Forum › Bloom Into You Comic Anthology discussion

joined Nov 14, 2016

Best couple, best chapter.

I couldn't have said it better myself, this is my favorite chapter by a wide margin.
Also the art is great, I wish this artist made more yuri.

last edited at Jan 20, 2019 10:05PM

joined Sep 10, 2015


I agree! Keep it going!

Oh, on a side note, how much was actually charged for that coffee?

Hell yeah. I wanna see moooore adult yuri.

joined Aug 9, 2011



joined Apr 20, 2013

"Wait, You're gonna get all wet"
That's the point ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Mar 22, 2014

Aw, Riko was the regular customer.

joined Jul 13, 2018

Official doujins are being released much faster than the main story itself...

This didn't ease my nerve at all.
Please send help.

joined Jan 19, 2019

I love this story !!!

joined Jul 13, 2018

Yuri of two adults. Nice. Better than I expected.

joined Mar 9, 2013

Thank you, Itou Hachi.

joined Apr 17, 2015

And thus Sayaka fell to the dark side…

Though it would have been funnier if it had been Maki's dress from story 8. :þ

joined Sep 12, 2018

Sayaka best girl.

joined Jul 13, 2018

It's ITOU HACHI. For the love of yuri, thank you, I felt blessed.

joined Jun 12, 2017

Hear that? The sound of Sayaka's maid dream dying.

joined May 1, 2015

What is this? Itou Hatchi without animal ears or lolies? Does not compute. Overload, Overload.

joined Aug 17, 2012

Been waiting for the Itou Hachi chapter and it did not disappoint.

joined Jun 4, 2015

We didn't get to see anyone in the maid outfit though.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Not in this one, but in story 8

joined Dec 25, 2018

I just realized that these are all done by separate authors. There all doing a great job

joined Feb 5, 2015

Tachi! You knew there'd be at least one kiss!

joined Jul 29, 2017

That was cute, but I thought Yuu’s line “Let’s get this over with” rang a little false. That’s just never quite been Yuu’s attitude toward kissing/skinship—she’s fended Touko off from time to time or said, “That’s enough,” but to me that line didn’t come off quite right (nor did it seem like a parody or other transformation of the character—just like someone trying to do a pretty standard little YagaKimi story and making a slight misstep.)

The hair/button thing was pretty cute, though.

joined Jan 24, 2018

I was hoping tachi was gonna be part of the bloom anthology circle!!!!!!! So many fav Yuri mangakas on this one its wonderful

joined May 7, 2017

yeah this anthology has been quite a let down to me

joined Dec 11, 2017

That was cute, but I thought Yuu’s line “Let’s get this over with” rang a little false. That’s just never quite been Yuu’s attitude toward kissing/skinship—she’s fended Touko off from time to time or said, “That’s enough,” but to me that line didn’t come off quite right (nor did it seem like a parody or other transformation of the character—just like someone trying to do a pretty standard little YagaKimi story and making a slight misstep.)

The hair/button thing was pretty cute, though.

On the other hand, in this case, it's clear she's kind of acting put out just to get Touko back to the embrace, which Yuu was enjoying more than she let on, so I can buy it.

joined Apr 17, 2015

It feels like a scene that could have happened early in the main series, honestly.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I don't object to the line--it just struck me as a little on the nose as compared to Nakatani's own scripting. Now that I think about it, I'd have to go back to see if Yuu ever tells Touko that her feelings are other than what they actually are.

Geez, I said that horribly. I guess I mean that we definitely see Yuu making statements to herself about how she feels that readers perceive to be untrue ("It's just because I'm a pushover," "I'd have done the same for anyone," etc.). But do we see her telling Touko things that Yuu knows are not how she actually feels?

(Putting aside the "I promise not to fall in love with you" thing--the poor dear has only intermittently been convinced that that's even possible for her, even when--or maybe especially when--she was head over heels in her particular Yuu-esque way.)

last edited at Jan 26, 2019 1:37PM

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