Forum › Adachi and Shimamura discussion

joined Apr 20, 2013

Is not the story, is the writing which makes something original ... And I like this.
Apparently in the novel she didn't confess but tried to, in other words her words didn't come out ...but here in the manga is like they actually came out? It shouldn't because is weird pretending that she didn't hear.

joined Feb 10, 2016

Ha I guess shimamura is denser than I thought

joined Jul 19, 2015

Which part about two schoolgirls falling in love is original? It is in 99% of yuri. At this point it is just a given. Do you realize how utterly refreshing any other scenario is? And I mean it. "Any other".
Which part of the "I wanna kiss her but do friends do that?" is original?
Which part of one of them being oblivious to a sickening degree is original?
Which part of the confession not reaching is original? Is Japanese really that frigging bad for confessions? No wonder they're going extinct.

Holy shit, what's your next argument? "Two girls falling in love is original?"
It's impossible to tell a story devoid of any tropes.

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 8:42AM

joined Sep 19, 2018

Some of you seem to have a hard time understanding this, but Adachi didn’t actually tell Shimamura she loves her. That’s why the ‘confesssion’ text bubble is scribble, that’s why Shimamura is reacting like nothing happened. Comparing this to We Can’t Draw Love is like comparing a ripe and delicious apple to a sour and rotted lemon. This story feels natural and the writing is very nice and refreshing. It doesn’t need to have some fantastically original concept to be an original peice.

joined Sep 6, 2011

You sound like you would like to have dinner out and being served only garlic bread for first, seconds and dessert.

You can reboot Spiderman as many times as you want. I like Spiderman, I honestly do. But I'm sick of it.

This is just the yuri crowd starving for content. Without the "yuri" tag people wouldn't look at this manga twice.

joined Jul 19, 2015

You sound like you would like to have dinner out and being served only garlic bread for first, seconds and dessert.

You can reboot Spiderman as many times as you want. I like Spiderman, I honestly do. But I'm sick of it.

This is just the yuri crowd starving for content. Without the "yuri" tag people wouldn't look at this manga twice.

You just sound like you don't know what you're talking about. Especially with these kinds of analogies. I don't see why you can't just say you're tired of x trope and that's why you don't like x thing, instead of faulting the manga for it. You keep talking about the tropes it uses, but not about how it executes them, which is the important part. Every single work of fiction has tropes, you being sick of them isn't the fault of the author.

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 9:24AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

This is just the yuri crowd starving for content. Without the "yuri" tag people wouldn't look at this manga twice.

Really? Because I read a lot of manga, not just limited to yuri, and I don't just read all yuri there is. And while it's certainly not the best manga ever, I could see it mostly work even without being yuri - except for this latest bit, as sitting in someone's lap would simply not seem as innocent for either of them in any other combination. Still, the general idea of two somewhat weird not-quite-delinquents falling for each other and trying to work out their feelings would be a welcome new idea in any case, yuri or not.

joined Sep 6, 2011

You just sound like you don't know what you're talking about. Especially with these kinds of analogies. I don't see why you can't just say you're tired of x trope and that's why you don't like x thing, instead of faulting the manga for it. You keep talking about the tropes it uses, but not about how it executes them, which is the important part. Every single work of fiction has tropes, you being sick of them isn't the fault of the author.

My sweet summer child.

When you've been into it as long as I've been you start looking for more than just the "yuri" tag.

Now, if you started with the genre just recently and your love for is still blooming I totally understand you.

joined Jul 19, 2015

You just sound like you don't know what you're talking about. Especially with these kinds of analogies. I don't see why you can't just say you're tired of x trope and that's why you don't like x thing, instead of faulting the manga for it. You keep talking about the tropes it uses, but not about how it executes them, which is the important part. Every single work of fiction has tropes, you being sick of them isn't the fault of the author.

My sweet summer child.

When you've been into it as long as I've been you start looking for more than just the "yuri" tag.

Now, if you started with the genre just recently and your love for is still blooming I totally understand you.

Sorry yuri veteran, but my point isn't exclusive to yuri. You're just doing a good job at missing the point every time.

joined Oct 4, 2018

You just sound like you don't know what you're talking about. Especially with these kinds of analogies. I don't see why you can't just say you're tired of x trope and that's why you don't like x thing, instead of faulting the manga for it. You keep talking about the tropes it uses, but not about how it executes them, which is the important part. Every single work of fiction has tropes, you being sick of them isn't the fault of the author.

My sweet summer child.

When you've been into it as long as I've been you start looking for more than just the "yuri" tag.

Now, if you started with the genre just recently and your love for is still blooming I totally understand you.

I'm not sure what kind of a yuri veteran you are but, from what I understand, getting sick of reading stories with a somewhat similar background setting has almost nothing to do with being a veteran. I may not know how many years exactly you need to call yourself a veteran but I'm guessing my 8-9 years of digging through whatever whatever yuri could get my hands on should be enough to say what I just did. Heck, this doesn't even involve just yuri.

I have to agree with @Arujin (with minor differences in opinion). Faulting the manga and the author for using an overused trope instead of faulting the author for the method of execution is a lot like getting mad at an amateur artist for not being a world renowned artists. They are two completely different concepts.

As a former Literature major, I can say with complete certainty that there is no such thing as a unique and unused trope or plot device. Doesn't matter what genre it is, it simply doesn't exist -- at least not anymore. What does exist is a difference in method or "style". Style is what makes or breaks a story. You could put as many clichés as you want in a story and so long as the author has great skills and even greater style, those clichés would feel refreshing. Otherwise just look at Twilight and 50 Shades. Those two are the perfect example of poor writing skill and style.

Yes, it's partly the author's (include the whole market while we're at it) fault that we're sick of an overused trope. It's bad execution that leaves the sour taste in our mouths, not the fact that the author chose to pull in those clichés.

Hate an overused trope? That's fine, we all have that cliché that we don't like. But have you ever sat for a moment and wondered why and how they even turned into a cliché?

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 11:12AM

joined Aug 27, 2013

Adorable little sister? Check!
Wild loli appearance? Check!
Lewd lap-sitting? Check!

This is a great manga, I'm loving it :-)

joined Apr 20, 2013

Well, for me when I think about such term is referring to characters who are sooo madly in love that their common sense or speech is affected so more like "can not spit it out" or tries too hard that she fails, good examples can be found in:

Sweet and cherry amnesia (Arisa)
Futari Monologue
Less than friends
Recently Adachi
Shouraiteki ni Shinde Kure (hmmmm maybe not, in this case the protagonist is just an idiot)
Ayano from Yuru yuri whenever Kyoko gets too close.

So is like, I want to to cheer for them and hope they one day will make it... Clumsy romance? Shy? can you give a name to these kind of characters? I know tsundere wouldn't be word! tsunderes can't accept their own feelings but these characters can't handle their own feelings even when they know that it's love, as if they're overflowing. "Is just being in love" would make it too simple, as we know many characters in love who can even pretend to be friends for years and they're afraid and I wouldn't blame them or complain because they can't "just confess",but of course I complain when they make it so bad as they did with "we can't draw love", I see the useless lesbians as adorable dorks instead because they can't help themselves.

I don't think it's a cliche or trend, or that it depends on social norms is just an specific kind of character reactions.

PS: That talk up there about "my years of yuri experience" was funny.

PS2: Apparently the manga stopped without covering the whole novel but I heard there's a new manga adaptation? the details aren't clear to me yet, someone knows anything about it?

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 1:59PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

If you don't like the story that's fine, express your opinion and move on. There's no need to muster and bluster and be cringingly condescending, "my sweet summer child".

And yes, it wasn't as obvious in the manga, but Adachi's voice "didn't come out" during that "confession". She states as such in the manga right after she nearly blows it all out of the water, just as she does in the LN, but it seems many missed it. From Shimamura's point of view she asked to sit between her knees, froze up, looked at her funny, then ran away like a startled hen with literally zero explanation, and then both failed to show up to school at all the next day as well as ignored all text messages.

joined Aug 16, 2014

So Adachi and Shimamura are both delinquents, Shimamura has a younger sister called Hino. In Hino-san no Baka, the titular Hino is a delinquent... Is this perhaps the Yuri Cinematic Universe?

joined Jun 5, 2016

Hino isn't Shimamura's little sister, Hino is the smol friend in school (and Nagafuji is the tol friend).

joined Aug 25, 2018

Wow, no only it went to almost full yuri in no time, the art is super cute. Moar.

joined Mar 16, 2019

Which part about two schoolgirls falling in love is original? It is in 99% of yuri. At this point it is just a given. Do you realize how utterly refreshing any other scenario is? And I mean it. "Any other".

But yuri is normally all about 2 girls falling in love, no? So you say in order to be original, yuri manga must not be yuri? Dude...

last edited at Apr 21, 2019 4:27AM

joined Jun 1, 2016


joined Jul 31, 2015

i don't find an issue with the premise of the story not being very original.
what i'm really enjoying about this is the writing. the characters feel real, more real than most stuff i've read these days. there's no weird unnecessary drama going on forcing them apart (or together), it's just two girls figuring their relationship out in a fairly realistic manner.
sometimes you just wanna read about young queer love, you know? i don't doubt that might be boring for some people but i'm enjoying it.

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019

That little antennae girl is totally going to be the girl with the space suit

joined Feb 18, 2013

Dammit, it was so close! Commit to it, Adachi!

joined Jun 5, 2016

Oh I'm totally about learning more about both of these dorks, lol.

joined Dec 27, 2014

loving the internal thought processes of the characters

joined Apr 23, 2015

How is this any good with the same tropes hammered over and over and over?

This isn't any better than that "We can't draw love" trainwreck.

Does it start being original at some point?

Cause this one has an astronaught. Its so obvious.

Actually. I dropped we can't date love. No offense to its fans. I just couldn't find the leads interesting at all.

but I ahem LOVE this story.

I like the way the characters are written here. Something about all that introspection. Well. I can't really articulate what it is right now. I'll try in the morning I think.

joined Apr 23, 2015

This is just the yuri crowd starving for content. Without the "yuri" tag people wouldn't look at this manga twice.

I slag off Yuri all the time(as a fan) but id be into this even if it want Yuri. I almost said ad much in an earlier post in this very thread. I think I'm probably just sweet on characts that ponder a lot though.

last edited at Apr 23, 2019 3:50AM

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