That's kind of funny to read, since you'd think a med student of all people would realize that absolutely zero of that has any impact on the quality of the sperm. Being rich or honourable or having a good relationship with your parents aren't genetic, and being smart enough to get into med school typically isn't a heritable trait. What's relevant is mostly whether they're hiding predisposition to various heritable diseases, the rest is mostly myth.
That's what you'd think at first, but actually, a sizable part of intelligence is hereditary.
The way you're raised by your parents, your diet, the culture around you, your friends, all that plays, of course, a big part in the way your intelligence develops.
But your potential is hereditary. The very way your brain works at a biological level (synaptic connections and such) is influenced by your genes. So it makes sense to look for a "smart" father, or mother.
But I admit it's a wild gamble, because how genetics work and because kids always have two biological parents, so each one comes with their own heredity.