Forum › Posts by hoangha22

joined May 5, 2016

Wow, reading the translation made it worse. So I've been liking this cheap, shallow woman all this time? What the hell was I thinking? God, feel like I've been tricked. Damn, Sungji's words hurt and damn, Sungji fans should throw a party now, their character has finally turn the way they exactly want =)))))
But damn, you could've given Seju a way out but you didnt, you're pretty cruel, team gaji. All you have been doing since you gave birth to her is using her as a tool for your love triangle =)))). Damn, and I fvcking stupid to let you fool me. I even thought Seju was pretty relatable.
Wow, I'm angrier than I thought. The fact that I got fooled. So horrible, making Seju a character like this, someone I can't even sympathize now, so what's the good in Seju the you could offer me, except she's sick, psycho, blind, low, shallow, cheap, insecure, scared. Seju is nothing, literally.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I won't stay until You could fool me again. Thank for all the fun :)), reading the comments has been quite entertaining, especially when you have long day at work so thanks for that :))

last edited at Jun 1, 2016 1:00PM

joined May 5, 2016

I thought we already expected the cheating scenario since Sungji left her ring at Seju's house. what I didn't expected was that Sungji knew about Seju and Sumin all along and Seju going to the stereotype love triangle antagonist character. but seriously, WTH?! SUNGJI!!! you're girlfriend just cheated on you and your calm af.

most readers hate this chapter because first, Seju finally transform to what an antagonist character is intended to be and second, Sungji being cool with Seju and Sumin's past xD I'm actually not that surprise with Seju's action. I mean she did ruin Sumin's relationship with the red-haired girl because she saw an opportunity to do so. even Nami confronted Seju about it. I actually expected Seju to be a neutral character like she didn't plan the whole cheating scenario and Sungji just accidentally find them having sex.

I hate this chapter for reasons that it lack emotion especially Sungji and Sumin's confrontation because it turns out. there's no more secret to spill. it's totally ruined. it could have been a dramatic scenario.

No, I think Sungji knew that Seju is playing her, that's why she's so calm. If she's mad then she would lose to Seju :). Next chap we will probably see how Sungji fight back. Gonna be funnnnnn =)))))). This chap is like highlight how Seju has lost completely to Sungji, morally, emotionally, everything. Sungji is quite one heck of a girl. Sungji will win this fight, no doubt. She has upper hand and everything. You will see, but somehow, I have no desire to explore more after this, Sungji is scary in her own way, and honestly, it ruined everything to me, how Sungji's up to this cheap fight, over someone who's not even worth it, she's pretty manipulating, just like Seju, just way smarter, and not as cheap as Seju. Yeah, I said it, my favorite character is cheap.
I started thinking Sungji is the author's favourite :)), got that feeling a while ago but it's getting stronger each chapter. The lower Seju goes down, the higher Sungji goes up. And if there is someone who could make Sungji become our ultimate protagonist, it has to be Seju. Seju has to be bad to make Sungji look good and the ending is acceptable =))). Bet everything that even in the end, Sungji might still be good, not end up being so low like Seju

joined May 5, 2016

Nah, at this point, even a threesome ending is not impossible, the morality of the story has gone after this chap so who cares about morality, let's just go for a threesome. Ending chap is a threesome between our 3 characters =)))))
I'm gonna comment as much as I can since I wont read new chap next week or whenever the new chap out so sorry in advance for my spam. I want to bid farewell with a bang, just like wdtfs did =)))))

joined May 5, 2016

Goddamn tell me a good damn reason for Seju and Sumin to deserve to be healed and give me the effing healing part. Goddamnit!!! Read again and I'm mad. I've been thinking alot of potiental ways but never has this chap been crossing my mind. What a waste of my time and my brain. How can someone ruin everything in one chapter like this

last edited at Jun 1, 2016 10:42AM

joined May 5, 2016

Not suddenly, I think we all see signs of it, but team gaji also build normal side of her to keep us in the dark, but we don't want her to turn psycho, that makes the story kinda boring, just like most of kdrama. That's why most of us are not surprised, just disapointed

Exactly. If it wasn't for this chapter, she could still be different.

This ruins Sumin and Sungji's relationsip too though. Haven't they thought about that too? How can people even ship them together now? Only because Sungji is better than Seju? Sumin is no good for Sungji and I can't really understand what they find so good in her at this point

It's like now wdtfs is a bad story talking about a cat fight between 3 women who use all the dirtiest, lowest tricks towards each other, which turn it into meaningless story. I lost it after this chapter. Totally ruin all the special, all the good I saw in each character.

This. I can't even imagine what there is left to tell in another 45 chapters. Unfortunately, it will be fucked up, meaningless drama like this. And in the end, no matter what happens to them, people won't care anymore.

You're wrong. Sungji has tricked Seju in the final panel. Tit for tat kinda thing. She's not innocent, just act innocent. Like I said, all characters have been ruined this chap

joined May 5, 2016

Nah ..i think its great !! We always complained about how cool and passive seju is and being is the side lines since ever seju is taking a damn action ..probably not a good one but i'm happy the love tranglie is so alive and intense so yeah fight for your girl seju ..dont hand sumin to that fox little blonde girl who knew every thing and played inncence all the time
... and since sumin loves both it's really interesting now

You have a very simple way to look at thing :). I like that, but fight for a girl who is willingly cheating with someone when she's seeing someone else is honestly a no-no to me. Seriously, this chap has disapointed me the point I can't even describe properly. It's like now wdtfs is a bad story talking about a cat fight between 3 women who use all the dirtiest, lowest tricks towards each other, which turn it into meaningless story. I lost it after this chapter. Totally ruin all the special, all the good I saw in each character. And where the fvk is the healing part in this story?

last edited at Jun 1, 2016 10:12AM

joined May 5, 2016

I dont see how Seju has become the psycho villian ex gf suddenly? Hasnt she always been like that? lmao jk. But seriously shes just doing what she did to all of Sumins other gfs. Try to destroy their relationship with her.
But I think in the 3rd arc we will see more of Sejus other non-evil scheming parts lol and really learn about the characters more.
There was an article posted recently of Team Gajis interview. They mentioned that instead of ending it off at 80 chapters, its likely that they will extend the story even up to 90. Im sure they have more planned than just showing a psycho Seju guys. I didnt read through all of the article because it was so damn long... but Ill try to sit down and summarize it later when I have time.

Not suddenly, I think we all see signs of it, but team gaji also build normal side of her to keep us in the dark, but we don't want her to turn psycho, that makes the story kinda boring, just like most of kdrama. That's why most of us are not surprised, just disapointed

joined May 5, 2016

Wow, what a chapter, my favourite character has turned psycho =)), what a damn way to ruin my favourite :), also ruin any special things about this story =))))) when it basically gives away who is endgame now =)))))), what is normal, special antagonist =)))))))). There is nothing exciting in this story anymore, we all know how it ends already. And why the fvck did you build so many side stories for Seju when you only need her for your damn love triangle. Wow, can't believe this story turns this way, the way I despise both Sumin and Seju, hate the way Sungji is handling like a true angel, the way makes me want to drop the story. And, yeah, I definitely drop it now =))))))))). Can't believe team gaji be able to make me despise Seju for just one chapter. Goodbye for good, it's been pleasure =))))))

last edited at Jun 1, 2016 9:48AM

joined May 5, 2016

I would repeat again (this is my last time, I promise), to readers, there may be worse and better timings for Sumin to tell Seju that she wants to leave her, but to Seju, there is no "the right time that she would agree with Sumin leaving her". I agree that Sumin didn't pay attention to this timing thing, but even if she did, it would be just a delay, and everything happened in this chapter, Seju got hurt, will happen in the next chapters. No one in the world could think of how to not hurt Seju if they were Sumin.

I honestly ignored it but since you keep repeating it, I couldn't ignore it anymore XD. Yes, there is no right time at all for Seju, she will absolutely get hurt, sooner or later. But what about Sumin? If Sumin at least think of Seju's situation or wtv or goddamn anything, she won't do it now, there will be a delay or wtv. I emphasize this though, I'm not talking about Seju here, and I'm talking about Sumin and her thoughtless way of dealing things. This is what I view Sumin, not Seju. Seju's already a fvcked up character who has wtv coming to her life is also either sadness or hurt anyway

Seju is a person who decided be dependent of Sumin, so that, Sumin would not have the correct opportunity for leaving her. Maybe the conversation could be better, but definitely, Sumin tried to be honest. For that reason, she decided to confess her love for Sungji and also for Seju.

When Seju told her that she could come back when she wants Immediately, Sumin stopped that hope, because she knows 10 years were enough for both, specially for Seju because is she who always welcomes with open arms.

Both need a change, now Sumin has to Sungji in her life... it is time that Seju may allow someone know who really is

I want Seju to be all alone without any connections with Sumin first, sth else later. She has been too dependant on Sumin, and honestly, I don't like that fact. But I wish the conversation hasn't made to sound pretty selfish on Sumin's part :) (she wants to find love for herself, etc), that would've been nice.
Also, I hope it will be a quiet farewell, not a messy cheating. I'm praying so hard next chap will not be sex :). Cheating is the worst thing happened for a relationship. I know that with this story, somewhere in the future, it's totally possible that Sungji might get hurt, but hurt by cheating is just too cruel. This story is already too cruel for Seju already, hope there will be no other victim :). Plus, if Sungji could easily forgive Sumin for this, I'll seriously go "Are you even a human?" to Sungji, cheating is definitely not some kind of silly argument, you'll probably completely lose your trust for your partner which is never easy to build back.

last edited at May 27, 2016 11:33PM

joined May 5, 2016

There is a poll on Lezhin Facebook to vote for their best yuri couple, and I found it interesting how they only have Sumin x Sungji as the main from wdtfs. Pretty much gives an idea who they're trying to sell as main characters


I don't think TeamGaji has told Lezhin all her story already :). Lezhin just went for the most obvious couple :). Tbh, I think Lezhin facebook admin is just like us, read one chap at a time =)))))))))

joined May 5, 2016

tbh, I really highly extremely doubt that you guys who said that "this is the worst timing" wouldn't say this exact same words had Sumin chose another timing. Ok, I will drop this thing now.

Like I said, I don't resent Sumin much before I read translations, because to me it has to be done, but I also think it's sooner than I thought. I hope you get what I mean :). This chap combines alot of things which make me resent Sumin, not just timing. I don't hate Sumin to the point I hate everything she did without thinking :)))))), so I also doubt that I would dislike Sumin if she has done the deed in better words or at least better way =))))))). But yeah, let's drop this.

joined May 5, 2016

I would repeat again (this is my last time, I promise), to readers, there may be worse and better timings for Sumin to tell Seju that she wants to leave her, but to Seju, there is no "the right time that she would agree with Sumin leaving her". I agree that Sumin didn't pay attention to this timing thing, but even if she did, it would be just a delay, and everything happened in this chapter, Seju got hurt, will happen in the next chapters. No one in the world could think of how to not hurt Seju if they were Sumin.

I honestly ignored it but since you keep repeating it, I couldn't ignore it anymore XD. Yes, there is no right time at all for Seju, she will absolutely get hurt, sooner or later. But what about Sumin? If Sumin at least think of Seju's situation or wtv or goddamn anything, she won't do it now, there will be a delay or wtv. I emphasize this though, I'm not talking about Seju here, and I'm talking about Sumin and her thoughtless way of dealing things. This is what I view Sumin, not Seju. Seju's already a fvcked up character who has wtv coming to her life is also either sadness or hurt anyway

joined May 5, 2016

So Sumin wasn’t just being selfish whenever she returned to Seju.
In fact it was the exact opposite. She discarded her chances of being happy with someone else for Sejus sake – because she was too afraid of what Seju would do if she wouldn’t return to her.

Sumin is selfless? Wow, this is the first I saw someone compliment Sumin XD. Everyone has their own pov of everything but you pov is pretty special =))). And I'm sorry, I strongly disagree with your pov =))))). A person who has alot of hatred towards Seju like Sumin would ever worry for her more than herself? Nope, that's not it. Sumin came back because of her selfish self first, everything else was second :). she has never taken much time to think about Seju's feelings before saying or doing anything and you say she did these things selflessly for 10 years for Seju? If she's that noble :))))), she wouldn't abandon Seju right at this goddamn moment =))))), what is the thing that makes the selfless Sumin think it's ok now to get rid of Seju and she wouldn't do anything stupid?What is the different between the Seju now and the Seju past 10 years? Absolutely nothing. If saying in your logic, Sumin has to stay with Seju till deaths do them apart , tbh =))))). Because Seju's life will be forever bad like that. Sumin's actions for the past 10 years would never ever be called selflessness

last edited at May 27, 2016 10:04AM

joined May 5, 2016

The problem is that they had never had a real conversation.

I agree with this.

Yes, I agree with this too.

Make it three. But in all honesty, I don't think they would have one anytime soon =))))). Even if Seju's last request is not about sex =)))

joined May 5, 2016

An DNA test can be faked easily, and the story has never really mentioned exactly the relationship between Seju and the mole guy. Anyway, I still stick with my theory. It could be possible.

It's up to you, really, everyone has the own theories XD, but I personally don't go for it, too kdrama - like has never been my cup of tea XD, and faking DNA test is a little bit too much on kdrama XD, plus what good it could do if this really happened? Just fvck up more Seju's life, not what I want, her life has already been too much already XD. That just simply push her over the edge XD

last edited at May 27, 2016 4:50AM

joined May 5, 2016

Actually, I has had a theory for a long time that the mole guy is Seju's real father. Because there had a lot of hints:
1. He said he was the one giving Seju's name.
2. He dreamed about a woman looked like Seju that we all assumed that's her mother.
3. If he was Seju's father, it would be easier to understand what he did for Sumin.
4. The father Seju kept visiting in the hospital refused to take care of her since she was young, maybe he knew the truth that she wasn't his daughter but he loved Seju's mother too much to abandon Seju completely, instead giving her a lot of money, and didn't want to meet her face to face.
5. The mole guy looks kind of young to be Seju's father, but I think he's just about 40. And again, the woman in his dream, aka Seju's mother was freshly young too. So I guess, it can be possible.
6. Her mother perhaps wanted the best for Seju so she kept it a secret, so the mole guy did.
I don't know, maybe I'm delusional for watching too much Kdrama, but yeah, lol :)))

No, in one of the conversations between family members, they asked if Seju is really their father's daughter, one of them said yes, they even go for DNA test already, and yes, you have really watched too much k-dramas =))))))

joined May 5, 2016

wow, I can't believe a lot of Seju fans now want a tragic ending for Seju just to make Sumin suffer for it xD. that would be somewhat bittersweet. nobody was healed in the end. more like they will be scarred for life.

It's more like, I keep waiting for a better moment for her but the author never did give it to her and even went to a worse scenerio for her so it's kinda hard to keep hoping :). Moreover, you can't just use Sumin's past tragedy to cover what Sumin has done for the past 10 years. It's just wrong in many ways so I think Sumin needs some karma, what goes around comes around and wtv. Sungji is innocent, she hasn't done anything wrong, I don't want her to be dragged into this or get hurt from this so that's probably the only way.
Not that hard really, if Seju would not abruptly tragically die at some point or sth like that, there are ways to for Sumin and Sungji to be endgame but Sumin is happy but not completely happy with no Seju in her life anymore. I don't want to take away everything from Sumin because of what she has lost in the past and don't want to hurt Sungji, either but a fully happy ending for Sumin is not what I want at the moment, so yeah. It might change after a few more chaps, though =))))))))

Anyway, you should look for someone who loves you, not someone whom you love :). The fact that Sumin cut off Seju, got rid of Seju's love and go find for exactly the love Seju has given her reminded me of this saying. You always spend time looking for one thing but one day you stop and realise that that one thing has been with you all along, you're just too blind to know. Some realise it in time, some got it too late when they already lost it. Sumin might not be in those cases but I can't help but think of these things after this chap

last edited at May 27, 2016 3:50AM

joined May 5, 2016

Oh, and that's why part of me wanting to go for the ending which is sad ending for Seju and endgame for teamblonde but forever Seju will be taken away from Sumin, which Sumin will never fully feel happy :), she's with Sungji but never feel complete. but for that, I would sacrifice my favorite charater :), which is so sad for me :)))))))

joined May 5, 2016

This, I agree with you =)), Seju needs more power in this story, she's pretty passive most of time. However, before this chap, I don't think Seju would be able to fix it, the first thing two of them need to be able to fix their problems has to be Sumin forgives first :). It IS Seju's fault after all, but Sumin never forgive, that's the problem. How could someone forgive herself when she's at fault and the other party is always, always hold the grudges?

I am teamblonde but I love each character. And I have to be honest, Seju and Sumin were a pretty and beautiful couple.

For me, their relationship finished, not only because of the infidelity but also it is responsibility of the seju´s brother.

That character is too crazy and now that he is back we know that he has an important secret or something to do.

I also love all three of them, just these days I don't like sumin much out of the three and Seju is my favourite since the beginning :), but I don't really care about the ending pairing thing :)). Pairing is not important to me but how it will end is more important. You sew what you reap, I wanna see it, what Sumin has been doing for the past 10 years is not right and she needs a lession for it, Seju has been like this for 10 years, all alone since birth, she needs a better moments, Sungji hasn't done anything wrong, she shouldn't be the victim of this saga( the whole cheating thing, god, how could we wish for Sungji to go through what Sumin had gone through?, that's too cruel), she should be happy, too. Out of the three, I haven't seen signs of those for Seju and Sumin, Sungji is better. I'm waiting for it :)

last edited at May 27, 2016 1:38AM

joined May 5, 2016

i would repeat, to Seju, there is no "the right time" for Sumin to break up with her, not even when she is happy or not so stressful.

No, there isn't but there is a worst time.

joined May 5, 2016

How though? How could Seju fix it? Tell me a better way for Seju to make Sumin come back to her before Sungji got in the picture. Oh, and please notice this before answering, Seju has always been carrying the guilt of cheating on Sumin, the guilt of what her family(the creepy guy) did to Sumin which further made Sumin get alot of hatred towards Seju. One full of guilt, thinking she deserved it, one full of hatred for what happened to her. So do tell me how Seju go fix it, and why not Sumin go fix it but have to wait for Seju to fix it? It takes two to tango.

You have the reason, it takes two to tango.

But the main problem is that Seju has never forgiven herself. She carries with the guilty and that is the reason because Sumin could do whatever that she wanted. When she felt alone, she came back with Seju and the president only accepted that.

When Seju stopped the discussion with Sumin in the chapter 49, once she asked her what would be the problem if she was with someone more? And when she told her she is tired because she is only a human, Sumin kept silence cause she was in shock. Therefore she started to reflect about her feelings.

Maybe Seju would need have more power, not just be passive as she has been until now.

This, I agree with you =)), Seju needs more power in this story, she's pretty passive most of time. However, before this chap, I don't think Seju would be able to fix it, the first thing two of them need to be able to fix their problems has to be Sumin forgives first :). It IS Seju's fault after all, but Sumin never forgive, that's the problem. How could someone forgive herself when she's at fault and the other party is always, always hold the grudges?

joined May 5, 2016

I would say any kind of words or actions Sumin used towards to Seju, if that meant to break up with her, it would lead to the same outcome.

But at least, in my case (not sure about others), if she hasn't chosen this moment when Seju has been so stressed about her father, not say those words (maybe saying she doesn't want to hurt Sungji because she loves her and Sungji loves her, too, sth like that, I don't know), I would probably be less judgemental towards Sumin. Because honestly, those words has a lot of impact and made me remember it right after I read it. Before I read translation, I have absolutely nothing too much against Sumin, just thought "oh, it has to be done, just sooner than I thought, but poor Seju", but after reading it, everything go amplify =)))))

last edited at May 27, 2016 12:01AM

joined May 5, 2016

My question is why did not Seju do anything to fix their relationship? She was just hoping the return of a vulnerable and confused Sumin

How though? How could Seju fix it? Tell me a better way for Seju to make Sumin come back to her before Sungji got in the picture. Oh, and please notice this before answering, Seju has always been carrying the guilt of cheating on Sumin, the guilt of what her family(the creepy guy) did to Sumin which further made Sumin get alot of hatred towards Seju. One full of guilt, thinking she deserved it, one full of hatred for what happened to her. So do tell me how Seju go fix it, and why not Sumin go fix it but have to wait for Seju to fix it? It takes two to tango.

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:41PM

joined May 5, 2016

Like I said, it's inevitable that Sumin will have that talk with Seju, she WILL choose and she would probably choose Sungji, that will be sth has to be done, no matter what, but again, the way she did it, how she did it, when she did it are completely another thing. One thing I remember most and have made me judge Sumin so hard is this "I want to love someone like falling off a cliff if I let go of her hands, love like I can't live without her", not that "I don't want to hurt someone, bla bla bla". Those words make me feel like she did it for herself, she wants to find love for herself, and now she got a potential one, she gets rid of what is holding her back. Like I said, once again, there would be alot of way to talk to Seju, to make your choice, to everything, but just like Seju back with the red head, Sumin has chosen a not so good way, imo. And Sumin's words make Seju feel like a thing for 10 years. Once again, I repeat though, I don't oppose the fact that Sumin had chosen one of the two, not oppose the fact she talk to Seju, but I dislike how she did it, when she did it and the words she has said.
And do you know what is ironic in this chapter, right after Sumin said that she want to love like she can not live without the other, Seju said exactly those words towards Sumin, the love Seju gives Sumin is exactly what Sumin wants to have, wants to find and Sumin just gets rid of the love she's been receiving to go find for exactly that. That's how ironic things are

last edited at May 26, 2016 11:31PM

joined May 5, 2016

So, if Sungji didn't walk into Sumin's life, do you think Sumin would have the courage to talk to Seju and cut her off completely? I would like to think she wouldn't, she would never have the gut to talk face to face and get rid of Seju like that. Sungji is good, Sungji is nice, that Sumin knows and the fear of losing someone like Sungji makes Sumin do that move. Sumin has brought Seju along in her life for 10 years, never cut her off and now when she finally has someone good, she gets rid of Seju. Of course, Sumin needed to talk to Seju, but it should've been nicer if that talk happen before Sumin has found Sungji, not when she's already had someone who is better and she knows that's the best choice. This chap has made Seju is like a back-up plan for Sumin's whole life and now when Sumin has finally found the one, she doesn't need that back-up plan anymore, in fact, that back-up plan is the reason she couldn't reach her happiness..yet. That's selfishness, imo.
Sumin has to make a choice, Sungji or Seju. That's sth we already know from the start of the story. Sooner or later, this chap will happen, and honestly, even if I'm a Seju lover, I still think Sungji will be Sumin's choice, there is no other way, but I would never think Sumin would be this cruel to cut Seju off. Saying you love her and then gets rid of her in a matter of seconds is... I don't know :). The choice will have to be made but how Sumin does it and when she does it are crucial, too. It being a natural thing does not make it acceptable even with every way you do it. And honestly, I couldn't accept the way Sumin gets rid of Seju even when I've always prepared for it

last edited at May 26, 2016 10:00PM