That line didn't bother me too much, I'm sure they'll get together if this series continues.
Nico in the anime always seemed to me like she'd be a fun person to be friends with, with a good sense of humor, just too negative at times. Nozomi is the character I think could handle her the best, and be most likely to find her entertaining rather than irritating.
Agreed. I also like the implication here that no matter how opaque or tricky Nozomi can be, on some level Nico understands what she wants. That sort of mutual understanding really appeals to me as what I like to call Basis For Attraction. That is, they don't just like each other because that's what the pairing says, the author is taking their time to show us what they like about each other, and how they're both discovering that as well.
I do hope we get a story where they do genuinely become a couple, though.