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joined Oct 15, 2013

YuriLoveFan posted:

Honestly, I liked this series but why in God's name would they continue past this point? It's just unnecessary, really. They got together, which was the whole main issue, which means that the only possible thing they could use to continue the series is throwing in more pointless drama (undoubtedly a love rival or two), it's just so...why?

Because there is absolutely nothing interesting about being in relationship.

(Love triangle and pointless drama is the cheapest way to prolong the story, if you are good writer you can actually make it interesting.)

And I am here being one of those who finds the "getting together" romance to be boring and overdone as fuck ~ which is pretty much the entirety of yuri series ever... Like, fuck, I was bored of it BEFORE getting into yuri. Every romance is just the fucking same regurgitated garbage.

Finding the "already a couple developing a relationship" much more interesting, yet the very few who do it just go back to the same drama arcs that "getting together" series have, basically nullifying the point, turning into just another romance drama with slightly different context.

Why is everything a fucking soap opera?


joined Feb 7, 2013

To be continued . . . Wait? What? O_o

joined May 29, 2015

More chapters, finally, wohoooo! Ive been waiting more than one year for this! Thanks so much to the scalanator.

joined Feb 18, 2016

Wow. Just... Awesome... But honestly, it should end here. Or maybe the next chapter will show their time as a couple, which would be nice too. Anyway, still looking forward to it.

joined May 29, 2015

Wait, this whole chapter wasnt translated yet, its about Mikoto and her "girlfriend", Its quite interesting! I think its an special because I havent found it. Here´s the thai raw, I hope the scalanator can get it in japanese and add it:

last edited at Sep 9, 2016 1:15AM

joined May 20, 2014

Wait, this whole chapter wasnt translated yet, its about Mikoto and her "girlfriend", Its quite interesting! I think its an special because I havent found it. Here´s the thai raw, I hope the scalanator can get it in japanese and add it:

My group will continue with the main series and I think Binbou's already working on the specials/Dear My Girl.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

flips posted:

And I am here being one of those who finds the "getting together" romance to be boring and overdone as fuck ~ which is pretty much the entirety of yuri series ever... Like, fuck, I was bored of it BEFORE getting into yuri.

Pretty much sums up my experience. I don't mind seeing how they got together if it is well done, but for the love of something, continue once they finally hook up.

joined Oct 15, 2013

flips posted:

And I am here being one of those who finds the "getting together" romance to be boring and overdone as fuck ~ which is pretty much the entirety of yuri series ever... Like, fuck, I was bored of it BEFORE getting into yuri.

Pretty much sums up my experience. I don't mind seeing how they got together if it is well done, but for the love of something, continue once they finally hook up.

I just don't care for the "getting together" part at all, I just cant even force myself to do so.

And the very few stories that continue AFTER they get together hardly go on any longer - or as I said, go back to the typical drama arc s there always is.

It's always love triangles (lesbians apparently have magnets that attract only other lesbians, cuz the third wheel is rarely ever a guy, and when its a guy he is barely a character, more like a walking shitbag) or "b-but we are both girls" kind of drama. And this 2 basically cover all romance drama ever.

joined Jul 8, 2013

YuriLoveFan posted:

Honestly, I liked this series but why in God's name would they continue past this point? It's just unnecessary, really. They got together, which was the whole main issue, which means that the only possible thing they could use to continue the series is throwing in more pointless drama (undoubtedly a love rival or two), it's just so...why?

Because there is absolutely nothing interesting about being in relationship.

(Love triangle and pointless drama is the cheapest way to prolong the story, if you are good writer you can actually make it interesting.)

That's exactly my issue. I fucking love series that continue AFTER the couple gets together ON THE SOLE FUCKING CONDITION THAT THEY EXCLUDE THE FUCKING BULLSHIT LOVE RIVAL AND OVERDRAMATIC BULLSHIT. Seeing a new couple develop is one of the most satisfying things if done properly. If these fucking bullshit romance series could just...not...with all the pointless's so unnecessary. Like it's actually possible to have drama that isn't stupid. I swear I've seen it before. Like the buildup to their first time sleeping together is a gold mine or even fucking coming out to their parents or some shit like that and yet, "rather than that vital relationship development, how about we just throw in a stupid, douchebag (cuz really 99 times out of 100 they are always assholes/douchebags) love rival just to stir things up, cuz FUCK our readers."

finished chapter

Ya know what...I have no complaints. No bullshit love rivals. No love triangles. Just good old fashioned, natural relationship progression. Not bad...Wonder how fucking long its gonna last though. I'd be amazed if this series actually continued with no love rivals being introduced. I'd be ecstatic if they didn't include on, but completely fucking shocked nonetheless lol. For some reason, the whole world (wish I could just blame Japan for this lol) translates Relationship Drama = Love Rivals/Love Triangles exclusively lol.
Still I liked this chapter and if they could just keep it between the two MCs with minimal amounts of bullshit. I will have no complaints.

last edited at Sep 9, 2016 10:37PM

joined Sep 18, 2014

What a cute date~

joined Jun 5, 2016

Haha, again with the "oops there's my period". First Toto in Silver Gymnasium, now Mikoto, ha. I guess it's true though, that bastard always shows up at the worst times to make you feel your most miserable.

I like this. I too am tired of the "drama drama oh, but we're both girls isn't that weird, AND THEN THEY FUCK THE END" crap. It's nice to see some more development beyond that!

joined Sep 21, 2015

"I'm planning to continue this until the 11th volume"... so 4 more chapters left.

joined Dec 27, 2015

What comes after I love you too?

I like this story. Others have said it better. I like stories that continue a ways after the we are a couple faze. I like to see how people progress in that relationship. Messed up date though. But still cute. Can't do much about periods and blisters.
But sex friend????

last edited at Sep 9, 2016 11:58PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

Heh, Mikoto DID reveal to Kaoru early on that the friend she was seen walking with was not just a friend but also a FWB... so it's not a huge reveal or anything.

last edited at Sep 10, 2016 12:05AM

joined Jun 27, 2014

Well, our version is up now
I don't know if you guys want to see it on the reader though.

Good job ! Lots of kisses and a bear like hug . Now back to work please and bring more yummy story goodness !

joined Dec 27, 2015

Heh, Mikoto DID reveal to Kaoru early on that the friend she was seen walking with was not just a friend but also a FWB... so it's not a huge reveal or anything.

hmmmm, yup, your right. I looked back and saw that. It bothers some a little when they hear about past loves or past partners. Most people move past it pretty quick. I don't see it as a problem for Kaoru. As you say, she already had knowledge of it.

joined Jan 19, 2015

aaaahhh wow it feels so good to be drama free. very heart warming stuff.

joined May 29, 2015

Wait, this whole chapter wasnt translated yet, its about Mikoto and her "girlfriend", Its quite interesting! I think its an special because I havent found it. Here´s the thai raw, I hope the scalanator can get it in japanese and add it:

My group will continue with the main series and I think Binbou's already working on the specials/Dear My Girl.


joined May 10, 2015

Chapter 6 and 7 are so therapeutic.

joined Jun 12, 2015


joined Feb 23, 2014

What comes after I love you too?

I like this story. Others have said it better. I like stories that continue a ways after the we are a couple faze. I like to see how people progress in that relationship. Messed up date though. But still cute. Can't do much about periods and blisters.
But sex friend????

Hey not everyone is going to be a super pure virgin by the time they get into their first real relationship :P and that's fine.

joined Mar 28, 2015

"I just had a sex friend". Wut?

joined Dec 27, 2014

What a pleasant surprise. I like this series, sa thanks for uploading :)

joined Jan 8, 2014

That was an epic first date! Like acknowledging all the messed up shit that can make everything so anxious on a date...and the Mikoto...!... since we're being honest whats your stance on sex, blah, blah
Lol :D
I really like how these little details add to the characters and their relationship...and add to my needing to read more ^_^
Thanks for translating!

joined Mar 28, 2014

The story was actually very lovely. Wouldn't mind read an NSFW special though...

"I just had a sex friend". Wut?

sex with benefits

last edited at Sep 10, 2016 8:38AM

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