Strange how people think it's joke when there is nothing indicating this is the case. I guess the scene was supposed to be humourous but Kasumi herself sure was serious. I don't she is the sort of people to joke about theses sort of thing anyway
No indication? She was laughing while she said it..
Smiling is not laughing... And there is no indication she didn't mean it. She never contradicted it any point and is okay with Sakurako talking about their honeymoon.
And again, what is your explanation for Kasumi kissing Sakurako of her own volition?
Maybe she loves her, but FOR ME is it not romantic Love.
And some people kiss their friends on the cheek, and are not in love with them.
When you get a chapter about them pondering if they are best friends, or Kasumi offering up Sakurako to a goukon, it gets a bit hard to see Kasumi feeling anything romantic for Sakurako. Or, at least, being conscious of feeling that way about Sakurako.
Still, I find Kasumi pretty romantic towards Sakurako even if she doesn't have those kinds of feelings for her.
There's little things, like remembering her birthday and white day, and getting her that stone kiln microwave oven she mentioned wanting (of course, this example is self serving for gluttonous Kasumi).
Then there's times like when Sakurako mentions off hand how nice it'd be to see Kasumi in a magazine and so she does it, despite originally becoming a sketch model because being a photo model was too much of a pain.
Sometimes she even looks like she's trying to be smooth, like when Sakurako complains about the sun on their school trip so Kasumi takes off her hat, buys a parasol, and invites Sakurako to share it.
And then there's the time when they hadn't spent much time together because Kasumi was busy so she spent the entire day with her head in Sakurako's lap, and even begged to order in so they could spend the time that'd be spent cooking in physical contact instead. Then they cuddled all the way through eating dinner. I think this falls under skinship for debunking romanticism.
Still if she's like that with just a friend, she'd probably be a pretty good partner in a romantic relationship. Except for finding the idea of dating too much of a pain to bother with.