Forum › My Cute Little Kitten discussion

joined Nov 7, 2013

Im fasting rn now but i felt like my insulin level just spiked.

joined Mar 29, 2018

What a nice surprise, thanks for the translation

joined Mar 15, 2017

Did Rena have a regional accent? That's what I thought they were trying to show. But then Yuna said "Ain't" and I didn't think she had one too?

They both speak in a typical way for young women in manga. There's colloquialisms and such, but nothing unusual.

joined Apr 28, 2016

The tone and style shift between the previous chapter's translation and this one's is jarring, and what they've changed to doesn't quite fit the story.

The awkward wording and numerous typos aren't helping things, either.

joined Jul 30, 2015

Is the story finish in Japan? Or why it is so slow? ._.'

joined Oct 31, 2013

Mr catt you're absolutely brilliant!! You made my day!! I was so surprised to see it in my inbox.
Personally I liked the accent and thought it was fitting, gave it a funny quality that I'm sure Morinaga intended.
I hope you'll continue translating, I can't wait for more already!

Also just wondering if you don't mind, are you Scottish? Only if you don't mind answering

something tells me "the fuck you say eejit" is not the "funny quality" Morinaga was going for

Maybe she wouldn't have used the word "fuck" but I'm pretty sure I can recall the use of the word idiot several times in "Girlfriends" (eejit=idiot in Scotland) and you can use the word "hell" instead of "fuck" which again I'm pretty sure I can recall the use of in "Girlfriends".

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Kaori posted:

, "fuck" isn't, "hell" (jigoku) is also used.

I'm pretty sure they meant hell, as replacement for word fuck, not actual use of word hell. As in "what the hell" and "what the fuck" technically has the same meaning, one just have curse word and one, doesn't. But other than that I agree, word choices matter and especially when it is 2 japanese young adult ladies it is really hard to imagine them cursing and talking very rough in jps. So no, it is most likely not expressing the way Morinaga herself would translate it if she knew english. Also comparing the word usage to other english translations of her work is pointless as depending on translator, their word choice will differ, so only way you can make this argument is comparing both jps versions and which words Morinaga herself choose. Either way, I left it open in case someone else will work on this faster, but you guys now make me regret my decision... (and knowing dynasty policy, you shouldn't expect second version of translation being uploaded here).

last edited at Mar 29, 2018 9:41AM

Parnifia the Bastard
joined Aug 4, 2014

Either way, I left it open in case someone else will work on this faster, but you guys now make me regret my decision... (and knowing dynasty policy, you shouldn't expect second version of translation being uploaded here).

In my experience with this site, you're free to submit another version of a translation, which can replace the one previously uploaded if it's deemed objectively superior. If you're doing that, though, you should probably contact an uploader or other staff member to personally explain your reasoning.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Sung posted:

The second chapter is even better than the first. Why is it dropped though?

It isn't. Not anymore anyway. It was, but once they uploaded new chapter the status wasn't changed.

Parnifia the Bastard posted:

In my experience with this site, you're free to submit another version of a translation, which can replace the one previously uploaded if it's deemed objectively superior. If you're doing that, though, you should probably contact an uploader or other staff member to personally explain your reasoning.

I meant having 2 different versions. Not 1 replacing the other, as I don't really want to remove someone else work, regardless of quality (and some people seems to enjoy it). And anyway there is shitload of other stuff I have waiting to be done before it.

last edited at Mar 29, 2018 10:14AM

joined Jan 21, 2016

I didn't really get the humor of the translations BUUUUT!!! I am incredibly thankful for the update on this manga. I'm pretty sure the slang is something one can get used to, especially since the translators are probably doing this for free.

Thank you again! <3

Parnifia the Bastard
joined Aug 4, 2014

I meant having 2 different versions. Not 1 replacing the other, as I don't really want to remove someone else work, regardless of quality (and some people seems to enjoy it). And anyway there is shitload of other stuff I have waiting to be done before it.

Well, I don't know about actual series, but with doujins and oneshots such things have happened. But this isn't the worst thing in the world, so I won't throw a fit if the translation is left this way.

joined Jun 30, 2017

Why does this take so much time to get an update? This manga is amazing!

joined Sep 28, 2011

Morinaga Milk is unhinged. She no longer gives anything resembling a fuck. You boldly go, Morinaga, and we'll follow you

joined Dec 9, 2015


joined Sep 6, 2016

Dear God, YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally an update to this work ... THANK YOU SO MUCH :D :D :D :D :D

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

emortaleteh posted:


For fuck sake, read the damn comments first. I replied twice already. Once even on this age. Fuck it, I'm not bothering anymore >.>

EDIT/ Ok from what little time passed between them, I thought it was more often.

last edited at Mar 29, 2018 12:09PM

An update! WOOOHOO!!

joined Jan 23, 2017

Wall of text bashing the TL incoming.

Terrible TL and editing, but at least it's an update to an otherwise dead series. Next time, please don't try to add "funny" stuff that doesn't exist in the original text. Fannies, yes. Funnies, no.

So I decided to TL check the translation and editing. My non-edited TL below the moonrunes - current TL in (parentheses). My comments in [brackets].
Just to highlight a few things. Mostly bad things in the thought-boxes. Some things are decent but could use better editing.

Me just being an ass because someone wanted to be funny. My TL is probably shit as well.

Tools used: Google (dictionaries and stuff like that), Google translate, and my own extensive knowledge of Nipponese from having watched 250+ chinese cartoons.

page 2
panel 1 square box
I've always been bad with mornings.
(I have always had some troubls with getting up.) [Probably doesn't need to be changed. Except for the spelling error.]

Every day in the dormitory, Yuna would wake me up.
(That's why back then, at the dorm, Yuna had to wake me up every morning.) [Decent, I guess.]

panel 2 square box
(However) [However]

Last night I couldn't sleep at all.
(This time I didn't have the problem, since I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.) [Unnecessary addition of words that are nonexistant in the original text, even with the Japanese love for context based wordfuckery taken into consideration.]

panel 5 square box

I want to die.
(I wanna die.) [I guess.jpg]

page 3
panel 1 sfx thoughts 1
What are you saying?!
(What the fuck didja say, you eejit?!) [Superb translation, dickwad.]

panel 1 speech bubble
I really want to die...
(...Just... ...wanna... ...die...) [Too.... ....many..... .....fucking..... .....ellipses.......... Also should've kept the "really/seriously" (maji)]

panel 1 sfx thoughts 2
No way!!!
(Go obliterate yourselff!!) [Just... no.]

panel 2 square box
Although that's said. [Something like that.]
(However, I didn't kill myself, even though I so badly wanted to.) [Please...]

page 5
panel 1 square boxes
I mean...
(Please someone give me the Delorean) [Now you're just making shit up.]
(So I can go and smash my yestarday self hard) [YesTARDay, intentional or not - that is the question.]
I want to beat up my last night's self... [or whatever you wanna translate buttobashitai as]
(Before she does anything stupid...) [Probably will. But that is not to be found in the original text or context.]

Time spent translating: a few minutes. Time spent drawing every single fucking moonrune into google translate: an alot of time.
I'll spare you all from me checking the rest of it (I just probably won't be arsed to check the rest of it).

last edited at Mar 29, 2018 1:04PM

joined Mar 19, 2018

Thank you for this series and the new chapter. The drawing are very good and cute. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter...

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

azoisk posted:

Wall of text bashing the TL incoming.


Wow. It didn't start that bad, but man it escalated quickly. I had no idea it was that bad.

I mean, I'm not against taking some liberties, but that was almost a rewrite.

last edited at Mar 29, 2018 1:14PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Gotta admit the level of language is at odds with Morinaga's style. I don't know what came over the translator to use that level. Even if they aren't speaking in keigo, I don't think they are speaking like gyarus.

Anyway, it's cute, but I don't think it will last 5 volumes.

joined Dec 16, 2014

What the hell is going on here? Come on people please be grateful that people are actually giving us free tl and manga to read.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Kaori posted:

Mr catt you're absolutely brilliant!! You made my day!! I was so surprised to see it in my inbox.
Personally I liked the accent and thought it was fitting, gave it a funny quality that I'm sure Morinaga intended.
I hope you'll continue translating, I can't wait for more already!

Also just wondering if you don't mind, are you Scottish? Only if you don't mind answering

something tells me "the fuck you say eejit" is not the "funny quality" Morinaga was going for

Maybe she wouldn't have used the word "fuck" but I'm pretty sure I can recall the use of the word idiot several times in "Girlfriends" (eejit=idiot in Scotland) and you can use the word "hell" instead of "fuck" which again I'm pretty sure I can recall the use of in "Girlfriends".

The words "Hell" and "Fuck" have two completely different meanings. This is Japanese manga not some English comic, just because it's being translated to English i don't see why people should disrespect the mangakas' true intentions just because they're from another culture. Girl Friends is a completely different story and not related to this at all, besides if you read the non licensed version then there might be more words you wouldn't normally see, and anyway "idiot" (baka) is something that's often used in anime and manga, "fuck" isn't, "hell" (jigoku) is also used.

You don't even know the mangaka true intentions, you're just assuming stuff about the "glorious" Japanese language, maybe they didn't use the direct translation of fuck (perhaps they said KUSO which means SHIT)over there but if we change stuff based on "maybe" or "might" then any translation is fine, and girlfriend is a fine example because you're talking about what Morinaga was going for, so why not use another of her works as example? Jesus Christ +_+

Anyway, I hope this continues being translated because I love Morinaga's work, and if people want perfect neutral translations, better buy it licensed? Because I understand criticism about typos but criticism about interpretations are just attacks.

last edited at Mar 29, 2018 2:01PM

joined Jun 1, 2013

I had a laugh. lol
reading your comments tho.

joined Jan 16, 2018

Wow, it's posted already.
Wow, some new comments at least.
Wow, it looks like I screwed up.

Typos I've noticed:
Page 2: "troubls"
3: "yourselff"
7: "but why then she said she doesn't want to live with me" should probably say "but then why did she say she doesn't want to live with me"
10: it says "does then she want" so "then" and "she" should be switched; "rewords"
11: "apartmen"
12: "waight"
13: "fettish"
14: should probably say "why is this happening" not "why is it happening"
Also some of the phrasing is odd (i.e. blootered, bampot) but that's more of a personal opinion than anything.

I'm really sorry for hurting your eyes with all these typos, guys. I checked it many times, so i thought there wouldn't be any of them (or at least just a couple, not the thousand)(and I bet my overconfidence will kill me). My dysgraphia is not helping too. I actually corrected some of them, the "a fettish" for example, but then i probably forgot to save the file and ended up not noticing the shit while doing the final reading. I definitely should have tested its readability on some guinea pig, and that's what i will definitely do next time.

Btw, I'm not sure how the site works - if i correct all the things and suggest it again, will they update it?

7: "but why then she said she doesn't want to live with me" should probably say "but then why did she say she doesn't want to live with me"

Mmm, idk, do you all guys find all the sentences awkward? To me they sounds perfectly fine.

The only explanation: Rena is an international spy who forgets her cover story when she gets flustered.

Ahah, let's say she's just from Fukuoka, this is how people speak there, I tell'ya :D. I call it FVE - Fukuoka vernacular English.
Well, actually, these all are common in Scottish dialects, more or less. Also, "Hella" seems to me like some regular English word. The same goes for "ain't". Of course, you can more frequently find it in American dialects, especially in AAVE, but brits and the other people also use it, even though it's sometimes a little more marginalized.

Did Rena have a regional accent? That's what I thought they were trying to show. But then Yuna said "Ain't" and I didn't think she had one too?

Well, i'm not sure about "accent", since you can't tell anything pitch and sound articulation using just a japanese text, but she used grammatical construction typical for the dialects of southern Japan, so i concluded she had one. It isn't like she was all the way at it, just in a few lines she was thinking (maybe she try hide it or something), so i decided to add a few dialectisms where it is obvious from the context what Rena says. And no, Yuna didn't have one as far as i can say, i just used "ain't" because she was "blootered". (There is a possibility that i screwed this up too, but i still feel like the words fit very well.)

Also just wondering if you don't mind, are you Scottish? Only if you don't mind answering

Well... i'm actually Russian (idk, for some reason i have a feeling that everything will get even worse in the comments after me saying that). It was recommended me by some russion manga site after me reading the "Girlfriends" and "Princess". There were no 2 and 3 chapters and i was really upset about it, since i really liked the first one, so i decided to do translation. Then I discovered that it also lacks English translation and i got even more upset. And i was like "why not do both, since i am already going to redraw shit for russion one". Thanks h3x i didn't have to clean or redraw anything. (you can see how bad i am at it just by looking at the "Hainecen" bootle yuna is holding at the 11 page.)

Some people like joke-y translations, I guess?
Hrm. The translation was amusing I suppose, but done to one of my favourite mangaka the disrespect kind of pisses me off.
If you want to screw around, do it as a secondary version.

I don't have any problems with people criticizing me and being rude, but I just want to clarify
that there's some misunderstanding.

I wasn't planning to do a "joke-y" translation and i didn't want to "screw around". Like, i don't find typos funny or anything, i just screwed it up couse ama bampot. And i was completely serious doing all the stuff, and I don't really understand what you're annoyed about, (except the typos and some odd grammar from time to time, ovcorz.)

What's with all the cussing? And the use of weird words? I feel like this was localized by a 7th grader.

Obscene words. Well, sorry, but i don't have any problems with them, actually i really love them. These are the language's instruments to express strong emotions and i see no reasons not to use them, especially when it's already 18+. Rena seems to me like a really open person and she was definitely expressing really strong emotions all the way through the chapter. People don't usually shout and wish themselves dead not swearing, especially in non-formal circumstances. There was also strong language in original expressing all these emotions, it's just more about verb conjugation and not about taboo words in japanese, but their function is the same. (And no, it's not my syka blyat mentality makes me love "F" words, i'm sure russian people will also complain about Rena saying "Ah suka blyat chto za huinya nahui" etc, so it's defenetly not the case)

Dialectisms? It's just regular way of interpretation delictual speech. There are many haters of it, but i personally really like it. Of course, there is a possibility that i actually suck at Japanese and that Rena actually was born in Tokyo, but then it would be about "not having sufficient skills" as you said, t'wouldn't be done on purpose. And anyway, i personally find them fitting really well in that "dramedy" atmosphere, which is one of the reasons why i like modern japanese art.

Renaming brands? There was the tea joke, and it wouldn't be so powerful if i didn't rename the bottle. And since i renamed the bottles, it would be strange not renaming beer. And anyway i would rename it since i just don't like things to be not redrawn.

What i'm trying to say is that there was no "disrespect" to the mangaka, I like Morinaga and i like the series, i wouldn't translate it otherwise. And i'm sorry if you guys got offended, i didn't mean it. It's just how i think things should be translated to make the translation to be as close as possible to the original and how i translate them.

Oh, some japanese knowing people here! This is what i was waitng for.

but that was almost a rewrite.

Sorry, it also about how i think things should be translated. I said in the notes how i decided that "win the cat" was "i can't foresake her", right? Any translation is basicly rewriting tho, since you cant just convert one symbolic system to another.
I can reassure you tho, that the delorean part was the most "rewritten" thing. I guess so at least.

No way!!!
(Go obliterate yourselff!!) [Just... no.]

Mmm, this one seems legit, I still love the one with the obliteration more though.

(I just probably won't be arsed to check the rest of it).

Well, i can actually give you some hints so you don't waste your time, you can check the 2 last pages if you want: as i said this "wining the cat" thing is driving me crazy, it may be that just i just missing something...

Time spent drawing every single fucking moonrune into google translate: an alot of time.

Use capture2text for that, it's really handy.

Yeeeeei, i've finally written that!
mmm, yeah. Something like that :/

last edited at Mar 29, 2018 3:10PM

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