Forum › Yuzumori-san discussion

joined Apr 20, 2013

Mimika: Dekkaido lol!
Yuzu: ... We gotta break up u.u

No but seriously... She needed the love of Mimika, that last page was soooooooooooooooooo sweet

joined Nov 20, 2016

I would have gone with crabulous but good nonetheless.

joined Feb 3, 2013

The moral of the story is that, even if you are extremely busy, it's important to spend some time with your children. Otherwise, your children might decide to spend their time hanging with lolicon high school girls.

last edited at Apr 8, 2017 6:33PM

Urashi C. Pin
joined Jun 17, 2014

The moral of the story is that, even if you are extremely busy, it's important to spend some time with your children. Otherwise, your children might decide to spend their time hanging with lolicon high school girls.

She is not a Lolicon she is a Feminist.

last edited at Apr 8, 2017 6:46PM

joined Jun 12, 2012


joined Apr 18, 2016


Mimika is such a dork.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Omg this was beautiful! T•T

joined May 26, 2015

It's great to see Yuzu's side of the story too, as sad as it may get to be.

joined Jan 19, 2016

The moral of the story is that, even if you are extremely busy, it's important to spend some time with your children. Otherwise, your children might decide to spend their time hanging with lolicon high school girls.

She is not a Lolicon she is a Feminist.

Gintama XD

last edited at Apr 8, 2017 7:26PM

joined Jun 7, 2014

page 9 holy shit

joined Sep 21, 2014

( •̀∀•́ )

joined Feb 11, 2014

Daaaw, such a cute chapter. Hang in there, Yuzumori, at least you have a silly girlfriend to cheer you up ! :3

joined May 20, 2013

the dramatic emoji is what kills me, because it's literally what i do

Super High School Level Artist
joined Dec 28, 2016

aawww, Yuzumori-san is falling for Mimika too. <3

joined Jun 18, 2015

The face of yuzumori thinking "huge-kaido" was the best

joined Apr 27, 2014

"Huge-kaido" ... hahaahaha , the worst is I found it so amusing and I am well past high school.

joined Sep 9, 2016

That was great.

Sidenote: the more manga I read and anime I watch, the more I become convinced that Japanese puns are either god-tier or shit-tier depending on your point of view.

last edited at Apr 8, 2017 9:29PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

Sidenote: the more manga I read and anime I watch, the more I become convinced that Japanese puns are either god-tier or shit-tier depending on your point of view.

That's how comedy goes when looking at it across cultures. A Japanese person will probably come to a similar conclusion after looking at US American humor.

last edited at Apr 8, 2017 10:16PM

joined Jul 13, 2014

Sidenote: the more manga I read and anime I watch, the more I become convinced that Japanese puns are either god-tier or shit-tier depending on your point of view.

That's how comedy goes when looking at it across cultures. A Japanese person will probably come to a similar conclusion after looking at US American humor.

I love puns. Either Japanese or English is fine by me, or even my own language. The reactions of these puns when someone listens to them is just glorious.

Also dekkaido.

joined Oct 17, 2014

Love love LOVE so much how the author is taking the story progression relatively slowly now. I like stories that get the whole "im in love with you" hurdle cleared first and then focus on building up the characters' relationship from there. Makes it seem like there're infinite possibilities to how the characters can grow without assuming that the "big confession" scene is the endgame.

Also Mimika goofy grinning is the
most adorable thing ever.

joined Mar 22, 2017

That face after Yuzu-San listen to that pun is the best XD

joined Jun 28, 2015

The moral of the story is that, even if you are extremely busy, it's important to spend some time with your children. Otherwise, your children might decide to spend their time hanging with lolicon high school girls.

She is not a Lolicon she is a Feminist.

Never in my life have I thought I'd see a Henpeita reference on this site.

joined May 27, 2015

That was totally me when I read that Dekkaido joke.

joined Feb 14, 2016

"so there's this giant edible crab"

joined Jan 8, 2016

"so there's this giant edible crab"

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