Forum › Posts by azoisk
Haha, no, it actually isn't. Page 10, The "is she trying to pretend" bobble. Yeah, I think this one is the worst. azoisk, write here what you think about it when you translate it, really looking forward to it.
You wrote:
"She is... just her usual self..."
"Is she trying to pretend like nothing happened?"
"Is she expecting me to do the same? And does then she want the two of us to pretend like that 'till she's gone"
My take on it (please go easy on me):
"She's the same as always..."
"Ah, I see,"
"she's just pretending that nothing's happened."
The original if anyone else wants to have a go:
The original is quite ambiguous in how it should be translated, and yet at the same time not. I do think you've added too much in the last part though.
Your translation overall is decent, but there are too many parts where you take too many liberties.
I'm just barely doing it barebone though, so mine would be too dry and would lose some/most of the implied stuff.
If you would fix the more "jokey" parts and stop using so many swearwords (from what I've seen there is not a single kuso or similarly loaded word or phrase in the original text. The only thing being the やば in page 3. Which you could translate as "shit" instead of "shoot") it would be a much better read.
Anyway, thanks for taking your time to translate something that's been dead for a year.
last edited at Mar 29, 2018 8:31PM
Use capture2text for that, it's really handy.
Ooh, that's gonna save quite a lot of time. Thanks for the tip.
I'll go over this chapter and post an imgur album later about how I think it should've been translated/edited. Since I only have and no special comic book fonts downloaded, it's going to look like ass (big white boxes everywhere and a terrible font).
Maybe later tonight or tomorrow or never.
Wall of text bashing the TL incoming.
Terrible TL and editing, but at least it's an update to an otherwise dead series. Next time, please don't try to add "funny" stuff that doesn't exist in the original text. Fannies, yes. Funnies, no.
So I decided to TL check the translation and editing. My non-edited TL below the moonrunes - current TL in (parentheses). My comments in [brackets].
Just to highlight a few things. Mostly bad things in the thought-boxes. Some things are decent but could use better editing.
Me just being an ass because someone wanted to be funny. My TL is probably shit as well.
Tools used: Google (dictionaries and stuff like that), Google translate, and my own extensive knowledge of Nipponese from having watched 250+ chinese cartoons.
page 2
panel 1 square box
I've always been bad with mornings.
(I have always had some troubls with getting up.) [Probably doesn't need to be changed. Except for the spelling error.]
Every day in the dormitory, Yuna would wake me up.
(That's why back then, at the dorm, Yuna had to wake me up every morning.) [Decent, I guess.]
panel 2 square box
(However) [However]
Last night I couldn't sleep at all.
(This time I didn't have the problem, since I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.) [Unnecessary addition of words that are nonexistant in the original text, even with the Japanese love for context based wordfuckery taken into consideration.]
panel 5 square box
I want to die.
(I wanna die.) [I guess.jpg]
page 3
panel 1 sfx thoughts 1
What are you saying?!
(What the fuck didja say, you eejit?!) [Superb translation, dickwad.]
panel 1 speech bubble
I really want to die...
(...Just... ...wanna... ...die...) [Too.... ....many..... .....fucking..... .....ellipses.......... Also should've kept the "really/seriously" (maji)]
panel 1 sfx thoughts 2
No way!!!
(Go obliterate yourselff!!) [Just... no.]
panel 2 square box
Although that's said. [Something like that.]
(However, I didn't kill myself, even though I so badly wanted to.) [Please...]
page 5
panel 1 square boxes
I mean...
(Please someone give me the Delorean) [Now you're just making shit up.]
(So I can go and smash my yestarday self hard) [YesTARDay, intentional or not - that is the question.]
I want to beat up my last night's self... [or whatever you wanna translate buttobashitai as]
(Before she does anything stupid...) [Probably will. But that is not to be found in the original text or context.]
Time spent translating: a few minutes. Time spent drawing every single fucking moonrune into google translate: an alot of time.
I'll spare you all from me checking the rest of it (I just probably won't be arsed to check the rest of it).
last edited at Mar 29, 2018 1:04PM