Forum › Cirno and Reimu's One-Two-Three discussion

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Another multi-part classic. Love this series, really cute. Can't wait for more chapters! The world always needs more crack-pairings, especially one's done this well.

joined Jan 30, 2013

I think someone threw my heart in a sharpener when I read chapter 5

joined Feb 28, 2013

GAH!!! I NEED part 6 of this! I need to know what happened!!

I wasn't sure if I'd get into it, since I love the Reimu/Yukari ship the most (when it comes to Reimu, Alice/Marisa is my favorite Touhou pairing), but it's been so sweet, fun and adorable. But this cliffhanger is killing me.

Michan Staff
Dynasty Scans
joined Feb 14, 2011

GAH!!! I NEED part 6 of this! I need to know what happened!!

I wasn't sure if I'd get into it, since I love the Reimu/Yukari ship the most (when it comes to Reimu, Alice/Marisa is my favorite Touhou pairing), but it's been so sweet, fun and adorable. But this cliffhanger is killing me.

There's soft-edited danbooru versions of the next couple chapters floating around.

joined Feb 28, 2013

GAH!!! I NEED part 6 of this! I need to know what happened!!

I wasn't sure if I'd get into it, since I love the Reimu/Yukari ship the most (when it comes to Reimu, Alice/Marisa is my favorite Touhou pairing), but it's been so sweet, fun and adorable. But this cliffhanger is killing me.

There's soft-edited danbooru versions of the next couple chapters floating around.


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If Gaku Gaku is still working on the rest, I'm happy enough waiting to see it pop up here eventually, rather than hunt around the internet for it. That said, I'd love to see the rest, this is surprisingly addictive.

Talk about crack pairings that work, yikes!

joined Jan 31, 2013

For those interested in the soft translated Danbooru versions:
It has links to all of them up through 8.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Wow. Chapter 6...And then all the other chapters got really short. I won't say anything, anyway...

Everything released is now up, courtesy of Toasty Scans. I do believe we're expecting Chapter 10 of this to be released this summer, and scanned shortly afterwards.

joined Apr 27, 2013

Oh cool, I didn't know that chapter 9 was even released

joined Jul 4, 2012

I srsly love the artist drawing. It's a pity that there isn't more of his mangas.

joined Feb 2, 2013

i didn't know there was so much chapters...
the 6° is the best, i always like the yukariXyuyuko story

joined May 31, 2013

i've read through 4 and have come to the conclusion that this is AMAZING! it just seems to keep getting better and better. now to read the rest.

joined Sep 4, 2013

when are we going to hav a part 10? ;^;

joined May 17, 2013

The closest thing I could find on that is this from the artist's site, via Google Translate:

"And summer Komi participation!
Place the third day (month) K-45b is. However, it was not possible to prepare new book. So we will have one street backlist, that over thank you."

So I'd expect winter Comiket at the earliest. I highly suspect this chapter will be quite lengthy, so of course it'll take some time to get finished.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Just read this again - wonderful story:) I assume part 10 isnt out yet? When is winter comiket if it might come out then?

Also a few points I wanted to ask about - Is Yukari really that powerful? Im not a huge touhou fan so havnt read THAT much - but I got the impression Reimu pretty much kicks everyone elses ass but here she seems to be loosing to Yukari - who is a gap youkai yes?, even tho Reimu beats gods up etc? I couldnt find much info on the characters relative strengths.

And lastly why is Cirno represented by 9 ? 9 in japanese is kyuu so I dunno?

last edited at Nov 8, 2013 10:38AM

joined Jan 30, 2013

And lastly why is Cirno represented by 9 ? 9 in japanese is kyuu so I dunno?

joined Sep 4, 2013

how soon until winter comiket?? ;A;

joined May 17, 2013

Unfortunate news(again, machine translated):
"It does not participate in winter Komi

er, it is not enough time and preparation work
so I decided to winter Komi this will not participate.
I'm sorry! Because it might participate in the Komi summer of 2014, Mars thank you in that case."


Looks like it really will be a while.

joined Aug 5, 2013

Also a few points I wanted to ask about - Is Yukari really that powerful? Im not a huge touhou fan so havnt read THAT much - but I got the impression Reimu pretty much kicks everyone elses ass but here she seems to be loosing to Yukari - who is a gap youkai yes?, even tho Reimu beats gods up etc? I couldnt find much info on the characters relative strengths.

Yukari and Yuyuko are suppose to be one of the most powerful yokai that have lived over a thousand years and since Yukari has the ability to control boundaries, she can manipulate tons of things.
Sometimes in fan works Yukari is shown to have known previous Hakurei mikos, long before she met Reimu.
So Reimu would certainly have a quite challenge, considering Yukari's experience fighting for so many years.

Troid Uploader
Payapaya Scans
joined Jan 28, 2013

Stiiiiiillllll waaaaaaiiiitiiiiiiing

Artist says they'll be doing something for Summer Comiket this year. Hopefully a longer one to finish off the story. I feel like this has been dragging since the fifth one, especially with the shorter chapters.

joined Feb 8, 2014

I didn't think that Cirno x Reimu would be good since they might be counted as an uncommon couple. I love the art including some yuri scene makes it better. I hope we'll see chapter 10. It's been a while since the last update.

joined Sep 4, 2013

still waiting.. and I'm out of french vanilla coffee as well as hazelnut coffee.. god I'm hungry, WHEN WILL WE GET CLOSURE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

still waiting.. and I'm out of french vanilla coffee as well as hazelnut coffee.. god I'm hungry, WHEN WILL WE GET CLOSURE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!?

I think it's safe to say you've got time for a run to the store before the next chapter. Just be quick about it.

joined Sep 11, 2013

Why Okuu on this page have three leg... And think cirno se dio cuenta también jajaja lol

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