Forum › Shoujo Kishidan × Knight Tale discussion

joined Apr 23, 2015

wOAH! So much awesome! Female knights are boss! The armor is terrific. Great action. And did they say rich girls? Chances of a posh ojousmama that turns out to be a jerk with a heart of gold increased! Though the closest we get may be Ume. She eve has hair and a bow like Karin from Street Fighter. She seems like fun in her own right though.

joined Apr 11, 2016

interesting art and characters and plot (plot-plot, not plot) but heeyyyyy yuri with knight girls is #oneofthebestyuri

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ah, alright, thanks for correcting me. I read a book a while ago by an Italian fencing master who taught some English princes, but I cannot for the life of me remember who they were. I must have mistaken that for earlier than it was.

Quick look-around of names and dates suggests the rapier reached Britain only relatively late, in the 1570s; George Silver's famous writings against the imported weapon and its methodology date to the turn of the century. But much as the native "old school" Masters of Defence might have resented the upstart it was there to stay as the weapon for anyone who wanted to even look like Someone to carry about the town.

wOAH! So much awesome! Female knights are boss! The armor is terrific. Great action. And did they say rich girls? Chances of a posh ojousmama that turns out to be a jerk with a heart of gold increased! Though the closest we get may be Ume. She eve has hair and a bow like Karin from Street Fighter. She seems like fun in her own right though.

Thus far we have four named characters and already three of them are to one degree or another amusingly eccentric. Off to a good start I'd say! o3ob

On related note I'm almost willing to bet some money on Kanade's character drawing quite a bit of inspiration from a certain fictional Iberian hidalgo with a thing for corny chivalric romances and attacking windmills...

last edited at Mar 24, 2017 6:38PM

joined Nov 25, 2016

Once again, I study something in the comments section.
On the other hand, waiting for more about this manga. Let's see. It's pretty fanservice-y for now, though...

joined Jun 30, 2016

FOR HONOR, ANYONE? With some taste of Lilies...

joined Dec 26, 2013

Ahhhh~ I waited so long for this one! Since I saw the raw pic of it in the Church of Yuri group on fb~

joined Jan 22, 2017

Yay, finally. Heroic yuri knights are the best. >///< The armor designs are really nice, too.

joined Apr 20, 2013

The chapter 02 has been translated, now we wait to see it here =A=/

joined Jan 23, 2016

I literally said "Omg, those boobs" out loud without thinking.

joined Apr 20, 2013

I really like the designs, battles and setting but that announcement at the end is like "drop it now or you might die waiting for the ending" so maybe I'll just keep it on hold until I learn Japanese.

joined Jul 17, 2015

Whoa this is way better than I expected

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Love me some lady knights! Just wish this was more in a fantasy setting than in a modern one and with the ecchi toned down. However, I am looking forward to following this one to see where it goes.

joined Sep 10, 2015

Wait wait wait. Kino is getting a new anime!?

last edited at May 7, 2017 3:08AM

joined Feb 3, 2013

Don't you love it when the best athlete of a sport which 99% of the people don't give a fuck about acts like an elitist snob? There should be other ways to attempt to create a compelling final boss for your story, other than this.
It kind of reminds me of that other manga about beach volley, which I dropped halfway through chapter one after one of the girls flips the fuck up and antagonizes the MC after she makes a half assed joke.

last edited at May 7, 2017 5:57AM

joined Mar 26, 2016

Emilia looks really huge in her armor. Aaaah, so cute.

joined May 7, 2017

page 2
thats the astora greatsword!

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Love me some lady knights! Just wish this was more in a fantasy setting than in a modern one and with the ecchi toned down. However, I am looking forward to following this one to see where it goes.

Goes to show, tastes differ. I usually dislike manga fantasy, with a few notable exceptions, and modern heavy fighting is something I'm absolutely stoked to see a manga about.
What I just wish is that the plot was a little less conventionally stupid (resoundingly confirmed IMO in chapter 2).

joined Sep 28, 2011

armour and yuri in the same work...How com I haven't read this masterpiece?!

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

And here I thought she would pull Aizen on her -_-

One can dream....

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Love me some lady knights! Just wish this was more in a fantasy setting than in a modern one and with the ecchi toned down. However, I am looking forward to following this one to see where it goes.

Goes to show, tastes differ. I usually dislike manga fantasy, with a few notable exceptions, and modern heavy fighting is something I'm absolutely stoked to see a manga about.
What I just wish is that the plot was a little less conventionally stupid (resoundingly confirmed IMO in chapter 2).

Yeah. Good fantasy is hard to find but I am privy to the genre lol. But not enough yuri lady knights imho. But I have come across the modern heavy fighting from time to time. Very cool to see that some of our members have taken part.

joined Feb 18, 2015

So the rep from another school swoops in and snatches her up? I hope she smashes Emilia good by the end!

joined Aug 6, 2015

Yet another het hentai artist poorly trying to make a yuri manga and believing for it to be yuri it needs tone of fanservice between the girls.

joined Apr 20, 2013

It came faster than expected and full of yuri! too bad for that train scene again

joined Jul 26, 2016

So pretty much everyone in this is gloriously bonkers to one degree of another.

Highly approved.

joined Jan 27, 2016

I really wish they would tone down the panty-shots I forgot how jarring it is to read straight dude fanservice.

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