@juanelric Considering the artist for this is Kuma. They're both switches especially for this AU Kuma has for this if you keep watch over their socials.
Wow, that ending is actually pretty sweet. Short but sweet, was kinda hoping for more like them being introduced to each of their parents and stuff. Though, I do wonder if his friend will get his own short story with Kanda's brother.
@PureShipper Pretty much summed up what I thought about the novel, manga, and anime as a whole. It can't be really said its het when it's literally been hinted to have a Bi-Ending for a while now.
Kinda sad Ogino changed it in that way, but after all it's still Ogino Jun in action. I look forward to next chapters!
Yeah, I don't like that change either. The original is still my preference for now, but perhaps this set-up will work better for an ongoing series, so I'll keep up with it and hope it stays interesting.
Yep, exactly. I wonder if introducing new characters, instead of using old ones would work better? Maybe Ogino wanted to use original setting as base and build something new on top of that?
Since Gamma is one of my all time favorites here, I'll just wait for more story :)
Yeah same kinda confused me at start with the change.