Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined May 5, 2016

Honestly, I'm waiting for the day when Sumin shows her concern towards Seju's well-being, not just being indifferent like this. She showed just a little bit today when she asked about Seju's health but crushed her right after that. I just hope it will not be too late when she finally shows it, when something really bad already happens to Seju. Not that I want teampink endgame or sth, I just wanna see it, because this is as rare as Seju's genuine smile or Sungji doing bad things =))))))).
So is sex really what Seju wants? I know that it was what they did all the time when Sumin came back to Seju but is that what Seju really wants? Something Seju rather do for one last time? I was wondering that when I read the translation. Seju never show she really like this activity very much though, she likes it of course, but for 10 years I think, to Seju, that was the only thing she could do, sth Sumin chose to do with her, not what she really wanted. So for one last time she has a choice to do what she wants to, what she likes, not what Sumin wants to, is it really sex? Or sth she couldn't do even if she wants to for the past 10 years one last time. One final time before everything shuts down on her?
If I was her, I would choose sth else, though. But, this story is alot about sex, anyway, not surprised if they will go at it again. I just hope for sth else more meaningful, sth I don't see Seju and Sumin doing for the past 10 years. After that, I'll pray for the best for whatever is waiting for Seju in the near future. :)

last edited at May 25, 2016 11:56PM

joined May 26, 2016

Sumin is just so cruel. She should have said the " I love You" to Seju and let go off her long time ago, not when she has someone else, not when she has Sungji for her second choice. Not when she wants to move on, to love someone else completely, not when she's ready and leaving Seju behind after all those years of push and pull. After all, Sumin doesn't lose anything, she has Sungji, and she has taken everything from Seju.
Sumin was the one who wanted to break up, the one who came back to seek for consolations every single time her relationships didn't work out, she was the one who has built Seju's hopes up like a tower. And now, when she has enough, she just leaves Seju without even considering about Seju's feelings.
Seju cheating was a mistake, and she totally regretted it, she has tried her best for 10 years to prove that she was wrong and she has always been remorseful, but Sumin refused to see those efforts.
At this point, I really dislike this Sumin who is extremely selfish, who thought her pains were greater than anyone else's pain, who allowed herself to make a tone of mistakes but can't forgive what Seju had done. A person like Sumin could never find happiness. True love is about love unconditionally and forgiveness, isn't it?
She can't do and doesn't want to do both.
I wish Seju hasn't loved Sumin that much, because she could die without her but Sumin would never have the courage to die for her. It's a tremendous tragedy for the both of them.
Whatever's going to happen with Seju will be better than ending up with Sumin who doesn't deserve her love, even death.

joined May 5, 2016

Wow, your username and your post =)))))))))). It's obvious that you create this nick to rage about Sumin. Honestly, Sumin's life is pretty tragic, imo. She's also suffering alot for the past 10 years. So I think she still deserves happiness. We couldn't agree on the way she faced her tragedy but cursing her or taking away everything from her now is pretty cruel :). However, yes, I do think Sumin is selfish =))), she has stringed Seju along for 10 years, even though Seju said she would wait but if this whole talk thing happen earlier, long time ago, it would've been better. It happens now and it makes readers feel like Sumin has found someone good and she wants to keep her as long as possible so she selfishly discards Seju when she needs her most of all time, her 10 year-old rebound. This makes me feel like Seju is some kind of a thing, you want you go for it, and when you find sth better, you get rid of it. Honestly now, I do want sth bad to happen to Seju to make Sumin regret her actions for the past 10 years. She could have her Sungji but forever one piece in her soul will be missing.
At this point, I honestly think we should accept this fact, it will be impossible for the author to come up with a satisfying ending for all three of them. At least one of them will have an ending that makes us go rage so hard. I highly likely think Seju will be the one =)))). Let her go into manhwa history as one of the most depressing characters of all time but also one of the most loved antagonists. I've come to the point where I completely accept a sad ending for Seju and a happy ending for teamblonde.
And honestly, this is the right time for Seju retreating away from this love triangle. It's time for her to focus on dealing with things around her(her father, that creepy man and her mother(?)), let her do her own things and let teamblonde develop whatever is there in their relationship. If Seju keep revolving in this love triangle, it's hard to deal with other things.

last edited at May 26, 2016 3:32AM

joined Apr 27, 2016

I also think it's the right time for Seju to no longer involve in the love triangle, time for her to solve her family's problems, she'll probably get pulled back into our big love triangle soon, but I think in the next few chaps, I guess she'll go and do her own things. A quiet farewell is better than a cheating then things mess up and everyone goes back to square one, Seju once again stuck in between teamblonde and hinder Sumin's life...again. So, as much many people want to see a cheating, I think it is a pretty bad plot. Too dramatic, as if right now things are not dramatic enough

joined Dec 9, 2014

I don't think Seju was her rebound...I think those girls were the rebound for Seju. Sumin said she wants to earnestly love someone. Does that mean she isn't fully in love with Sungji yet?
I find it stupid that Seju has to suffer only for Sumin to feel bad. If Seju finds the strength and move on, I always thought Sumin would not not like it.

Why is it so hard for Seju to have a good ending too? This is fresh to her and of course she would say the things she did. but that doesn't mean she can't move on and heal in the future.
And I have a feeling that Sungji will learn about this and say "Team Leader, accept her final wish" or somehting lol. Not them having sex, but maybe a last date or something.
Btw now she won't be able to call her Team Leader anymore lol xD

last edited at May 26, 2016 8:52AM

joined May 26, 2016

There are Korean words beside the bookshelf in the end of this chapter I don't understand, but may be someone(hopefully Sungji) is knocking the door. I'm not sure.

Can't wait next chapter...

last edited at May 26, 2016 9:04AM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Sumin said that she wants to love earnestly. She want to feel like the other party is so precious that she can't live without them if she forget about them. So I think that she loves Sungji, but she's not yet that in love with her, or maybe she feels like she's still holding back and that's because Seju is still present in her life and she still loves her. The only way for her to love Sungji whole heartedly is to get rid of Seju. To cut her off of her life. And I find this very selfish of Sumin. She could've done it sooner, but she didn't. And she's doing this after promising Seju that she will always be her family.
I don't think Seju will ask to have sex with Sumin one last time, maybe she'll ask for a different favour, but we can't be sure yet...ah please don't start the break yet next week Dx

Plot twist: Sungji's been standing in front of the door listening to them this whole time xD

last edited at May 26, 2016 9:23AM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Sumin said that she wants to love earnestly. She want to feel like the other party is so precious that she can't live without them if she forget about them.

This sounds like she is doing it because she knows she has to, not because she completely feels like it. Doesn't it sound a bit weird? Like forcing yourself to fall in love with someone >.>
Not that she doesn't love Sungji, but seems like it's not so strong yet.
Is her relationship with Sungji so strong to make her let go of Seju forever? I'm trying to think it is, but I still have doubts, especially after the things she is revealing during those last chapters.

Sumin is selfish, yes. But she has to do this for herself now and try to heal. I don't think she exactly realises how bad things for Seju are now. They never had a good relaitonship, so to be fair, we can't expect her to stay near Seju now.

I was thinking, how ironic would it be if she realises that these words she said now (that she wants to feel a love as strong for someone that if she loses them it's like dying) she was actually feeling them for Seju all along. I don't care about them ending up together, I just can't help but think how this would be fair to happen in the end. And how that would be her own punishment for how she was treating Seju all these years, and she won't be able to have her anymore.

last edited at May 26, 2016 9:55AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Am I the only person who thinks someone entered the room because there's a small panel showing an entry way and door opening sounds, maybe?

joined Feb 5, 2015

This sounds like she is doing it because she knows she has to, not because she completely feels like it. Doesn't it sound a bit weird? Like forcing yourself to fall in love with someone >.>

Agreed. It is weird. It's like she's trying so hard do so. This makes me think that she might still love Seju way more than she loves Sungji, she might not even realise that.

Not that she doesn't love Sungji, but seems like it's not so strong yet.
Is her relationship with Sungji so strong to make her let go of Seju forever? I'm trying to think it is, but I still have doubts, especially after the things she is revealing during those last chapters.

She do love Sungji, but yes, it doesn't seem so strong yet. She still have yet to open up herself completely to Sungji. Sumin doesn't trust Sungji yet. And I don't think she's ever going to talk about her and Seju to Sungji. It's as if Sumin wants to bury that part of her life.

Sumin is selfish, yes. But she has to do this for herself now and try to heal. I don't think she exactly realises how bad things for Seju are now. They never had a good relaitonship, so to be fair, we can't expect her to stay near Seju now.

The way Sumin's doing it's like when you use the same old tire that you know you will get rid off eventually, but you haven't because you have yet to find the right replacement yet. Now she's find the right tire so she can dispose the old one, because there's no use for it anymore. There's no need for her to stay around Seju anymore. And you're right, she doesn't know how bad things really are for Seju.

I was thinking, how ironic would it be if she realises that these words she said now (that she wants to feel a love as strong for someone that if she loses them it's like dying) she was actually feeling them for Seju all along.

This would be very ironic.

And how that would be her own punishment for how she was treating Seju all these years, and she won't be able to have her anymore.

And the "You don't know what you got until it's gone" suddenly applies to her. Oh boy, that would be painful.

joined Feb 5, 2016

I think Seju is going to commit suicide soon since she has already lost the one and only one reason to live. She will die or nearly die. It's inevitable. wdtfs is going to have a very tragic end imo.

joined Apr 3, 2016

but leaving someone loving you like that behind and be able to build sth new with someone else in full happiness is so .... I don't know how to describe it XD

The word you're looking for is "impossible," or at the very least "extremely rare and untypical."

Seeing how there is still an entire arc left in this story, if Sumin really does love Seju while she is obviously aware of Seju's feelings for her, there is a large chunk of storytelling left to do for them. Running is not coping. If this is where the Sumin/Seju story is allgedly supposed to basically end, Team Gaji would have only proven, that they have no idea how the human mind works and that they don't understand their own characters. It'd be unrealistic and unlikely for a person like Sumin if she would be able to cut ties like this and move on after a bit of heartache. She has been hung up on Seju for ten years as well. There is more to come. A lot more. That is, if Seju doesn't put her own early end to this cruel story...

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:09AM

joined May 5, 2016

Uhm, I really think at least at the end of the story, after what Sumin has done to Seju, Sumin deserves a punishment, some kind of regrets she wish she could turn back time to undo but couldn't do it anymore. Seju has given her 10 years but Sumin still selfishly turned away from her at the most crucial time of Seju's life, completely makes Seju become some kind of broken thing needing to be gotten rid of.
It might be stupid and cruel, but yeah, I want it, I want sth to happen that forever takes Seju away from Sumin, not just simply no seeing each other, no talking anymore, sth makes Sumin realise she has lost Seju for real and for good. And yes, that saying, that god damn saying "You only know you had it when you lost it". Let Sumin have her Sungji, but never be able to feel complete because Seju's no longer there. Honestly, she deserves it, after what she has done to Seju
I will still stick with the whole sad ending for Seju and teamblonde is endgame. But sad ending doesn't really have to be Seju dying, though, there are alot of sad endings anyway =))

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:47AM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Seeing how there is still an entire arc left in this story, if Sumin really does love Seju while she is obviously aware of Seju's feelings for her, there is a large chunk of storytelling left to do for them. Running is not coping. If this is where the Sumin/Seju story is allgedly supposed to basically end, Team Gaji would have only proven, that they have no idea how the human mind works and that they don't understand their own characters. It'd be unrealistic and unlikely for a person like Sumin if she would be able to cut ties like this and move on after a bit of heartache.

Yeah. To be a writer you also have to have a good grasp of the human psychology. So far it seems they know what they're doing. And I tend to think they are aware of that fact, since this is not the last arc and we will have the more dramatic stuff going on in the end

joined Apr 28, 2016

Yes, I agree, Sumin deserves a punishment. Seju has made a mistake, she's already paid her due for 10 years long. Sumin should get it, too. Her being the victim of the tragedy 10 years ago doesn't mean all she've done untill now are acceptable. What she has done to Seju for 10 years, for selfishly turning away from her when she got Sungji. I don't consider those things she has done are right. But I do hope, the punishment she will get will not from Sungji but from Seju herself.
And one more thing, why people so keen on about the whole let Sungji get caught Sumin cheating? Like what's the use of dragging Seju back into the picture? Honestly, let Seju go, out of this circle, doing her own things, Sungji and Sumin's relationship, let them solve it on their own, why don't you wait till Sumin trust Sungji enough to talk to her face to face, let Sumin herself be the one telling Sungji everything, let them solve things in a civilized and less dramatic way? why think of ways to make Sungji know in a very dramatic situation? Let Seju be alone on her own, solve her problems all alone for once to see how far she could go, let Sungji, Sumin work on their own relationship, if it works, sungji and sumin is endgame, if Sumin still wants to go back then have nothing to say. Why think of a way that could drag all three of them into one circle again and run around in that like mad people? There is already way out to stop this circle, why open it again?

last edited at May 26, 2016 12:38PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Why think of a way that could drag all three of them into one circle again and run around in that like mad people? There is already way out to stop this circle, why open it again?

I feel like this too. Not only cheating is wrong, but also if it happens it will create repetitive drama. I think this needs to move on from the love triangle stage, and let them finally work the things outside this black hole.
There are still way more new things that could happen outside this too

joined Feb 5, 2016

Sumin losing anything or receiving punishments won't benefit Seju in anything. Her leaving Seju today, or 10 years ago, or 10 years in the future, to Seju, it's all rush. To Seju, there is no "the right time" for Sumin to leave her. We should appreciate that Sumin did come back to comfort Seju when Seju was back from visiting her family, otherwise, Seju might have ended her life 10 ago already.

joined Sep 24, 2015

"Loving someone who cannot love you the same way in return is not weakness. It’s one of the most courageous things you’ll ever do. You are putting your armour at their feet and you are saying ‘I will not fight you in this. I have loved you and that means that I have already won." - Azra T

This quote reminds me a lot of Seju. I really love her character, she's incredibly strong and brave. But her relationship with Sumin is unhealthy and overly dependent. I understand her history and personality in that she has nobody to rely on except Sumin, and even then Sumin wishes to leave her because of their toxic relationship. It's incredibly sad. I don't necessarily see Sumin cutting off all ties with Seju immediately, I feel that it would be better for their relationship for them to take a break from each other. Sumin can learn to grow up and learn the consequences of her selfish actions and Seju can learn to open up with other people.

Honestly, I don't feel like they could ever let go of each other in their lives. They're too intertwined with each other's lives as it is, they're important and special to each other.

It's sad that Sumin was only able to acknowledge her feelings to Seju now, while she's falling for Sungji and after Nami's interference. I'm angry at her, but I feel so sad over their relationship.

I was thinking, how ironic would it be if she realises that these words she said now (that she wants to feel a love as strong for someone that if she loses them it's like dying) she was actually feeling them for Seju all along. I don't care about them ending up together, I just can't help but think how this would be fair to happen in the end. And how that would be her own punishment for how she was treating Seju all these years, and she won't be able to have her anymore.

This would be incredibly sad. But yes, I agree that something like this would be just for Sumin after the past 10 years. She's been hung up on Seju for so long, I can't think of a possible way for her to easily move on from her, even with Sungji by her side.

This sounds like she is doing it because she knows she has to, not because she completely feels like it. Doesn't it sound a bit weird? Like forcing yourself to fall in love with someone >.>

Agreed. It is weird. It's like she's trying so hard do so. This makes me think that she might still love Seju way more than she loves Sungji, she might not even realise that.

Not that she doesn't love Sungji, but seems like it's not so strong yet.
Is her relationship with Sungji so strong to make her let go of Seju forever? I'm trying to think it is, but I still have doubts, especially after the things she is revealing during those last chapters.

She do love Sungji, but yes, it doesn't seem so strong yet. She still have yet to open up herself completely to Sungji. Sumin doesn't trust Sungji yet. And I don't think she's ever going to talk about her and Seju to Sungji. It's as if Sumin wants to bury that part of her life.

I wholeheartedly agree. I feel like this whole manhwa seems to be telling the tragic love story between Sumin and Seju, and the obstacles between them. It doesn't necessarily mean that they will end up together but it doesn't mean that Sumin and Sungji will live happily ever after too. Because it looks to me that Sumin feels safe and familiar enough with Seju to let down all of her walls. Seju has seen her through her best and her worst, and she has still stayed by her side. And Sumin feels such a strong pull to Seju because of their bond, because Seju stayed despite seeing all of her flaws. Maybe that's why she acts so indifferent and cold with her a lot, in order to prevent her from falling deeper into Seju. But it's too late because she has never had the chance to really fall out of love with her in the first place.

But then again, that's just one of the many reasons for her behaviour. All I know is that it's clear they love each other deeply, but that Sumin doesn't know how to deal with her feelings for Seju properly.

joined Feb 5, 2016

About Seju having no one to rely on, I think this is wrong because you can't think that there must be at least one person for you to rely on, right? Then isn't Sumin's life more heartbreaking since she has lost her parents since 10 years ago?

last edited at May 26, 2016 5:10PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Wow, wow, the forum has been filled with Seju fans.
Yes, Sumin has been selfish but she's not being selfish right now. She's doing the right thing and she's trying to cause as little pain to others as possible after messing up all those years. You say it's unfair to Seju but what about Sungji? Should she just leave Sungji and go back to Seju? Is that a better option? I think Sumin is to do the correct thing.
I too think that Sumin needs to cut off Seju to be able to fully love Sungji. I'm not sure if Sumin let down her walls or just took it for granted that Seju would still be by her side no matter how she acted. It's not the same with Sungji. Sumin is afraid she might disappoint Sungji and tries not to. She said so anyway.

At this point, I honestly think we should accept this fact, it will be impossible for the author to come up with a satisfying ending for all three of them. At least one of them will have an ending that makes us go rage so hard. I highly likely think Seju will be the one =)))). Let her go into manhwa history as one of the most depressing characters of all time but also one of the most loved antagonists. I've come to the point where I completely accept a sad ending for Seju and a happy ending for teamblonde.
And honestly, this is the right time for Seju retreating away from this love triangle. It's time for her to focus on dealing with things around her(her father, that creepy man and her mother(?)), let her do her own things and let teamblonde develop whatever is there in their relationship. If Seju keep revolving in this love triangle, it's hard to deal with other things.

You have to remember this is a story and not real life. I highly doubt it's going to be like that. What interest would it have then? It would just cut the flow of the narrative to do that. You can't just separate the characters and have them each of them go on their way. That would be a different story. The next part is probably going to be about Sumin admitting these feelings to Sungji. Also I don't think teampink is impossible at this point but Sungji will have to play a crucial role as well.
Honestly I don't think her relationship with Sungji is strong enough at this point because Sungji is partly portrayed as "Sumin's cute girlfriend" and she doesn't voice her thoughts too much. However, it could become stronger.
Sumin is going to tell Sungji and her and Seju or Sungji is going to find out. It's going to happen because the narrative is clearly following that route and not because that's what would realistically happen.
I doubt this manhwa is telling the tragic love story between Sumin and Seju. Yes, that's one thing and it's kind of focusing on that right now but I think it has been proved by now that this story is a sort of love triangle. I mean you say Sumin will probably choose Sungji but I'm not that sure and no one can say for sure. When that is the case it's clearly a love triangle. However I think it deviates a lot from clear narrative examples.

It's a bit hard to break down the character's roles but I did my best:

Sumin: I believe she is the main character of the story. She is the focal character. We are concerned with her actions and wonder what she will do next. The story revolves around her. Furthermore we also follow the story from her perspective; so viewpoint character. All this makes her seem as the protagonist but she lacks a crucial trait; she doesn't have a clear goal that drives the story from the very beginning. This leads me to this.
Sungji: I think she is the protagonist. For one, I think so because I don't feel that Sumin is. She lacks all the traits a protagonist usually has; she is not the focal or viewpoint character in most of the story but she clearly seems to have one goal from the start and that is approaching Sumin and later gaining her affections. This is what we follow for the most part of the story. Another thing to back this up is that we see characters that are only related to Sumin and hardly interact with anyone else or tell something about the story (like Sumin's flashback girls); we have the group of friends, the brother, the sister-in-law...
Seju: She clearly has a set goal as well but she can't be the protagonist. This is because that goal isn't displayed from the very start of the story. Instead we find out a bit later. Also her appearances are not as common if you exclude the flashbacks. The flashbacks don't follow the current narrative they just provide a ground for it and give explanations. Inside the narrative of the flashbacks Seju could be considered the focal character; Sumin is telling the story focusing on her for the most part.
Considering this I would say Seju is partly the antagonist of the story. She is the obstacle in the main goal Sungji sets. She is not the typical antagonist but I think she can still qualify as one even if she doesn't actually act on opposing the protagonist. We know that the reason Sumin won't get close enough to Sungji is because of her feelings for Seju (main antagonistic factor) and we know Seju will do anything in her power to gain Sumin's love. (note: not to simply gain Sumin back since she doesn't seem to act on this). In any case in this chapter we clearly saw her act on this. Also antagonist doesn't mean she is the villain but if we compare her to Sungji we can tell that her choices are morally in the gray line.

That being said I think Sungji needs some more interest at this point and I feel like it's necessary to focus on Seju before doing that. I will insist that there are a lot of things about Sungji that seemed to have been sparsely placed around the story on purpose and will eventually come together and give meaning to her future actions.

And well note that if this is supposed to be a healing story it surely doesn't seem to be following that path. Sumin has made progress but I wouldn't say that she is healing much and Seju definitely isn't. at all. We don't have many chapters left to fully heal those characters. As SoftlikeSteel said having Sumin just move on and live happily ever after with Sungji isn't very realistic. So my question is, how is anyone going to be healed?
Well, when Sumin was being a jerk I argued that maybe it would be Seju and Sungji who heal but I'm not so sure right now since Seju seems to have fully taken on the antagonistic role (not that it wouldn't change, you never know with this story). But the slogan 'love is blind' showing Sungji might suggest that Sungji will be the one to be healed.
And what would Sungji be healed from? Well, for one we do not know much about Sungji's past but another carefully placed detail was when Sungji mentioned that 'she is used to it' when the dog bit her. Also her flashbacks from childhood. Sungji hardly seems like someone who had an easy going life growing up, sure, it probably wasn't like Seju's but her parents are still nonexistent in the story for some weird reason. Is this simply coincidence? Maybe Sungji will be the one to heal, possibly by leaving Sumin in the end.

last edited at May 26, 2016 2:45PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

People who are Seju fans seem to think that Seju is the one who's hurt the most among all the characters. How is her life? She is rich. She owns a company. What have her family done to her? They can't do anything to her. They can't command her to do housework. Her daily life can't be difficult like Cinderella's. All she needed to do is not to visit them. I'm not korean, I really have no idea about korean culture, is visiting family a must? I would say Seju is really bad at living her life.

Sumin dating Sungji and having Seju at the same time is wrong. If she dumps Sungji and goes back to Seju, it's also wrong since she promised her that she would try her best. Regarding Sumin receiving punishment, I think her having scars on her shoulder hurt her enough already.

joined Mar 19, 2016

I cannot understand why people said that Sumin is selfish or that she deserves suffer.

Some much people would want that Sumin faces her feelings and now she did it. But, as she said to Seju that she needs space and she loves Sungji too, some Seju fans guilty her to do incorrect things for 10 years. That is so stupid, if you think that Sumin did not suffer is because you forgot her past.

She lost her family, she has to support an infidelity, she was wounded by a psychopath and she was unable to have a relationship again and all that because she has been moored by all these events.

On the other hand, yeas, you are right when you said that Seju does not deserve what is happening, but she needs to time for herself, it is wrong loves somebody more that you love yourself and that is the Seju problem. Sumin is not leaving her alone when she more needs her, if you can analyze, Seju has always needed to Sumin, during 10 years and more time ago, Seju is a person that does not have emotional stability and all that is thanks her family and also because she has only allowed to Sumin in her life…for that, she feels that everybody hates her.

Sumin did the correct to confess her feelings, a breakup is never easy. Now we only can wait the next chapter. I want to kwon what will happen.

last edited at May 26, 2016 6:50PM

joined Mar 14, 2016

One problem couldn't be solved in 10 years, no matter how we look at it, they are really a bad combination.

joined Dec 9, 2014

People who are Seju fans seem to think that Seju is the one who's hurt the most among all the characters. How is her life? She is rich. She owns a company. What have her family done to her? They can't do anything to her. They can't command her to do housework. Her daily life can't be difficult like Cinderella's. All she needed to do is not to visit them. I'm not korean, I really have no idea about korean culture, is visiting family a must? I would say Seju is really bad at living her life.

This is not so simple. You see, when all of your familly hates you, the problem is not what they do to you, but what they haven't done. Seju hasn't received love from them at all, which is very essential for every human. Seriously, just think if all of your familly hated you like this, would you solve your problem if you just ran away from them? The emotional void would still be there.
People do the worst things because the love they received was wrong, or they didn't receive any love at all

last edited at May 26, 2016 8:31PM

joined May 5, 2016

People who are Seju fans seem to think that Seju is the one who's hurt the most among all the characters. How is her life? She is rich. She owns a company. What have her family done to her? They can't do anything to her. They can't command her to do housework. Her daily life can't be difficult like Cinderella's. All she needed to do is not to visit them. I'm not korean, I really have no idea about korean culture, is visiting family a must? I would say Seju is really bad at living her life.

I don't agree. Money is not everything. So you're living your life financial comfortably and you are happy and your life's supposed to be better? A simple comparison, a poor family with loving home and family members, a little bit financial problems but full with laughter and love with a family where you grew up with a lot, a lot of money but receive so much hate and never feel loved at all. Which one is better? Even if Seju cut off her family's connection, she's still the person who has been the receiving end of hatred, lack of love from her own family. I would like to think Seju who could become a person like who she is right now is already good enough. She's not perfect, not even a nice person but at least she's not a bad person. IRL, I think there are people like her who grew up without love has been doing a lot of crazier stuff to feel loved, borderline obsessed and possessive (psycho, to put it simply). She's relying on Sumin alot, just like how people like her seek for love, but she's not that possessive or obsessed, she knows where she stands, what she can do and can not do, what is wrong and what is right. To me, that's already good enough for someone with background like her who never got any moral lessons from your own family, don't people all have parents to teach you what you can or can not do since young? :)

last edited at May 26, 2016 9:21PM

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