Forum › Reversal discussion

joined May 25, 2015


joined Dec 9, 2015

Between this and Transient Dreams of Transient Things by Tamamusi, I think I like the gay-for-pay but becoming a real romance....genre?

But I do like this artstyle, it feels very..rustic?

joined Nov 19, 2014

I'm torn. Hate the art, love the story, but it's way too rushed. I'm sure there's some sort of understanding with certain types of stories that the reader with be able to fill in the "due to certain circumstances" on their own and just go straight into the sex/foot massaging/oil lapping ... erm ... whatever that was. My preference is to see the backstory, so this sort of story that teases at potential kind of annoys me.

Maybe it's because I write romance for a living; I want to see what someone /else/ came up with once in a while. With stories like this, I'll spend the next two days writing the pre/post story in my head. That's probably 'working as intended' but I can't help feeling cheated lol

I would read more by this artist/author. Good pacing, given the brevity, enough setting to keep it from being a jump-in-bed story, still hate the art.

I shouldn't read these within three hours of my writing critique group, huh.

Edit: I also don't get the name. I expected the rich girl to be the sub for some reason. Oh well.

last edited at Mar 5, 2016 2:26PM

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I liked the main character, surprisingly enough. Maybe it's just because she's a masochist and so unabashed about it...? I dunno.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Finally, a story where a girl becomes a whore and everything goes perfectly fine for once.

joined Aug 27, 2013

Love the art, hate the story. I'm so sick of child prostitution, of any prostitution, it makes me want to vomit.

joined Sep 18, 2014

So far, I think this needs another part for a proper closure. It's way too rushed IMO.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Loved the art, loved the reversal.

joined Oct 6, 2013

The beginning was interesting but it kind of catches me off guard during the transition from the middle to the ending. What was that about? I see that frown on Kotoko's face and I frown as well. what the heck ending is this?

joined Mar 5, 2016

there's an interesting core for a story there but i feel like it would've benefited immensely from having a couple of chapters instead of being a one-shot.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I liked the agency owner who totally was in the wrong business.

joined Aug 1, 2015

This art somehow reminded me of Gundam-Ecole du ciel for some really odd reason. I have no idea why.

joined Jun 12, 2012

There definitely needs to be a continuation of this. It felt way too rushed towards the end.

Rich girl looks a bit odd as well.

joined Dec 30, 2014

I need more S&M play!!!! Good concept for story, execution needs work, more pages required!

joined Apr 11, 2014

Love the art, hate the story. I'm so sick of child prostitution, of any prostitution, it makes me want to vomit.

Well, she was 18 when the story started so its technically not child prostitution. As for prostitution on itself, it isn't that bad of a gig if you can make sure that all the parties involved are consenting adults that know what they are getting into.

joined Mar 23, 2011

well this looks like it's going to be fun!

joined Feb 8, 2013

Should have been written ITS FUCK TIME at credits :D

joined Feb 17, 2016

Oh God, I'd love to see more of this, the sumptuous privilege of being the sole vessel for a 'nice' girl's hidden darkness, the depths of intimacy, where she trusts you with extremes for which others would reject her, but you have the power to be her salvation, and when she degrades with you with payment, and visibly hates herself, she's utterly vulnerable.

Kotoko's got a strange, awkward appeal as a top. She's flailing enough that her cruelty feels like an involuntary compulsion that she's struggling to channel or withhold, rather than a controlled process tailored for her pleasure. Her sadism is more powerful than her, which is hot as hell. She likely wants to be punished for it on some level, if her tears and ironically masochistic obsession are anything to go by, which opens her to up to the whole spectrum of...

Ahem. Enough lechery, my true colours are showing.

The mangaka's other one-shot is good as well. I'm keeping an eye out for this one.

joined Jan 18, 2016

O my gawd, that was sooooooo cute!

joined Aug 16, 2014

I'm fine with being your slave. If you've got the money for it.

Happy end.

joined Oct 18, 2015

Sadly, the author's next work is darker and guess what, she got raped forcefully by men at night (that's the truth). The ending is bad. You can check it in yuri project. I'll choose to abandon it.

joined Apr 1, 2013

I aint buying that ending.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Sadly, the author's next work is darker and guess what, she got raped forcefully by men at night (that's the truth). The ending is bad. You can check it in yuri project. I'll choose to abandon it.

I guess some congratulations are in order, since you succesfully baited me into looking. WP.

[...] and finally get to do their tribalism the right way.

They do... what? Sorry, couldn't resist.

joined Mar 12, 2014

Sadly, the author's next work is darker and guess what, she got raped forcefully by men at night (that's the truth). The ending is bad. You can check it in yuri project. I'll choose to abandon it.

I guess some congratulations are in order, since you succesfully baited me into looking. WP.

So it's not true?? I deleted my comment because I thought it was false hope. It's not true right? I can't find the sequel in question.

[...] and finally get to do their tribalism the right way.

They do... what? Sorry, couldn't resist.

=))) I meant "tribadism". But hey, there are tribes with lesbian rituals, right?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Sadly, the author's next work is darker and guess what, she got raped forcefully by men at night (that's the truth). The ending is bad. You can check it in yuri project. I'll choose to abandon it.

I guess some congratulations are in order, since you succesfully baited me into looking. WP.

So it's not true?? I deleted my comment because I thought it was false hope. It's not true right? I can't find the sequel in question.

Judge for yourself. Here's an easy link for the raw.

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