Forum › Yamada to Kase-san discussion

joined Jun 25, 2019

If you don't mind I'm cutting the last 2 pages of my mind. This chapter ends without those 2 pages.

I see you're not a fan of comedy.

Its not that much for comedy than Kase doesn't want anyone to look at her GF. It really seem that they doesn't trust each other about their love, even if they really love each other.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Yeah, this is so completely baked into the premise of the story I'm not sure why it seems to bother people--from the POV of readers (this one, anyway), Yamada certainly is an adorable little turnip, but Kase is totally gaga over her and is convinced that everyone else will be too.

I guess it might bother people who have dealt with partners who were truly possessive, and experienced similar things (though in less cute format). Or people who just want to observe the absolute adorableness that this series is without any hint of possible future drama.

Personally I kinda like that character flaw, and I hope it actually gets developed a bit and used as a bigger plot point further down the line.

joined Sep 21, 2015

I don't quite like How kase is so possessive, and tells Yamada what she can or cannot wear...

Edit: woah thank God I wasn't the only one bothered.

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 1:32PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

If you don't mind I'm cutting the last 2 pages of my mind. This chapter ends without those 2 pages.

Why they keep using this trope it's sooo unnecessary.

Because Kase thinks Yamada is so GOD DAMN SEXY that no guy could resist hitting on her.

Yeah, this is so completely baked into the premise of the story I'm not sure why it seems to bother people--from the POV of readers (this one, anyway), Yamada certainly is an adorable little turnip, but Kase is totally gaga over her and is convinced that everyone else will be too.

Even besides that, she's clearly worried about her too. Either way you spin this, I can't see how it's a bad thing. Lots of people on this site really don't seem to understand that relationships aren't perfect, and it's the little potholes and cracks, and more importantly how you overcome them, that makes them special. Without those little problems, there would be no growth or change.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yeah, this is so completely baked into the premise of the story I'm not sure why it seems to bother people--from the POV of readers (this one, anyway), Yamada certainly is an adorable little turnip, but Kase is totally gaga over her and is convinced that everyone else will be too.

I guess it might bother people who have dealt with partners who were truly possessive, and experienced similar things (though in less cute format). Or people who just want to observe the absolute adorableness that this series is without any hint of possible future drama.

Personally I kinda like that character flaw, and I hope it actually gets developed a bit and used as a bigger plot point further down the line.

It is the only thing remotely like conflict or drama in their relationship (well, that and their schedules being out of sync, maybe).

When the time comes, the obvious solution may well present itself--Kase needs to wear a yukata too.

(And if anyone ever invents Comfort Geta, they'll make a mint--at least in manga-land.)

joined Oct 22, 2018

Dafuq? Is there any Japanese person on these forums? I need to ask them are they OK there?

The very idea that a 50-ish days long summer break is considered barely average, let alone longer than average, is preposterous to me! Here in Montenegro, they last at least 75-ish days.

I'd say you just have been spoiled.

By saying that you're also saying that all other kids in Montenegro and several neighbouring nations have also been spoiled, because that's actually how long summer break lasts here. But I'm dropping this convo, because it's going ever more and more off-topic, and I don't wanna draw Nazchan's ire again (if I haven't already).

joined Nov 15, 2017

I don't quite like How kase is so possessive, and tells Yamada what she can or cannot wear...

Edit: woah thank God I wasn't the only one bothered.

Yeah, she's not allowed to be a flawed person or anything. It's not like they live a good distance from one another and really only get to see each other every once and a while, if that. And when they do, it's not like Kase gets super horny whenever she's near Yamada, and starts projecting that on the people around her, to the point where she starts worrying about her well being. I mean, it's not like these are very well established character traits at this point, right?

joined Nov 2, 2013

I don't quite like How kase is so possessive, and tells Yamada what she can or cannot wear...

Edit: woah thank God I wasn't the only one bothered.

If kase was a guy (which she is pretty much written as one) everyone would think she was being really controlling and unfair. But i guess thats ok with two girls! I really dont think the author knows how actual lesbian relationships work instead just writes a het relationship but with two girls.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I really dont think the author knows how actual lesbian relationships work instead just writes a het relationship but with two girls.

Wow, i didn't heard that argument over and over. Why people feel the urge to compare it with het romance ? Don't assume things about the author. I really fail to see how it isn't possible for two lesbianstohave this kind of relation ? It's a het only behavior to have one person who doesn't want the other to look sexy ?

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 1:49PM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Here summer break for elementary, middle and high school last for little over 2 months. Entire july and august. After all it's summer break for a reason. So yes, to me 50 days summer break might even feel a bit short. But in exchange we don't really have other long breaks. For example our winter break lasts only 2 weeks and that's probably the second longest we have. On the other hand when you're attending university their summer break last over 3 months, because new year starts in october and final exams usually happens during july, so outside of them, you pretty much has no classes. But again. Other breaks are very short in exchange.

So no. I don't feel very spoiled. That's just how our educational system works and what is normal to me. It wasn't my choice and there are pros and cons like with everything.

joined Mar 16, 2018

What a sweet chapter

Boy, how I’ve missed these two nerds
Kase is a horndog like usual I see
She should have gone in for a kiss instead

joined Aug 27, 2013

This was a very cute chapter indeed! I loved it.

Kase is only human, she's insecure and stuff too, eh? Yamada didn't just knuckle under and accept her demand/request, that's a very good sign in a relationship. And yes Yamada is an adorable turnip, many smart guys (and girls!) out there would try to pluck her away if they could :-)

Now on to new business!
Mikawacchi is the best wingman ever! She knows.

What sort of monsters are Yamada's parents anyhow? NEVER letting her go see fireworks that her town is famous for? That's just cruel. Perhaps she means ' herself' or maybe '...with her friends' or something, and the family went together? But it sure sounds like she'd never seen them up-close. (The entire town can see them I'm sure, but it's different when you're 2km away, eh?) Monsters!

joined Mar 30, 2017

If kase was a guy (which she is pretty much written as one) everyone would think she was being really controlling and unfair. But i guess thats ok with two girls! I really dont think the author knows how actual lesbian relationships work instead just writes a het relationship but with two girls.

I'm not a lesbian so it might be different here, but at least from the view of someone in a gay relationship it doesn't seem horribly different than a straight one. Are lesbians different somhow?

joined Jul 29, 2017

I really dont think the author knows how actual lesbian relationships work instead just writes a het relationship but with two girls.

Wow, i didn't heard that argument over and over. Why people feel the urge to compare it with het romance ? Don't assume things about the author. I really fail to see how it isn't possible for two lesbianstohave this kind of relation ? It's a het only behavior to have one person who doesn't want the other to look sexy ?

It's not even that Kase doesn't want Yamada to look sexy--she thinks she always looks sexy. The issue comes up when Yamada looks (to Kase) so over-the-top sexy that Kase almost has a public meltdown. Meanwhile, Yamada doesn't think of herself as sexy at all.

They're both somewhat right but mostly wrong--Yamada is cute enough to have attracted the attention of predatory males more than once, but not every person in the universe is looking to swoop in and make off with Yamada, the pinnacle of sexual desirability.

And I may have heard something more preposterous than "it's written as a het relationship," but I cannot recall where at the moment.

EDIT @ 5Cats: We always were given to understand that Yamada had a pretty sheltered upbringing, but that amazingly strict curfew certainly does seem to be surprising new information. I'm curious to see if we'll ever get any more insight into Yamada's family, assuming she has one. (Maybe she was just referring to the rules at the hydroponic facility where she was decanted.)

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 2:16PM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Blastaar posted:

And I may have heard something more preposterous than "it's written as a het relationship," but I cannot recall where at the moment.

This perhaps? Can't think of anything more ridiculous.

joined Nov 2, 2013

If kase was a guy (which she is pretty much written as one) everyone would think she was being really controlling and unfair. But i guess thats ok with two girls! I really dont think the author knows how actual lesbian relationships work instead just writes a het relationship but with two girls.

I'm not a lesbian so it might be different here, but at least from the view of someone in a gay relationship it doesn't seem horribly different than a straight one. Are lesbians different somhow?

Did you really ask me if lesbian relationships are different from heterosexual ones lmao. Well there are no power dynamics for one.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

kickap00 posted:

If kase was a guy (which she is pretty much written as one) everyone would think she was being really controlling and unfair. But i guess thats ok with two girls! I really dont think the author knows how actual lesbian relationships work instead just writes a het relationship but with two girls.

I'm not a lesbian so it might be different here, but at least from the view of someone in a gay relationship it doesn't seem horribly different than a straight one. Are lesbians different somhow?

Did you really ask me if lesbian relationships are different from heterosexual ones lmao. Well there are no power dynamics for one.


joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm curious to see if we'll ever get any more insight into Yamada's family, assuming she has one. (Maybe she was just referring to the rules at the hydroponic facility where she was decanted.)

Her mother/father talked to her in this chapter.
I somehow believe that will be the full extent of screentime the parents will ever have.

Blastaar posted:

And I may have heard something more preposterous than "it's written as a het relationship," but I cannot recall where at the moment.

This perhaps? Can't think of anything more ridiculous.

Oh yeah... that was a thing. It's downright impressive.

joined Jun 25, 2019

If kase was a guy (which she is pretty much written as one) everyone would think she was being really controlling and unfair. But i guess thats ok with two girls! I really dont think the author knows how actual lesbian relationships work instead just writes a het relationship but with two girls.

I'm not a lesbian so it might be different here, but at least from the view of someone in a gay relationship it doesn't seem horribly different than a straight one. Are lesbians different somhow?

Did you really ask me if lesbian relationships are different from heterosexual ones lmao. Well there are no power dynamics for one.

There is power dynamics, lesbiens are not magicals creatures that doesn't obey to the laws of our world.They're humans like you and me. Just because it's two girls doesn't mean they act as equals. Just look to Yaoi and all the seme/uke dynamic, a same sex relation still have a power dynamic and lesbiens are no exceptions.

Her mother/father talked to her in this chapter.
I somehow believe that will be the full extent of screentime the parents will ever have.

I think we see a glimpse of her mom in Kase-san when she was thinking about her college choice.

last edited at Oct 4, 2019 2:24PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

If you are on this site long enough I can't really believe that the whole "top & bottom" talk can somehow pass you by. People seem incredibly obsessed with these power dynamics in fact.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Blastaar posted:

And I may have heard something more preposterous than "it's written as a het relationship," but I cannot recall where at the moment.

This perhaps? Can't think of anything more ridiculous.

I tend to separate out "weird shit people say about a given story" and "weird shit people say about life/culture/reality, etc."

I've been trying hard to never engage concerning the latter, but the lines do get blurry at times.

joined Nov 2, 2013

Just look to Yaoi and all the seme/uke dynamic, a same sex relation still have a power dynamic and lesbiens are no exceptions.

Not all power dynamics are sexual my god. The fact you brought that up to begin with tells me all i need to know about how you view same sex relationships.

joined May 1, 2013

Mikawa is the real hero of this story. She handles getting unexpectedly turned into a third wheel with a night out with her best friend very gracefully.

Also seriously did the authors really try to portray her going two feet away to talk to her friends for like thirty seconds as a terrible moment where Yamada was forlorn and abandoned and Kase needed to rush in and rescue her?

God, this manga. Yamada wants Kase to be with her at the fireworks, so... instead of talking to her and seeing if the schedule would work out, she just silently goes and hopes real hard and magically Kase just shows up. And she ends up not beign able to walk, so if Kase hadn't shown up... what, she'd have to have been stretchered out?

I'm REALLY over this Magic Knight Saves Helpless Innocent Waif fantasy the author is continually re-enacting.

God, I honestly cannot understand anyone not finding it the creepiest thing in the world that Kase came because Yamada was wearing a yukata and therefore had to be protected, and not because she just wanted to see her girlfriend for a nice night. In any other story, that'd be an ominous sign of darkness to come. Here, it's about, "If a gross old man hits on Yamada at a festival in Tokyo, it'll risk chipping away at her sweet innocent purity (and it's Kase's job to do that)."

joined Aug 26, 2018

God, I honestly cannot understand anyone not finding it the creepiest thing in the world that Kase came because Yamada was wearing a yukata and therefore had to be protected, and not because she just wanted to see her girlfriend for a nice night. In any other story, that'd be an ominous sign of darkness to come. Here, it's about, "If a gross old man hits on Yamada at a festival in Tokyo, it'll risk chipping away at her sweet innocent purity (and it's Kase's job to do that)."
You are blatantly wrong.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Aah... the Japanese nape fetish.

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