Forum › Gal and Otaku can't understand each other discussion

joined Feb 23, 2013

Oh no, scanlator has different opinions than I! Quick, to the safe space and let's call him shitty!

joined Feb 4, 2015

Oh no, scanlator has different opinions than I! Quick, to the safe space and let's call him shitty!

That's a nice strawman you got there, did you build it yourself? oO

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Oh no, scanlator has different opinions than I! Quick, to the safe space and let's call him shitty!

Even if you accept the idea that "using a slur is a joke" is an "opinion", it's a pretty shitty opinion and I stand by my previous statements. Having opinions doesn't let you escape criticism, shockingly!

joined Feb 4, 2015

Even if you accept the idea that "using a slur is a joke" is an "opinion", it's a pretty shitty opinion and I stand by my previous statements. Having opinions doesn't let you escape criticism, shockingly!

I love the wah wah you can't take criticism, safe spaces wah, response you get when you criticise certain kinds of people.

joined Dec 27, 2015

takes off wig to reveal slightly shorter hair of the exact same color
What is it with manga and forgetting that extensions are a thing and they're a hell of a lot easier and more real-looking than wigs?

In this case the wig is used to shorten her fringe, otherwise her hair usually covers her right eye and prevents people from recognising her. Somewhat surprised that the fans can't recognise Ten without her right eye though

joined Feb 11, 2014

Fun read. Dont care about the whole drama regarding the intro page, I usually don't read those kind of things, so wouldn't have noticed anything wrong there if people didn't point it out.

joined Jun 7, 2014

OK guys, let's just enjoy the yuri

joined Oct 15, 2013

I love the internet, very amusing.

joined Dec 8, 2013

Leon posted:

takes off wig to reveal slightly shorter hair of the exact same color
What is it with manga and forgetting that extensions are a thing and they're a hell of a lot easier and more real-looking than wigs?

In this case the wig is used to shorten her fringe, otherwise her hair usually covers her right eye and prevents people from recognising her. Somewhat surprised that the fans can't recognise Ten without her right eye though

I mean all Superman had to do was wear glasses and a suit and apparently the love of his life was completely flummoxed.

alexuh55 posted:

OK guys, let's just enjoy the yuri

What is this "yuri" you speak of?

last edited at Aug 20, 2016 5:02PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nez Note

Just gonna step in as mod to note that "faggot", "fag" and the like aren't acceptable here in general, and I don't really care how edgy or dedicated to Freeze Peach you are. And don't even try that South Park "fag" and "gay" are different things nonsense, I ain't buyin' it.

Now, as others have rightly pointed out, it's time to enjoy the yuri.

joined Aug 1, 2011

Serious question time!

Why is this manga called "Gal and Otaku can't understand each other" when the Gal is the Otaku?

joined Apr 28, 2016

Serious question time!

Why is this manga called "Gal and Otaku can't understand each other" when the Gal is the Otaku?

I think the idea is supposed to be that both girls are both gals and otakus, so the title is a sort of multiple entendre.

joined Jul 13, 2016

Is it actually yuri? I like the story but I'm still curious cause it's not tagged as such :0

joined Jan 11, 2015

Is it actually yuri? I like the story but I'm still curious cause it's not tagged as such :0

It gets very subtext heavy as it goes on.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Hey everyone,

Sorry, I failed you as an uploader! Unfortunately whilst reading this manga I didn't pay much attention (re: any) to the credits pages. And because of that, a lot of people were tipped into something they didn't want to see. Hopefully it didn't rob you of any pleasurable sensations you may have experienced while reading the manga otherwise.

After reading everything that's been posted, we've decided to remove the page that caused this. For those who have only been reading up to this point, the page in question was an extra page added by the scanlation with a joke made in poor taste. That is all. We feel this was the best solution in the heat of the moment, but are as always listening for further feedback.

Uh, it's been a long time since I posted so I don't really remember how to end properly. I guess I'll just say, have a nice day!

last edited at Aug 20, 2016 7:37PM

joined Aug 17, 2016

Sooner or later it will become Yuri *patiently waits *

joined Dec 27, 2015

Leon posted:

takes off wig to reveal slightly shorter hair of the exact same color
What is it with manga and forgetting that extensions are a thing and they're a hell of a lot easier and more real-looking than wigs?

In this case the wig is used to shorten her fringe, otherwise her hair usually covers her right eye and prevents people from recognising her. Somewhat surprised that the fans can't recognise Ten without her right eye though

I mean all Superman had to do was wear glasses and a suit and apparently the love of his life was completely flummoxed.

HAHAHA damn, wonder if she'd identify a llama as Clark Kent if it was donned a suit and wore glasses

joined Mar 6, 2015

Is it actually yuri? I like the story but I'm still curious cause it's not tagged as such :0

It gets very subtext heavy as it goes on.

I just hope that the subtext would be lighter than A Room For Two...

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Just wanna say thanks to OP and Nez. I won't be reading this translated version anymore but it's good to know you won't let slurs hang around. <3
joined Apr 19, 2012

I'm hoping to get more backstory on Otonashi and her career choice, and hopefully some more nice doki-doki moments. Not sure if its the pacing or the way stuff is worded---but it feels slightly choppy.

joined Apr 28, 2016

I'm hoping to get more backstory on Otonashi and her career choice, and hopefully some more nice doki-doki moments. Not sure if its the pacing or the way stuff is worded---but it feels slightly choppy.

I was a little disoriented at at first, too. But then in the middle of chapter 2 I realized it's 4 koma.

joined Oct 27, 2015

wow what a surprise i like a story with no yuri tag in it because it has better plot than the yuri tagged ones

joined Mar 26, 2014

Such a shame Otonashi has a demon sealed in her eye.

XD Hahaha With a reason like that it's amazing that they'd hang out with her at all.

joined Mar 26, 2014

wow what a surprise i like a story with no yuri tag in it because it has better plot than the yuri tagged ones

That is sadly a correct statement.
I'm looking at you Citrus!

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