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joined Oct 22, 2018

^ What a great way to make me chuckle

Anyways? I finished editing that "Sakurako and Kasumi hand holding with interlocking fingers" post!

last edited at Apr 7, 2019 5:38AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

BugDevil posted:

Seriously most people would stop being in denial at the "love each other romantically and go on dates" stage.... How do you do it Yukiko-sensei?

Simple. They're playing the longest game of chicken in history. Don't worry. They'll stop once they feel like it got too gay. After being married for like 20 years and popping few kids, probably.

At 90 year old Kasumi's death bed
Kasumi: "Sakurako... before I go... do you love me?"
Sakurako: in tears "Of course Kasumi-chan!"
Kasumi: "Hah. Gaaay...." dies
Sakurako: "Dang it!"
Doctor: "...what?"

joined Oct 22, 2018

BugDevil posted:

Seriously most people would stop being in denial at the "love each other romantically and go on dates" stage.... How do you do it Yukiko-sensei?

Simple. They're playing the longest game of chicken in history. Don't worry. They'll stop once they feel like it got too gay. After being married for like 20 years and popping few kids, probably.

At 90 year old Kasumi's death bed
Kasumi: "Sakurako... before I go... do you love me?"
Sakurako: in tears "Of course Kasumi-chan!"
Kasumi: "Hah. Gaaay...." dies
Sakurako: "Dang it!"
Doctor: "...what?"

Now, now, with the advance of genetic and medical technology, especially CRISPR, we may just extend our lifespan and healthspan by centuries. So, if we're being positive, they may spend a few hundred years together.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Now, now, with the advance of genetic and medical technology, especially CRISPR, we may just extend our lifespan and healthspan by centuries. So, if we're being positive, they may spend a few hundred years together.

Being wildly optimistic you mean; CRISPR is but an useful tool for genetic engineering, and genetic engineering isn't magic (the new nuke though it might be).
And aging is a fair bit more complex than just genetics, which we're scratching our heads over enough as it is.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Now, now, with the advance of genetic and medical technology, especially CRISPR, we may just extend our lifespan and healthspan by centuries. So, if we're being positive, they may spend a few hundred years together.

Being wildly optimistic you mean; CRISPR is but an useful tool for genetic engineering, and genetic engineering isn't magic (the new nuke though it might be).
And aging is a fair bit more complex than just genetics, which we're scratching our heads over enough as it is.

In my defence, I only mentioned CRISPR because that's what I know most about. I do know of other things that would be useful as anti-aging therapies, but, hey, why let two badly constructed comments I made (this one very much included) get in my way of being positive and trying to spread it to others. :)

joined Jul 19, 2018

Yes, but Kasumi said she just prefers to be Sakurako's pet cat. In the end it's up to the people participating in a relationship to define it. In many cases even each partner will view their relationship differently let alone what strangers and various other onlookers think. Still, final word goes to the people in said relationship.

If I see a girl and a guy eating at a fashionable cafe together and acting extremely close to one another I might interpret it as a couple who are dating, but if they tell me they are just siblings hanging out than that's what they are.

Anyway, the entire point of this chapter was that not all relationships fit into silly pre-cut categories or labels nor should they.

This would only apply if we had no insight on their general life though...

I want you to repeat this sentence out loud and then smack yourself against the head:
"We cuddle and sleep together, romantically love each other, kiss each other, go on dates together, live together, want to get married, are already integrated as members in the respective other's family and base every decision of our life around each other. OH but we are totally not dating though."

Heck I smacked myself for saying that out loud. As explained before, people can make up or ignore definitions and naming coventions if they want, but on an empirical level, its just undeniable.
Seriously most people would stop being in denial at the "love each other romantically and go on dates" stage.... How do you do it Yukiko-sensei?

I personally think the terms significant other or life partners fit them better than dating, but again as I was saying from the start, the entire point of this chapter was that not all relationships fit into silly pre-cut categories or labels nor should they. ~shrug~

joined Aug 26, 2018

I personally think the terms significant other or life partners fit them better than dating, but again as I was saying from the start, the entire point of this chapter was that not all relationships fit into silly pre-cut categories or labels nor should they. ~shrug~

That is just semantics tbh. It's the exact same thing in reality.
I personally think the chapter was about how they can't define their relationship, because they think they are many things at once and don't have one umbrella term for it. The problem is that they don't need one. You can be a girlfriend and hugging pillow and a best friend all at once. You don't need to find an overarching term for all of it.

Oh and they never said they aren't dating. That idea came from another user here who assumed that if they don't call each other girlfriends or lovers they don't date.

last edited at Apr 8, 2019 3:37AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

That is just semantics tbh.

I'd say that this is also entering into the field of pragmatics (very similar to, yet distinct from semantics).
But, yeah, otherwise, we're on the same page on this "what is the MCs' exact relationship" issue.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Oh, great! I just checked the main page. New reading material, boys and girls!

joined Aug 26, 2018

Cat cafes are great. So comfortable. Just don't eat or drink there, because you will be coughing cat hair for days.
I'll never get tired of the "You can't eat that" jokes. lol

joined Apr 25, 2018

So what are you doing in cat cafes if you don't eat or drink?

joined Jul 26, 2016

So what are you doing in cat cafes if you don't eat or drink?

Take pictures I guess... secretly.

joined Jun 27, 2017

So what are you doing in cat cafes if you don't eat or drink?

Take pictures I guess... secretly.

Said thing is that social media culture almost certainly translates to half of the costumers indeed primarily going to be able to post selfies afterwards (well, the cafe probably won't care).

joined Oct 3, 2016

Sakurako being an Uber-frau somehow never gets old.
I guess they're going to one of those legal gay marriage prefectures after college.

joined Aug 26, 2018

So what are you doing in cat cafes if you don't eat or drink?

Cuddle with cats and chill. It's worth the entry fee to some, don't judge.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'll never get tired of the "You can't eat that" jokes. lol

Not to mention the "eat with" jokes.

We're really getting a steady dose of how sensitive Kasumi is/was about unwanted attention, and how thoroughly she doesn't see Sakurako that way.

(The degree is often a bit much for Kasumi, but not the kind of affection Sakurako shows.)

joined Dec 20, 2018

Kasumi is life.

last edited at Apr 8, 2019 9:06AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Why not just appreciate the show instead of trying to find tons of explaination about their relationship ?

Some men just want to watch the marigolds measured.

last edited at Apr 8, 2019 9:57AM

joined Aug 4, 2018

Every few days, we get two-three chapters of this and I'm on cloud nine.

Then I remember that after ch.56 the manna from heaven will run out and I'm like

joined Oct 22, 2018

Every few days, we get two-three chapters of this and I'm on cloud nine.

Then I remember that after ch.56 the manna from heaven will run out and I'm like

Not quite as dramatic, but I'm in the same boat.

joined Nov 8, 2017

"Kasumi's breath" xD

Every few days, we get two-three chapters of this and I'm on cloud nine.

Then I remember that after ch.56 the manna from heaven will run out and I'm like

Not quite as dramatic, but I'm in the same boat.

Can't the Scanlators translate the magazine stuff?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Can't the Scanlators translate the magazine stuff?

They can. But at that point they will be out of magazine stuff as well.

Little Red Rum
joined Mar 6, 2015

I guess Sakurako and Kasumi are just two lonely people that found each other.

joined Aug 16, 2018


... shot a thousand Cupid arrows thro my heart. <3 <3 <3

I think I'm taking Kasumi as mai waifu.

joined Jul 29, 2017

... shot a thousand Cupid arrows thro my heart. <3 <3 <3

I think I'm taking Kasumi as mai waifu.

Understandable, but don’t let Sakurako get wind of it . . .

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