Forum › Catulus Syndrome discussion

joined Apr 6, 2017

It's almost certainly just going to turn out that she just didn't get along with ordinary humans and has chosen to become cynical and distant and is now concluding that her experience is a 100% true rule for everyone.

It is clear she has a jaded view but at the same time we have to remember Yuki was treated really shitty herself even by her own parents and is why she is so neurotic.

joined Nov 8, 2017

Well, wasn't that harsh.

joined Jul 26, 2016

It is clear she has a jaded view but at the same time we have to remember Yuki was treated really shitty herself even by her own parents and is why she is so neurotic.

Excuse me but what? Pretty sure her parents have never even been mentioned.

On another note I knew Yuki was tiny but holy shit she really needs to start eating some animal protein...

joined Jun 4, 2015

It is clear she has a jaded view but at the same time we have to remember Yuki was treated really shitty herself even by her own parents and is why she is so neurotic.

Excuse me but what? Pretty sure her parents have never even been mentioned.

On another note I knew Yuki was tiny but holy shit she really needs to start eating some animal protein...

She's mentioned her mother before. I can't remember what chapter. I don't think they were bad parents though and she loves her mom if I remember correctly. ITs just a bit awkward between the two

joined Jan 27, 2019

“I HAVE A DREAM, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the cat ears on their heads nor the tails on their backs, but by the content of their character,"
-Martin Luther King

joined Jul 26, 2016

She's mentioned her mother before. I can't remember what chapter. I don't think they were bad parents though and she loves her mom if I remember correctly. ITs just a bit awkward between the two

Oh right, she appears in a flashback already in ch 5 and gets mentioned again in 16; I stand corrected.
And yeah "caring but awkward" seems about right. (Seems to be hereditary...)

On a whole different note, this is altogether too :relatable: :c

joined Jun 4, 2015

Kantai/Azur super sad face of the rng gods/wallets

joined Jun 30, 2016

She is human, those ears and tail are fake!

joined Sep 14, 2016

“I HAVE A DREAM, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the cat ears on their heads nor the tails on their backs, but by the content of their character,"
-Martin Luther Cat


Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Who's the person who didn't believe me when I said evidence indicated Yuki was a catalus since birth?! I stand vindicated! :P

(yes, I'm kidding.)

joined Nov 8, 2017

Evil catgirl with a past with Oguri. Interesting.

joined Mar 8, 2019

So Ayano seems like she’s starting to realize that her feelings for Yuki run deeper than friendship but Oguri’s probably going to fall for Yuki too.

Enter Anna who clearly has a thing for Oguri. I think Oguri was her maid when they were younger. Oguri seems like she too is a congenital Catulus so maybe Anna’s one of the reasons why she believes Catulus and humans can’t be friends. Or she’s the reason why Oguri hates the idea of being friends just because your Catulus.

Either way, Anna’s there to cause Yuki trouble.

Just wish the intro of the new character came later, after we had more Ayano x Yuki bonding moments.

Also wish that this will leave the island of subtext. Doesn’t have to be soon but just that it will.

joined Sep 14, 2016

We weren't able to become true friends.

Betting it's because they are useless lesbians who ended up both saying they don't want to be (just) friends and then stopped meeting because of the misunderstanding

joined Jun 3, 2015

We weren't able to become true friends.

Betting it's because they are useless lesbians who ended up both saying they don't want to be (just) friends and then stopped meeting because of the misunderstanding

I wonder if that means that, in addition to being more catlike than ordinary catalus, congenital catalus are also even more useless than ordinary lesbians.

joined Jul 26, 2016

We weren't able to become true friends.

Betting it's because they are useless lesbians who ended up both saying they don't want to be (just) friends and then stopped meeting because of the misunderstanding

I wonder if that means that, in addition to being more catlike than ordinary catalus, congenital catalus are also even more useless than ordinary lesbians.

Yuki is at least one degree of magnitude more useless than an ordinary person, period, so you may be on to something... :v

Pretty ace at FPSes tho!

last edited at Mar 19, 2019 1:16PM

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

So how long until these silly girls realize that Oguri and Maron the catulus are the same person? Yuki seemed to notice it when they first met, but has apparently either forgotten or convinced herself she was wrong.

We weren't able to become true friends.

Betting it's because they are useless lesbians who ended up both saying they don't want to be (just) friends and then stopped meeting because of the misunderstanding

I wonder if that means that, in addition to being more catlike than ordinary catalus, congenital catalus are also even more useless than ordinary lesbians.

Yuki is at least one degree of magnitude more useless than an ordinary person, period, so you may be on to something... :v

She just suffers from massive social anxiety that's been conditioned into her since she was a child by everyone around her, including her mother.

joined Mar 8, 2019

So how long until these silly girls realize that Oguri and Maron the catulus are the same person? Yuki seemed to notice it when they first met, but has apparently either forgotten or convinced herself she was wrong.

You’d think Yuki would realize since the Prof gave her the candy that made her ears disappear.... but I guess she doesn’t get why Oguron would want to hide it seeing as she seems like a well adjusted Catulus.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I really dig Yuki's '80s Spaceship Captain persona, even if it's just an image others have. We don't have nearly enough of those in manga these days anymore....

last edited at Mar 23, 2019 3:22AM

joined Jun 4, 2015

So Ayano seems like she’s starting to realize that her feelings for Yuki run deeper than friendship but Oguri’s probably going to fall for Yuki too.

Enter Anna who clearly has a thing for Oguri. I think Oguri was her maid when they were younger. Oguri seems like she too is a congenital Catulus so maybe Anna’s one of the reasons why she believes Catulus and humans can’t be friends. Or she’s the reason why Oguri hates the idea of being friends just because your Catulus.

Either way, Anna’s there to cause Yuki trouble.

Just wish the intro of the new character came later, after we had more Ayano x Yuki bonding moments.

Also wish that this will leave the island of subtext. Doesn’t have to be soon but just that it will.

In the flashback picture of Anna and Oguri, you can't see whether or not she has cat ears or not. I don't think she was a catulus at the time. Something happened and they came to the conclusion that the gap is to large for normal people and catulus to become close. Oguri hides her symptoms and Anna either contracted catulus later or isn't a true one either.
Just my speculation.

joined Jul 26, 2016

-- Anna either contracted catulus later or isn't a true one either.

Well it's established in-universe most first express the condition around their early teens... but how the heck would you not be a "true" catulus? Don cat-ears headband or something? (Which might actually have connotations akin to blackface IRL, mind you...)

joined Jun 4, 2015

-- Anna either contracted catulus later or isn't a true one either.

Well it's established in-universe most first express the condition around their early teens... but how the heck would you not be a "true" catulus? Don cat-ears headband or something? (Which might actually have connotations akin to blackface IRL, mind you...)

If the sketchy professor can make a medicine to hide the features, it wouldn't be to far fetched to say there's one to give those same attributes as well.

joined Jul 26, 2016

-- Anna either contracted catulus later or isn't a true one either.

Well it's established in-universe most first express the condition around their early teens... but how the heck would you not be a "true" catulus? Don cat-ears headband or something? (Which might actually have connotations akin to blackface IRL, mind you...)

If the sketchy professor can make a medicine to hide the features, it wouldn't be to far fetched to say there's one to give those same attributes as well.

While as-such true (the entire catulus thing is, for all practical intents and purposes, straight up magic after all) that seems like a rather far-fetched theory when Occam's Razor says that Anna's simply a regular enough ketgurl - perhaps simply a "late bloomer".

I'm more curious about how she was able to identify Yuki as a "congenital" apparently at first glance tbh...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Does Yuki use a voice changer? I don't remember if this has been established.

About the only way the rest of the clan could think of her as anything else than a girl, certainly, but this is the first time it's actually been implied methinks.

Also her online persona continues to be hilariously Comedically Sociopathic; "by habit" indeed... XD

joined Jun 4, 2015

-- Anna either contracted catulus later or isn't a true one either.

Well it's established in-universe most first express the condition around their early teens... but how the heck would you not be a "true" catulus? Don cat-ears headband or something? (Which might actually have connotations akin to blackface IRL, mind you...)

If the sketchy professor can make a medicine to hide the features, it wouldn't be to far fetched to say there's one to give those same attributes as well.

While as-such true (the entire catulus thing is, for all practical intents and purposes, straight up magic after all) that seems like a rather far-fetched theory when Occam's Razor says that Anna's simply a regular enough ketgurl - perhaps simply a "late bloomer".

I'm more curious about how she was able to identify Yuki as a "congenital" apparently at first glance tbh...

You say magic, but to them it they say it is an illness. They're pretty vague on it but how does one catch it? genetically I'd assume. The way Anna describes yukki it would seem most if not all catulus catch the illness after birth afterall

She identified her easily from her Silver/White Hair and Heterochromia. I'd assume they are very rare traits only to those born catulus. Then adding in her Turkish Angora heritage makes her even rarer.

joined Jul 26, 2016

You say magic, but to them it they say it is an illness. They're pretty vague on it but how does one catch it? genetically I'd assume. The way Anna describes yukki it would seem most if not all catulus catch the illness after birth afterall

"Magic" and "illness" are hardly mutually exclusive; case in point, real-world folklore about the contagious varieties of vampirism and lycanthropy. And the casual violation of fundamental natural laws inherent in the transformation from a regular-sized human into a regular-sized cat (a mass difference in the ballpark of 90%) should be obvious...

She identified her easily from her Silver/White Hair and Heterochromia. I'd assume they are very rare traits only to those born catulus.

Both occur readily enough in perfectly normal humans (and many other animals for that matter) so that's a complete non-starter and I have no bloody idea what Anna (and the author) are babbling there.

Then adding in her Turkish Angora heritage makes her even rarer.

Uh. You do realize that "heritage" would imply actual cat genes ergo an ancestor taking "a cat is fine too" alarmingly far beyond mere memery, right...?

Not that it was ever explained why catulus express characteristics of actual cat breeds, nevermind now those from literally the other side of the planet, but I think we should put the prospect of straight up bestiality (and some truly bizarre genetics) aside pending evidence to the contrary...
Also that has nothing to do with her rare expressing of the condition prenatally (according to Anna anyway, which Yuki does not contradict so it's presumably true at least as far as she knows) in the first place. And how Anna knows that is an even better question that implies either some kind of superhuman sense allowing her to somehow perceive it, or some quite questionable record privacy on part of the relevant health authorities...

last edited at Mar 23, 2019 8:02AM

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