Literally the OTP of Love Live
to use a metric I discussed a long while back, when it was closer, there's about 15% more Maki x Nico chapters and 15% more Maki x Nico images on Dynasty Reader than there are Eli x Nozomi. And on the site there's about 5% more Maki x Nico than Eli x Nozomi. Because earlier stories didn't use the pairing flag often, just stories with Eli & Nozomi vs those with Maki x Nico, there's about 10% more Maki x Nico stories. The situation is similar on with Nico x Maki stories being about 12% more common than Eli x Nozomi. And no other ship besides Eli x Nozomi comes close. Ironically, one of the rivals, though, is Nico x Nozomi, which must make Nico feel special. Google results using Youtube have about only 2% more Maki x Nico videos than Nozmi x Eli/Eri videos. So they are the leading pair but does that make them the OTP???