someone said " oh the one is crushing on is dating a girl and kiss her, that mean i have a chance", she don't give you a harmless vibe so that's kinda the normal reactions you could have about someone who seemingly want to butt in an establish relation just to snatch the girl. Even 62 is a bit of stupid thought "she doesn't say anything so she doesn't care", so the fact she is considerate and trust Nanoha enough is not an option ? You're Nanoha's friend and kohai and you seemingly don't like a bad person so she don't really have a reason to be angry.

After the two last chapter on Mangadex i know she is less mischievous than she seem to be and understand that the relation between Nanoha and Chidori is strong

I mean, Mai was right about Chidori not caring. Mai's closeness with Nanoha doesn't really bother Chidori. Chidori has complained that she doesn't get to spend as much time with Nanoha, and she feels a little envious that Mai knows more about Nanoha than she does. But she's not jealous of their relationship. She's not worried that Nanoha will betray her. She doesn't feel insecure or threatened when she sees Nanoha's consideration towards Mai. That's what Mai was commenting on—she could tell just by looking that Chidori wasn't concerned. And what we as readers know is that Chidori is fine with Nanoha spending time with Mai. Part of what she loves about Nanoha is her kindness, and so she supports her wish to take care of her friend, even if it personally inconveniences her.

joined Mar 5, 2016

you would think a fluffy manga will eventually run out of fluff but this one just keeps making 'em. <3

joined Jun 25, 2019

Mai was right about Chidori not caring.
even if it personally inconveniences her.

Didn't you contradict yourself ? Chidori do care that Mai butt in and take some Nanoha's time but she told it in a way that it's considerate to Mai and not "i'm your gf so past your time with me and not her"

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Mai was right about Chidori not caring.
even if it personally inconveniences her.

Didn't you contradict yourself ? Chidori do care that Mai butt in and take some Nanoha's time but she told it in a way that it's considerate to Mai and not "i'm your gf so past your time with me and not her"

No. There's no contradiction. People are often willing to put up with inconveniences. Most of us do it every day.

And that's not really what the chapter is about. Mai assumed that Chidori would be upset that Nanoha is paying attention to her, but she isn't.

joined Dec 1, 2019

Mai was right about Chidori not caring.
even if it personally inconveniences her.

But Chidori doesn't have a reason to be jealous (as a couple) because she knows that nanoha is just a good friend
for all that Mai has been through and so far she hasn't done anything to separate them right? It's not the same when igarashi appeared.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Then again Mai butting in make the progress a bit slower since she constantly trying to stay between them so i can understand why people are upset. We waited 48 before having a kiss and Chidori saying "i love you", she have circumstances about that's still damn slow for 2 girls who are supossingly dating plus we just go out of the Chidori's Senapi arc so having another rival right off the bat is annoying. It's up to personal opinion but the pacing make it hard to not see Mai as a potential problem.

joined Apr 1, 2015

I'm happy to admit overreacting to Mai's jarring introduction as the story is going just fine now, shark jump cancelled.

Same here, will put my faith into schuyguy

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