Forum › Hana Ni Arashi discussion

joined Jul 29, 2017

So, have some empathy for the lesbian trapped in a het relationship by her environment.

Your theory is not implausible, but assumes a lot of facts not yet in evidence.

Let’s see how Igarashi plays it—I tend to reserve forgiveness, maybe not only for those who ask for it, but at least those who understand that they did wrong.

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 12:09PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, damn, this goes way beyond the usual crap of playing while in a girls school, then getting a boyfriend. Already having a boyfriend at the same time makes it so much worse, not to mention making her a cheater as well. Good thing Chidori found out quickly enough.

joined Mar 13, 2014

Gonna go with senpai being a manipulative bitch until we see otherwise.

joined May 28, 2018

Couple of month before I saw some raws. I'm really looking forward to the end of this arc. And I hope that senpai regret her past actions and apologize in the end, that will do her situation of being deep in the closet more sympathetic.

joined Jul 31, 2013

Who bitch this is

joined Jul 29, 2017

Nya-chan, your point about the lesbian trapped by society is always worth keeping in mind.

But in this case, when Chidori asks, “What was there between us?,” we have the potential options:

  • “You’re my precious kouhai and friend.” Fake, given the situation, and deflecting, but potentially honest to an extent.

  • “Nothing. We’re both girls.” Just cruel.

At least she didn’t add, “You should have seen your face when you thought I liked you—that was so funny.”

joined Mar 28, 2015

Blastaar posted:

Nya-chan, your point about the lesbian trapped by society is always worth keeping in mind.

But in this case, when Chidori asks, “What was there between us?,” we have the potential options:

  • “You’re my precious kouhai and friend.” Fake, given the situation, and deflecting, but potentially honest to an extent.

  • “Nothing. We’re both girls.” Just cruel.

At least she didn’t add, “You should have seen your face when you thought I liked you—that was so funny.”

Or she just wanted to be hated, so Chidori wouldn't think it was her fault.

But afterward, she broke up with her boyfriend, so she sent the choco in an attempt to repair things, which were rejected because Chidori already rebounded.

Lots of possibilities and knowing the style of that manga, which is pretty fluffy, I doubt we will have a real bitch.

Here, sempai is blushing, so I think deep down she was serious, but too far in the closet.

I mean our MCs are dating but... it's still a secret from everyone.

So they are also in the closet. But with less expectations from their environment I guess.

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 1:27PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Or she just wanted to be hated, so Chidori wouldn't think it was her fault.

Nah—even if true, “I’m trying to make you hate me for your own good” is always a dick move.

joined Jun 25, 2019

“I’m trying to make you hate me for your own good” is always a dick move.

Laugh in Luminous = Blue

joined Sep 14, 2014

thank goodness they released all three chapters together. I don't know how I'd last just reading each section a month apart

joined Feb 23, 2016

Do i smell drama approaching?! Wow could this be finally it?! Will Chidori say she going out with Nanoha?! Or will there be misunderstandings? Follow closely for the next release!..( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 2:00PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

“I’m trying to make you hate me for your own good” is always a dick move.

Laughs in Luminous=Blue

A truer comment is yet to be made on these forums.

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 2:02PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Do i smell drama approaching?! Wow could this be finally it?! Will Chidori say she going out with Nanoha?! Or will there be misunderstandings? Follow closely for the next release!..( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

On the same Useless Lesbian Bat Channel!

joined Feb 11, 2018

Internalized homo-/biphobia from the looks of it, combined with some bad timing.

joined Jun 2, 2019

drama is coming

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Also i don't know if it was a typo but when Igarashi come back in the end of chapter 36, she said "The cute kouhai WE left behind" but maybe she simply talk to another ex-student.

Since I didn't have both sides of the conversation, I sorta had to guess who she was talking to and interpolate. Japanese conversations work perfectly well without an explicit subject or any identifying pronouns, but you can't just leave those out in English. I couldn't tell you exactly why, but it felt like she was talking to another graduate, someone who knew who she was talking about, maybe one of her friends from the literature club, so I just went with that. Don't read too deeply into the exact wording.

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 2:18PM

joined Aug 22, 2016

Gonna go with senpai being a manipulative bitch until we see otherwise.

I am leaning towards agreeing with that...
Seriously, the "I love you" and then "[between us was] nothing of course. We're both girls" is, no matter her reasoning a low-blow. Especially since she was the one being all touchy-flirty-hairfetish'y.

On the other hand, the framing of the "End" chapter gives me pause.
We see her face once, right after being confronted (possibly a sad/resigned expression; that diagonal background easily implicating her hitting a crossroad/juncture),
and then no more. Her mouth as she says the lesbian's-words-of-doom is shown, but her eyes are not.
I mean, additionally to the fact it's Chidori's POV and she can't bring herself to look Igarashi in the eyes, the way the scene is presented feels important and intentional.
(And WHY is this the only panel her bangs are curved to the left? Really, I checked! The tip is pointing right every other time she's shown! A hidden meaning? Coindicence? Author's goof? 42? Am I crazy!? (--wait, don't answer the last one..) - and I just double-checked, it's not a mirror - her mole is still beneath her right eye.)

So, yeah... there's a good chance that while Chidori is stuck deep in the closet, Igarashi's like already half-way to Narnia >.>

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 3:09PM

joined May 2, 2018

The first page turn in chapter 42 possibly woke up my neighbors.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I couldn't tell you exactly why, but it felt like she was talking to another graduate, someone who knew who she was talking about, maybe one of her friends from the literature club, so I just went with that.

This does still seem like the most reasonable interpretation.

joined Oct 1, 2014

Fucking player, I hate that girl.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Even though I’ve been joking, kinda, about Nanoha swooping in to save her darling—it’s just that Nanoha’s so cool—this sequence shows us that, shy as she is, Chidori’s no slouch when it comes to standing up for herself.

She got right in her senpai's face about the boyfriend, and, although she agonized a bit, in the end she was pretty proactive about the chocolates, too.

I just don’t see her taking much shit from senpai this time around.

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Be. Gone. Thot.

joined Jul 26, 2019

I think the senpai really loved her but as many girls are afraid of other people's eyes and not having a possible future...It's not very brave but maybe she regrets it... but it's probably great late but it will allow us to make drama...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm honestly more curious about what Igarashi came for. Just to see how Chidori's doing, as she did seem to genuinely like the younger girl if nothing else? Try to clear the air between them, as those chocolates suggest certain regrets and the poor terms they parted ways on probably bothering her? Or is she actually insensitive (and/or desperate) enough to want to try and see if she still has a chance, since for whatever reason she apparently started having second thoughts about that rejection quite a while ago already and presumably has no idea Chidori's found someone new? (Mind you she'll probably clue in on what's up with Nanoha within minutes of her entering the room... and then fall hard for her given Nano's oft-demonstrated unsurpassed gay magnetism)

Guess we'll be learning that circa next chapter.

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 7:03PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm honestly more curious about what Igarashi came for. Just to see how Chidori's doing, as she did seem to genuinely like the younger girl if nothing else? Try to clear the air between them, as those chocolates suggest certain regrets and the poor terms they parted ways on probably bothering her? Or is she actually insensitive (and/or desperate) enough to want to try and see if she still has a chance, since for whatever reason she apparently started having second thoughts about that rejection quite a while ago already and presumably has no idea Chidori's found someone new? (Mind you she'll probably clue in on what's up with Nanoha within minutes of her entering the room... and then fall hard for her given Nano's oft-demonstrated unsurpassed gay magnetism)

Guess we'll be learning that circa next chapter.

That is a very good question. We’ve seen this “graduated-ex/almost-ex returns to the cultural festival” trope many times before—sometimes it’s just a former school star revisiting the scene of past glories, except in this case we know that she’s specifically coming to see Chidori.

The second thoughts indicated by the Valentine’s chocolate is the primary clue at this point.

Most positive spin: she’s come to terms with her true sexuality and wants to make it up to Chidori.

Highly (not “most”—she could be a demonically-possessed serial killer) negative spin: she’s a player who can’t stand even a cutie she didn’t really want rejecting her, so she’s back for another go.

I loathe her so much I almost want to see the writing turn her into a sympathetic character somehow. Failing that, however . . .

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