Forum › Seifuku no Vampiress Lord discussion

joined Nov 23, 2014

Usually I wouldn't say anything, but with this series being so unfortunately shorter than it should be ... that chapter was wasted! More yuri!

I on the other hand enjoyed this little Yuu & Rin chapter a lot and especially that the latter was not portrayed as a complete clown for once.

joined Jan 21, 2016

I love Rin <3 also kudos to Yuu for reaffirming her orientation everytime she gets the chance lmao

joined Jun 4, 2012

I wish there was an anime of this series :<

joined Apr 20, 2013

A5PECT posted:

"Stereotypical dramatic misunderstandings in romance? Oh no, I'm far too gay for that."

Yeah, spending the whole chapter with a guy and pretending to be his GF and yet there wasn't an inch of romance hahaha because she's just that deep into yuri lol so I'm glad!
and ooh we have enemiesss

joined Apr 30, 2014

good ol' cliffhanger.

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 10:58AM

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

"Stereotypical dramatic misunderstandings in romance? Oh no, I'm far too gay for that."

The Venus symbols floating in the background are rather telling.

joined Jul 17, 2018

You know I really do like this manga, the yuri couples and chemistry plus art are nice. But is the mangaka an airhead or new to yuri or something? How many yuri works/drawings have they done before this? What pattern do they have in their regular work, if they have an established?
I think it goes without saying that guys (in this case Rin) are just a third wheel or generally undesirable plot point in a yuri manga. I know that they definitely arent why I read one for. Obviously depending on the setting, it can be more realistic or a way of expressing different viewpoints in the world (Yagate Kimi ni Naru observer guy for instance is like a meta rep of a male yuri fan) . But Rin here doesnt do a one shot chapter and disappear. He sucks up screen time like half an eclipse. It feels so....illogical. And filler. All he has achieved so far as a character is (unconsensually) turn the protag into a vampire, which is important. But what then? He isnt particularly interesting a character overall (almost like he belongs in a shojo manga actually).. I hope that at the next chapter and end as teased this chapter, we actually see what his so far bum existence as a plot point is building up to. I can only hope its worth all this screentime that couldve been used for the yuri main couple flirting and other lovey dovey stuff. Plz dont tell me introducing this new male vampire lord is to give a cliche male interfere in yuri couple plot point. Im really tired of those. Has anyone read the final vol raws and thought it was worth it to include Rin in all time?(i dont mind spoilers but....) Has the author given a reason in the afterwords or tweeted reasons for including Rin for so long? I feel like the author came from some het manga or shojo manga background and is only just transitioning to try yuri stories.
At this point personally I feel Killing Me! is already winning out as the more enjoyable vampire yuri story. Sry (but not really) if it sounds like a rant, but Im pretty sure Im not alone in thinking Rin uses a hell lot more screentime than he deserves in a explicit yuri manga.

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 11:51AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

No, that's a rant. It doesn't merely sound like one. :|

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 12:01PM

joined Jul 17, 2018

Pretty darn sure i didnt say it wasnt. Just sry for anyone who doesnt like (potentially)heated discussions. If you dont want to engage the question, dont at all.

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 12:22PM

joined Jul 17, 2018

Huh, read some amazon reviews and older posts , so this series was axed?
Well not surprised much. Its been largely anticlimatic for a non 4koma manga, and choosing the vampire genre feels more hapharzardous(?) than a overarching setting. I feel successful vamp manga usually has gotta have moe focus (sophie) or drama (various) or a balance of both(Another Kiss). This series feels like it splits its focus too much between the yuri, charas, and its plot(?). With a little refining at initial setup and later chapters, this series couldve easily gone on longer I think. Biggest unsatisfaction tho was the lack of more scenes with protag and Nana.

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 12:28PM

joined Jun 27, 2017

Plz dont tell me introducing this new male vampire lord is to give a cliche male interfere in yuri couple plot point.

I'm not entirely disagreeing with your points, see above - but you have actually read the manga, right? It basically torpedoes any cliché it comes across immediately. Whenever there's any situation where some trope-ish drama might have started everyone just goes "it's no big deal" and the "story" moves on.

I agree that the manga probably failed to draw in readers properly after the first three-four chapters with something a bit more tangible; something where you can just simply go "this is what's it about".

Personally, I like the slight-paced slice-of-life-ishness and if it had whatever original length it was planned for, I'm sure it would have been worth following it, too. Now the pacing just feels off as it's too short for the carefree meandering about ^^;

joined Feb 3, 2013

You know I really do like this manga, the yuri couples and chemistry plus art are nice. But is the mangaka an airhead or new to yuri or something? How many yuri works/drawings have they done before this? What pattern do they have in their regular work, if they have an established?

The only other series I know from this author is Prunus Girl, which is technically yaoi with some yuri in between.

In any case, the author seems really fond of having the characters being aware of the usual cliches of the genre, or build up drama that eventually leads to nowhere in a rather hilarious way.

joined Apr 18, 2016

Just because the romance is primarily yuri doesn't mean it has to have no guys. I appreciate they have a genuinely...brotherly/sisterly thing going here.

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Too much Rin (by which I mean he appeared, period) in this chapter.

Great to see another release at last, though.

Cancelled? A series this good?

Grab your crayons and colour me mad.

What the hell? Seriously.... That's sucks ass.. But I'll love every last ounce out of it that I can.

Nope..It is not cancelled..It is already finish and has 3 volumes.. You can see the raws in Chinese sites but they are still updating and currently at Chapter 21..It just update yesterday..

The only reason it's "already finish" is because it was cancelled. When a series is cancelled it doesn't mean that the publisher just cuts it off right at the last released chapter. Most of the time they give the author a certain amount of additional chapters to wrap things up. What it does mean, however, is that the ending that we're going to get (once it gets translated) is NOT the ending that we would have gotten had the author been allowed to finish the story the way they intended.

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 3:13PM

joined Aug 11, 2015

Who the hell are these people that hate Tracksuit-pire? Vampires are the ones that are supposed to not have souls!

joined May 1, 2018

In a het romance manga where the female MC bonds with her female friends, would you say that's out of place or a waste of time and the artist should stick to her romance? This is the same. It's actually rare to have in a yuri manga a legitimate male-female friendship that can hold a whole chapter, and I think it's pretty refreshing. If yuri is the only reason why someone would read a comic or something, I can understand that it may not find any appeal in the series having other sides like this, but it's no flaw but rather one of its strong points.

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 6:05PM

joined Jul 8, 2018

I'd love more yuri vampire biting, but I'll agree its nice to have her sire not being a giant creep.

joined May 15, 2014

it is very refreshing to see a male in a yuri and not causing drama (at least with the girls :P) because if they are not gay there whole purpose seems to just be for drama. it adds more realism to relation friend ships too, having just a bunch of gay people in a friend group just seems to artificial (to me at least) like you see in a lot of other yuri/yoai cough yuru yuri cough

joined Feb 18, 2013

Oh look, someone dumped some plot-thickener in at the end. Taking bets on whether it's a beautiful woman or not.

joined Jul 17, 2018

Spoiler for Vol 3 about the "beautiful woman".
View at your discretion.
Hate it or love it, there will be chaos and bloodshed in the cesspool of argument

As for other fans who like to have a guy in Yuri for some reason.......uh well.
you do you and take the moral high ground or whatever, if you like doing that. everyone else will live a bit more honest with their desires.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 1:35AM

Just a goddess with her guardian
joined May 9, 2017

Let me guess, Rin is gay?

joined Jul 17, 2018

Plz dont tell me introducing this new male vampire lord is to give a cliche male interfere in yuri couple plot point.

I'm not entirely disagreeing with your points, see above - but you have actually read the manga, right? It basically torpedoes any cliché it comes across immediately. Whenever there's any situation where some trope-ish drama might have started everyone just goes "it's no big deal" and the "story" moves on.

I agree that the manga probably failed to draw in readers properly after the first three-four chapters with something a bit more tangible; something where you can just simply go "this is what's it about".

Personally, I like the slight-paced slice-of-life-ishness and if it had whatever original length it was planned for, I'm sure it would have been worth following it, too. Now the pacing just feels off as it's too short for the carefree meandering about ^^;

That line was before I impatiently went and read the raws for vol 3, so take that with a pinch of salt.
Minor spoiler warning ahead.

It does subvert cliches so common to the yuri/romance genre as you say. That much is obvious is chapter 1, with protag's personality and treatment against the presence of male bishonen Rin which typically feels like a threatening presence in yuri manga or opposition plot point (that acknowledgement doesnt mean I dont think this series could've done better by reducing Rin's presence btw). The final product of 3 volumes worth feels like it's in between tryng to be slice of life, but also creates a expectation for a dramatic climax that isn't really what this work is trying to shape (the distinct artstyle and non-4koma format doesn't help in this case either).

But the series lacks consistent momentum as the chapters go on, and I increasingly feel the main romantic focus gets less important/screentime in favor of shining the spotlight somewhere else or splitting up the focus and stuffing it all in one chapter. This in particular is my main nitpick with this series.
Well, besides having a grown male vampire who bites a high school girl without permission which just feels uneasy to me no matter how comedically it's brushed off; doesn't matter whether he's gay or not.

I think the /ideal length this manga should have had to flesh out all its important ideas should have been around 4 to 5 volumes. At 3 volumes and this uneven momentum, the feeling of being cut short is strong, even if it is enjoyable, and there is little legroom left for making up for the imbalance as the author has to wrap up the story in vol 3.
As for the slice of life part, well again, I stand by my thought that the author juggled too many different settings and plot points in too short time(subversions, vampires, school life, yuri, playgirl protag, slow burn chapters, shoving rin in the story(if you argue there is definitive plot here),etc.). If the author had refined their vision on this manga sooner, this series as a slice of life hybrid manga could have been better presented. I wouldn't recommend this manga to your general yuri fan as a must read series, or a work with easy-to-follow plot transition. Oh and the BL twists near the end, because let's be honest and just acknowledge that not all yuri fans (if not most) are noble enough to accept BL in their yuri. I'm not.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 4:47AM

joined Feb 19, 2016

Ah shit. I knew this series was too good to be true.
Also only 3 volumes? Why must the good die in 3 volumes? Thats what happened to Opapagoto, I can't believe it's happening here. Why god, wryyyy?

joined Jul 17, 2018

Ah shit. I knew this series was too good to be true.
Also only 3 volumes? Why must the good die in 3 volumes? Thats what happened to Opapagoto, I can't believe it's happening here. Why god, wryyyy?

A lot of potentially good series tend to die in 3 volumes or less. Let me list a short memorial of good things:

Koruri's Momoiro Trance, 2 vols. This was unfortunate but didn't feel entirely unnatural, maybe author wanted to do more kancolle doujins. Author was undoubtedly popular, with the doujin background. Also made the latest Yurihime Adult magazine cover soon afterwards, so Im guessing personal preferences.
Banana no Nana, 2 vols. So obviously axed, with the rushed ending and skipped character meetings. Pitiful because it had the potential to go on for quite awhile.
Epitaph (SHOUOTO Aya), 1 vol......Yurihime at the time had to be out of their mind to let this author get away. cancelled along with series like Kohonatei Kitan (miraculously revived obviously, thanks to demand for good slice of life nowadays) partly due to the shift to current modernized magazine format.
Prism, vol1. Hard to even find on market now. Cancelled for legal/plagerisation reasons.

That's all I can think off of top of my head

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 5:02AM

joined Jun 27, 2017

Teppu ... sigh

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