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joined May 11, 2012

Buuuut even though Sakurako and Kasumi act super gay in the manga and anthology, basically like a married couple, neither of them still identify herself as lesbian, or they become a couple, or anything like that right? So it's subtext then, it don't matter how gay they act if in the end they stay as friends, specially because japanese believes two straight girls can be like that without being gay, but as Yukiko is a yuri fan I believe it'll go beyond subtext, at least I hope, I'm tired of those super gay series that in the end are nothing more than friendship between straight girls, sigh...

last edited at Nov 21, 2015 9:20PM

joined Nov 29, 2014

Of course, even if there was a great willingness to go through everything and correctly label things, there would have to be some sort of agreement on what "yuri" is or isn't, and if "shoujo-ai" is the same thing or different,

Why use a made up genre if there is a subtext tag?

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

That said, there are a lot of things tagged as yuri that are just subtext on this reader anyway.

I've noticed, and it's pretty frustrating at times. It dilutes the tag down to meaninglessness, and makes it un-useful for finding the type of story you are looking for.

Two girls having sex? Yuri. Two girls making out? Yuri. Two girls in love? Yuri. Two girls that are friends with each other? Yuri. Two girls in the same comic panel? Yuri.

Everything else is broken down and minutely characterized. Is there Pseudo-heterosexual subtext between a female wolf spirit and an sentient shade of blue that identifies as male on page 23? There's a tag for that. But if you have two girls sitting next to each other on the train, that's just yuri. Argh.

Of course, even if there was a great willingness to go through everything and correctly label things, there would have to be some sort of agreement on what "yuri" is or isn't, and if "shoujo-ai" is the same thing or different, and who gets to make the judgement call on edge cases.

We should probably take off the tag, but I honestly think if I were to read this I wouldn't have a problem seeing it in the yuri tag. But ultimately that's just me. Maybe it is because I've read the rest of the volume and think that yeah it's pretty much gay AF even if the characters don't outright come out and say they're gay and in love. To me this is a series that's made full of subtext and clearly no indication of it ever being het in any way so it's good enough for me.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Well, I haven't read the future chapters yet but if it's anything like the Saki anime, then I definitely know what you mean. There's a point where subtext just isn't subtext anymore.

Yuri Project
joined Sep 15, 2013

I see I've stumbled on #HowIsThisYuri: The Thread.

We should probably take off the tag

You'll break my heart, MK. Don't kowtow to these people.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Subtext, basically the almost-yuri-but-not-really-tho tag.

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

I see I've stumbled on #HowIsThisYuri: The Thread.

We should probably take off the tag

You'll break my heart, MK. Don't kowtow to these people.

I probably would've been the most hated person ever if Shima isn't around to tell me to stop posting what I really want to say ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3

joined Jul 21, 2015

Just in case you question now yuri it is Yukiko and a bunch of her friends made a 90 some pages anthology of just Sakurako and Kasumi being gay AF soooooo.

Honestly you should just read it like they're married. It's not really that far off anyway

This is my uninformed opinion, but I'm happy seeing stories tagged as yuri even if it's just a really intimate platonic friendship/pseudo-couple relationship and not sexual. I thought the yuri tag was appropriate for Stretch even if it never reached the point that many yuri fans (myself included) would have liked, for example - the interpersonal and characterization aspects were as good as many yuri stories that I've enjoyed. I've met more than one very intimate long-term couple that had no sexual component (because one/both of them were asexual).

Room For Two is kind of shallow so far but I feel like the tag isn't super unreasonable. Might make sense to remove it in a few chapters if the characters' relationship goes nowhere.

joined Aug 1, 2011

Question: Is there a reason why they're leaving their keys with the landlady as a default?

joined Apr 23, 2015

Is this called "yuri" because there are two female protags who get along well, or is it going to be actually yuri at some point with at least a scintilla of romance? Because right now the so-called yuri barely rises to subtextural levels.

Was starting to wonder this myself. There are a lot of good stories that seem to only be yuri subtext though. I'm at the point where I start to wonder if there will be more pronounced yuri between background characters. I'm really want to see this go full yuri with the main two though.

joined Jan 3, 2016

This is so cute. Are there anymore chapters to this?

joined Oct 30, 2015

I just want to laugh all out right now after finishing the L word series somewhat game me this aaaaaaangst feeling.... I do not know!

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Hey guys! I know a lot of people probably won't check our website, so I thought I'd mention here that we're trying to catch up with Futaribeya... as much as raizoo and myself can between also wanting to work on Love Live and other nonsense. We're aiming for one chapter every two weeks. Remains to be seen if we can keep up that pace, but we'll try. Sorry for the long wait!

last edited at Mar 25, 2016 4:43AM

joined Feb 11, 2014

Glad to hear it, I really like that manga, it's so fluffy. ^^ Thanks for picking that up.

joined Oct 30, 2015

Great! It updated... Hahaha.... But I could not sense some intimate feelings for those two but I hope in a process they will developed this Yuri thing... Hahahaha!!!

joined Jan 18, 2016

This very very kawaii
I love the art style
I love the characters
I love the food
It's nyamezing

joined Mar 28, 2015

There's less yuri in this than in Stretch. I vote for removing the tag for now xD

joined Oct 15, 2013

There's less yuri in this than in Stretch. I vote for removing the tag for now xD

what u talkin about? We got a Threesome

joined May 28, 2013

I haven't played Speed in forever... I really want to now.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Since food and Kasumi's eating habits seem to show up in everynchapter, would a "Food" Porn" tag be reasonable?

joined Nov 14, 2013

Just in case you question now yuri it is Yukiko and a bunch of her friends made a 90 some pages anthology of just Sakurako and Kasumi being gay AF soooooo.

Honestly you should just read it like they're married. It's not really that far off anyway

Can u provide a site where i can read this anthology plz?

joined Aug 16, 2015

I really hope this series earns its yuri tag. There's just something about the laid-back 4-koma style that makes me ship characters even harder than usual.

joined Oct 30, 2015

SO FRIGGIN' CUUUUTE! <333 I want her to just push her onto the bed and smooch her!!!

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

Just in case you question now yuri it is Yukiko and a bunch of her friends made a 90 some pages anthology of just Sakurako and Kasumi being gay AF soooooo.

Honestly you should just read it like they're married. It's not really that far off anyway

Can u provide a site where i can read this anthology plz?

Not really, but you can purchase the pdf version from the artists on Booth.

joined Feb 27, 2016

I have this weird feeling to just hug both of them to death. Also, Kasumi's an only child? I expected like a gorgeous older sister but eh. Maybe that's why she's spoiled.

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