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joined Jul 26, 2016

By all indications whatever his other faults Reiichi's tried hard to do right by his kid sis and her first thought is still this? Are Kaoru and Risako like the only two people on the planet who actually hold him in some regard lmao

Also Konatsu has no shame whatsoever, it's great.

joined Apr 1, 2018

pfft that credits page speaks mad truth

joined Jun 25, 2019

Also, when is next chapter so i can prepare some salt before hand ?

joined Nov 14, 2015

Many are negative about this story but I still love it. Also I wonder if Kaoru realizes that she is bi now (nice credits) or what will come now

joined Dec 9, 2014

If she was over it she could have stay but instead she decide to go back tothe reason she came here. It's not immature but that's sound plain stupid on paper. Also only time know if Kaoru will not be interested after the whole Reiichi cheating problem.

But she's not over it. She tried being ok with it and it only got worse. Going back to her parents only shows how desperate she is, and how bad this situation hurt her.

Plus she is her brother's wife and they're married.

Not for long.

She doesn't even know about any of this though. So it would still be her trying to steal her brother's wife.

joined Mar 13, 2014


She's bi.

joined Jun 25, 2019

But she's not over it. She tried being ok with it and it only got worse. Going back to her parents only shows how desperate she is, and how bad this situation hurt her.

But she will get hurt too with her parents, at this point it's just picking between pest and cholera. She can't be happy whatever she choose. That's why i said i just want the whole situation to explode already. Both Uta and Kaoru suffer from the situation.

joined Feb 11, 2018

Really enjoyed Uta's gay thoughts about Risako being smoking hot.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I have become too invested in the manga to drop it, but the line on the chart showing how much I like it has been dipping lower for the last few chapters. I've given up on reading this thread, tbh. Only chaosteam's humourous credit pages are still having more of a positive effect than a negative one, emotionally and mood-ly speaking.

joined Aug 10, 2015

If she was over it she could have stay

this is not card captor sakura my guy, asking for that is way to much

but instead she decide to go back tothe reason she came here. It's not immature but that's sound plain stupid on paper.

maybe dealing with being in love with her brothers wife was more painfull that her problems with her family, we don´t actually know why she hates her mother it might be something petty.
(well actually we don´t really know much about the story after 25 chapter but that´s another issue )

Also only time know if Kaoru will not be interested after the whole Reiichi cheating problem.

at this point of the manga anything can happen really, but if uta and kaoru end up together at the end this is going to be netsuzou trap but even worse

joined Oct 26, 2018

this series turned into a complete shit show

joined Dec 9, 2014

at this point of the manga anything can happen really, but if uta and kaoru end up together at the end this is going to be netsuzou trap but even worse

Yeah not sure if I'd even want them to be together at this point, even if there is a "redemption".
Kaoru is a needy person, so it would just make me think she's even willing to be with Uta to not be alone.
Also the fact that the brother is cheating sounds a bit convenient. Would she ever dump him for Uta if he was loving and considerate to her? I very highly doubt it.
It just seems like she was trying to get from Uta what Reiichi didn't give her.

Kaoru is annoying me tbh, plus its awful seeing the story from Uta's perspective. But I still don't dislike her. I feel sorry for her almost as much as Uta.

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 7:19PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

maybe dealing with being in love with her brothers wife was more painfull that her problems with her family, we don´t actually know why she hates her mother it might be something petty.
(well actually we don´t really know much about the story after 25 chapter but that´s another issue )

From the various hints dropped through the story - including how both of the siblings react to the topic, and the passing reference to how Uta was when she first moved in with Reiichi and Kaoru - it's fairly apparent that their parents are pretty terrible at, well, being parents. When you're effectively having to adopt your kid sibling just to give them a healthier home than your parents did... yeah.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Also the fact that the brother is cheating sounds a bit convenient. Would she ever dump him for Uta if he was loving and considerate to her? I very highly doubt it.

You always need convenient things in manga in order to advance.

Kaoru is a needy person, so it would just make me think she's even willing to be with Uta to not be alone.

Can you really blame her for that ? Kaoru has no family so Reiichi and Uta is what she have as a family and now one is leaving and the other is presumably cheating on her. She is not "needy" she is alone.

It just seems like she was trying to get from Uta what Reiichi didn't give her.

And yet you blame Kaoru. If Reiichi was a good husband, Kaoru will never feel the urge to have someone else.

Would she ever dump him for Uta if he was loving and considerate to her?

He does it out of pity because he doesn't want to see her alone, he was considerate yes but loving not so much. That's why Uta was asking herself what they found so good about me as he seem unreliatable.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Well, I still like it. It's defenitely not a happy series, but I still like it.

joined Dec 24, 2015

Seems like Kaoru finally realized it's too late to prevent Uta from leaving :/ they both looked so hurt in these last panels. Uta definitely needs that break, though. At least so she can get over her feelings for Kaoru, because they definitely kept her unhappy all this time. Let's just hope it won't be worse at her parents'.

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 7:34PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Reiichi's an interesting case really. He certainly genuinely cares about both Uta and Kaoru and their well-being but it's unclear how much he actually loves the latter (not the least to herself), and often comes across as rather awkward and somewhat lacking in emotional intellect. And there certainly could be entirely innocent explanations as to why he was seen meeting with Risako in circumstances that can only be described as tremendously dodgy... but owing to Kaoru's bad habit of conflict avoidance he was never called on to describe them, leaving the whole matter something of an elephant in the room and a big honking question mark.

joined Mar 16, 2018

I dunno
I'm a fan of this series
Sure it often sputters and titters about but it can still dish out emotional chapters like this one

joined Dec 9, 2014

Also the fact that the brother is cheating sounds a bit convenient. Would she ever dump him for Uta if he was loving and considerate to her? I very highly doubt it.

You always need convenient things in manga in order to advance.

Yes you do, but this is different. I don't like the idea that if they end up together it will only be because he was cheating, and not because Kaoru actually prefered Uta over him.

Kaoru is a needy person, so it would just make me think she's even willing to be with Uta to not be alone.

Can you really blame her for that ? Kaoru has no family so Reiichi and Uta is what she have as a family and now one is leaving and the other is presumably cheating on her. She is not "needy" she is alone.

I don't blame her and her actions are understandable, but not everyone in her situation would react like that. Sometimes we must feel really shitty to be able to move on. It would be pretty difficult for her to stop ignoring reality, but she will be forced to eventually. Ignoring the cheating won't make it go away. She us weak.
Uta on the other hand realizes that she has to suck it up so she can move on and not get trapped in a miserable cycle, despite her situation being very difficult as well.
Also there are plenty of men out there to date. I mean, if you really need to cling on someone, you can still find a better choice than a cheater and someone who married you out of pity.

It just seems like she was trying to get from Uta what Reiichi didn't give her.

And yet you blame Kaoru. If Reiichi was a good husband, Kaoru will never feel the urge to have someone

How did I blame Kaoru? I only said that she wouldn't dump him for Uta if she wasn't forced to. Being someone's second choice (aka rebound) doesn't sound appealing at all.

joined Jul 26, 2019

The author has to denounce the story a little bit... he is still unclear about the relationship between reii and risako. But this little dialogue between uta and her seems harmless, but I think there are clues anyway. At uta's request we suspect that she will visit kaoru and I can't even imagine what will happen with her..... will she pretend as usual but do it with reii and risako, kaoru will give us a heart attack!
In the end we understand that kaoru must not have slept much in the last few days and that she starts to shake like in many other scenes that indicates that she is totally afraid.
And it completely collapses. And reii who still doesn't understand anything, we see that he doesn't know kaoru well because a husband should notice right away that his wife has problems, his and the fact that he doesn't even know which chocolate loves kaoru (dixit risako) makes us understand that he is really does not take seriously with her.
My theory is that he is really in love with risako but she remains distant and is content to be his mistress.
Once again, the author must accelerate on this story with the couple of kaoru and reii.
The other part will of course focus on uta and his parents and we may have a lot of flashbacks.

joined Jun 7, 2019

I think it's obvious that Reichii doesn't love Kaoru that way, I think his love for her is still like that of a childhood friend, he constantly puts on expressions as if he were forcing himself. I don't know if it was for Kaoru's insistence on going out with him or there will be some deeper reason. As I see this story, it is like a comparison between Reiichi's love and Uta's, not to decide "who is better", but rather to reflect a bit how we would act when you truly love someone (like uta) and how we would behave when we are lazy with our feelings or we are not entirely sure (like Reiichi).
well, Reiichi is a good boy but he doesn't give him the love that Kaoru deserves as a lover, if he is cheating on her maybe he doesn't want to tell her because he knows he would hurt her too much, I think Reiichi is aware of Kaoru's self-esteem and doesn't want to hurt her , which makes me think he's a good boy

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ignoring the cheating won't make it go away. She us weak.

That's my current problem.Tmnr make Kaoru like she can't do anything by herself and i really wish we won't have a Citrus with Kaoru cosplaying Mei's damsell in distress role waitin for Uta to save her.

Being someone's second choice (aka rebound) doesn't sound appealing at all.

Well that's the problem with married woman.To some, no matter what happen it will be like Uta is a just a way of rebound for Kaoru.

and not because Kaoru actually prefered Uta over him.

It will kinda pair with the cheating tho. If Kaoru still prefer Reiichi over Uta after the possible cheating then i'm at lost of words and hopes for her.

joined Jan 18, 2019

well, Reiichi is a good boy but he doesn't give him the love that Kaoru deserves as a lover, if he is cheating on her maybe he doesn't want to tell her because he knows he would hurt her too much, I think Reiichi is aware of Kaoru's self-esteem and doesn't want to hurt her , which makes me think he's a good boy


joined Jun 17, 2014

love this manga

joined Dec 9, 2014

It will kinda pair with the cheating tho. If Kaoru still prefer Reiichi over Uta after the possible cheating then i'm at lost of words and hopes for her

Well in reality she's just straight, so it's either Reiichi or not Uta. But for the shake of the story lets make her into girls suddenly.
Lol I don't wanna sound negative, but there was absolutely no sign or indication she could be into Uta/girls all through the story.

I have to admit, this story is well written, but it's not pleasant to read.

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