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Forum › Watashi wa Kimi wo Nakasetai discussion

joined Mar 15, 2017

The translator for ch 1+2 made mistakes too, but 3+4 are at a level where I think if I were someone who couldn't read Japanese then I'd probably rather this not be released as it's a poor, misrepresentative experience of the manga.

And the other members almost never come here.

"And" isn't appropriate.

What's that?
Oh, this right here.

"That's what it's like?"
"It is here."

Oh, something a previous member picked up

This reads like she might be remarking on what she has in her hand. She's telling Hana why there's a sofa.


She's using 適当に to mean they just wing it, doing as they see fit without a plan.

Those sorts of things.
You know, those sorts of things.

"That's what it's like?"
"That's what it's like."

Maybe he needed a break.

"To make up for my absences."

Because you make it normal.

"Because you treat me normally."

This type of dog is great y'know!

"This sort of thing is better for her."

It felt like a major burden came upon us.

"It feels like a weight off my shoulders."

From this point onward,

"Since then,"

to school for club sctivities.

"to school and club activities."

The girls that's destroying my life

"Being the person she's latched onto,"

My friend got into a little fight

"I had a bit of a row with my friend"

She gets mad so easily.

This makes it sound like she's finding fault with Aoi, but the Japanese phrasing leans toward her blaming herself.


I guess this was from interpreting the beginning of the line as exasperation, but she was just correcting herself to use "Kojima-san" when in front of another person.

She's from your class Kishi-san

"Kishi Aoi-san from our class."

I at least know that much so don't worry about it.

"I'm not bothered at all by something that little."

You're too gullible...

"You're a pushover..."

Even strangers. Without doubting that kindness, they fawn over it.

Yoh is thinking the aspect of Miu she's adverse to is how Miu doesn't doubt other people and their goodwill, and they go gooey on her (like Hana is).

Though she's already won over.

"Though" isn't appropriate.

Like when we don't have any activities, we can just goof off when we like.

"You can just come and hang out with us, like when you don't have club activities."

We have fun whenever you like.

"Come hang out whenever you like."

This little misunderstanding, go and apologize to Hana-chan now.

"Apologize to Hana-chan for your misunderstanding."

I'm apologize.

Presumably a typo.

Oh, wow.


It's like against my expectations this girl was always...

"Huh. Much more than I thought, she's..."

It's just a sick part of my personality

"At how bad my personality is."

Hearing you talk earlier, I was thinking of allowing it. Letting her join.

"I thought you'd go and get her to join."

I guess acting all innocent all the time must be a pain for you right?

"Well, it'd be a drag not being able to be yourself even during club, right?"

I feel like you said something weird about me?

"Did I say something weird?"

Wait a minute, did you say I was acting innocent...!
Yeah, I thought you knew, right.

"Hey, how'd you know about me not being myself?"
"C'mon, it's not hard to tell."

Made you cry!! I totally made you cry!!

"I'll make you cry!! I will definitely make you cry!!"

last edited at Apr 30, 2018 7:33AM

joined Nov 23, 2014

Thank you for the new releases, but also thank you for the corrections above. It really was somewhat difficult to follow, though some parts could be deciphered even without knowledge of the original.

joined Dec 13, 2017

Thank you for the support! After reading a bit further in, I really liked the dynamic and I wanted to continue the translation for this series!

At the moment of writing, I'm done with Ch.7's TL. So I intend to go full-in and translate the rest!

I love you <3

Little Red Rum
joined Mar 6, 2015

I don't know why but, I felt like the dynamics we have between these characters are so... real?

It's like watching a live-action series.

Kojima is surprisingly sharp for figuring out Aizawa's good-girl persona, I thought she would be the airhead delinquent type.

Is the author the same person who wrote the story for Kindred Spirits on the Rooftop by chance? I remember their artstyle but the characterizations in this manga resemble the game a bit.

joined Jul 14, 2017

Thank you very much for your input! I've looked at some of your corrections and some were indeed typos or just poor grammar due to both myself and the previous translator. For Chapter 3, I had to fix up the original script which was vastly different than the one used here. So while it doesn't really excuse the final quality of the script, it certainly was difficult to rewrite someone else's words into a releasable script.

As for Chapter 4, I started that myself and I'd have to say I did make some silly mistakes as well. I'm still a relative novice translator, so I can't vouch for an absolute best representative look of the manga. Especially since I had just discovered this series a month ago. So I must admit, I'm still getting a hang of all the girls and their personalities. But I'll do my best to make sure that the series is both a readable work for all English-levels, while being an accurate representation of the manga.

In any case, thank you for your translation check of the manga! I'll be on higher vigilance from now. If anyone else sees any problems, I can update it and send it back to get re-typesetted. Thank you all for the comments!

joined Aug 10, 2016

Honestly I have become obsessed with this story. I'm already 40 chapters in. It's a combination of the soft delinquent dynamic together with the girl that appears to be innocent but is actually quite self-centered and manipulative. Two opposites in every way conceivable that can learn from each other. As LilyBlack said, this story has some incredibly complex characterization that I love seeing explored. I've even gone as far as wanting to buy the physical copies of both volumes. I love this story that much.
A hidden gem, this is.
Either way, here's hoping the translation goes faster

theres over 40 chapters of this? I never knew I needed something so badly.

joined Mar 15, 2017

Thank you very much for your input! I've looked at some of your corrections and some were indeed typos or just poor grammar due to both myself and the previous translator. For Chapter 3, I had to fix up the original script which was vastly different than the one used here. So while it doesn't really excuse the final quality of the script, it certainly was difficult to rewrite someone else's words into a releasable script.

As for Chapter 4, I started that myself and I'd have to say I did make some silly mistakes as well. I'm still a relative novice translator, so I can't vouch for an absolute best representative look of the manga. Especially since I had just discovered this series a month ago. So I must admit, I'm still getting a hang of all the girls and their personalities. But I'll do my best to make sure that the series is both a readable work for all English-levels, while being an accurate representation of the manga.

In any case, thank you for your translation check of the manga! I'll be on higher vigilance from now. If anyone else sees any problems, I can update it and send it back to get re-typesetted. Thank you all for the comments!

You're still getting the hang of basic Japanese! Higher vigilance doesn't solve that.

joined Feb 10, 2016

Thank you so much to all the translators for this story. I am so looking forward to the next translation release <3

joined Feb 10, 2016

Honestly I have become obsessed with this story. I'm already 40 chapters in. It's a combination of the soft delinquent dynamic together with the girl that appears to be innocent but is actually quite self-centered and manipulative. Two opposites in every way conceivable that can learn from each other. As LilyBlack said, this story has some incredibly complex characterization that I love seeing explored. I've even gone as far as wanting to buy the physical copies of both volumes. I love this story that much.
A hidden gem, this is.
Either way, here's hoping the translation goes faster

theres over 40 chapters of this? I never knew I needed something so badly.

2 volumes and 40 chapters so far. The third volume is coming out next July!

last edited at May 3, 2018 8:59PM

joined Oct 16, 2016

Is the author the same person who wrote the story for Kindred Spirits on the Rooftop by chance? I remember their artstyle but the characterizations in this manga resemble the game a bit.

Fumio Aya wrote and drew the second half of the KSotR manga, but she had no involvement in the game itself.

joined Sep 30, 2017

I don't know why exactly, but I really like this.

joined Apr 20, 2013

40 chapters?! OMG I'M soooooo excited now hahaha
Also that was very lewd, the nurse play o////o

joined Jun 17, 2018

I must say I actually like this a lot , it's also funny a bit even though it didn't say comedy on it's genere ... I really like how the drawing of their face like since I am not into old school ... Really not into old school faces

joined Mar 12, 2014

I kinda wisheach chapter was longer, when you start getting into it it wraps up

Still I live for delinquent stories, especially oneswhere the delinquent is actually decent and the "bad" one is the "everyday" MC

Loving it so faar

joined Mar 28, 2015

That was some erotic play.

joined Sep 14, 2016

joined Jun 1, 2016

:/ 40 chaps? I know it's just me, but I prefer shorter manga. The long ones just play on the same subversions over and over, with no relationship development, while the shorter ones tend to be: girl meets girl -> shenanigans -> kiss -> relationship; 15 chapters, done and out, which I prefer.

joined Aug 19, 2012

:/ 40 chaps? I know it's just me, but I prefer shorter manga. The long ones just play on the same subversions over and over, with no relationship development, while the shorter ones tend to be: girl meets girl -> shenanigans -> kiss -> relationship; 15 chapters, done and out, which I prefer.

There are dozens of manga that fits those criteria. Long running yuri are rare

joined Jan 21, 2016

Flushed red cheeks
Labored breathing

joined Mar 5, 2017

bro, the delinquent girl has five fingers and a thumb on the second page

joined Feb 18, 2013

YES!!! I can't get enough delinquent yuri!

Flushed red cheeks!! Labored breathing!! Open clothing!!!!
Make no mistake... hands were held!

joined Feb 10, 2016

Wow this is still being translated? the manga didnt have such a satisfied ending

joined Oct 15, 2014

Wow this is still being translated? the manga didnt have such a satisfied ending

Wait, What?!!

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

bro, the delinquent girl has five fingers and a thumb on the second page [of chapter 2]

The six-fingered woman! I've devoted my life to finding the six-fingered woman...

last edited at Jun 23, 2018 2:19PM

Little Red Rum
joined Mar 6, 2015

Wow this is still being translated? the manga didnt have such a satisfied ending


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