Forum › Netsuzou Trap discussion

joined Feb 18, 2015

Certainly appears that Yuma's boyfriend is an OK guy but I'm not entirely sure how into him she is. As for Hotaru, she appears to be pretty messed up and her boyfriend seems to be abusive. Not sure where it is going, but it is interesting.

The fact that Yuma certainly seems more turned on by kissing Hotaru than kissing her boyfriend speaks volumes. It isn't just the "we shouldn't be doing this" excitement there. Also, her thoughts about how she felt abandoned when Hotaru began dating guys early in middle school suggest that she has lingering, unresolved feelings for her...

joined Apr 1, 2013

Come on Hotaru! Break through the friend-zone that you regretfully made.

joined Jun 13, 2015

Has sex with you
"No homo, just a womanly joke!"
Who would believe that?

joined Jun 6, 2014

TL;DR Why so upset?

I'm just gonna skip responding to every single line to see if I can do a fresh wipe and start over what I was trying to say.

I was not particularly upset about anything at first...I simply was trying to say that the argument was flawed. By saying "one yuma for hotaru, one hotaru for yuma" and then "to hell with guys, plenty of fish in the sea", the whole basis of the argument was that yuma and hotaru get special treatment over takeda simply because, essentially, takeda is a straight boy, so his love means less because he has more possible options. Which is not a valid or sound argument, even sovereign of how misogynistic and apathetic that makes him seem. And of course I took offense to it because it was said in a way that is rather patronizing and mitigating toward me (indirectly).

But then that get misread into seeming like a #NotAllMen, and then you followed up claiming I was part of some meninist force. I reacted bitterly because I absolutely despise that whole 'movement' (so much so I am straining all the muscles in my hands writing this, and had to use all my willpower not to throw in unnecessary derogatives). It'd be a more benign equivalent of matching me up with the KKK just because I'm a white person from the "South".

That's why I was upset. Not fuming, not steaming, not pissed. Just upset.

last edited at Jul 30, 2015 6:52PM

joined Dec 14, 2014

Well, I think even the Love Live shipping wa-, discussions have been more enjoyable than this one. At least they haven't gotten so personal so far.

Maybe I haven't gotten the memo, but since when has the sex of people involved started to matter around here? I don't think all 'moral fags' are necessarily guys - we can't possible know - and I don't think it even matters nor should you try to make the point. Everybody who feels they were cheated on could object if they spotted what they consider infidelity. Some of the arguments I read are pants, but at least keep it civil. I think everybody has read their fair share of comments by everybody else in this thread so at least treat each other with respect and even if you don't agree, they surely deserve better than this.

last edited at Jul 30, 2015 7:25PM

joined May 25, 2014

This seems familiar...either because I've seen it here before, or because it's super generic-looking

Well, she's got the same name and similar hair to another Hotaru

joined Mar 13, 2014

Well, here we go. Boyfriend is getting suspicious, crap is about to go down.

joined Nov 9, 2014

:: prays for yuri end ::

Kai Alexander
joined Sep 14, 2014

Am I the only one how ships fujwara and takeda? (≧∇≦)

joined Feb 10, 2013

Am I the only one how ships fujwara and takeda? (≧∇≦)

No, you aren't the only one. But for some reason I don't think it will happen in the end. xD

Hotadu seems to have a very DARK DARK aura when being confronted by Yuma about her love life with someone that's NOT HER! O_O

Wanna see the end! XD

joined Mar 6, 2012

Has sex with you
"No homo, just a womanly joke!"
Who would believe that?

Girls have sex between friends all the time ..It's like.. a greeting or a (very) friendly hug


last edited at Jul 30, 2015 8:52PM

joined Nov 16, 2013

To hell with the guys. I can't empathize with them at all. There's plenty of fishes in the sea for them.

Because that is so not fair to us. It's not like us guys more heterosexual than homosexual fall in love with anything we can thrust our sword in. There's only 'at most' one special person for us at any given time the same exact way (since I still don't know where I stand on the concept of having more than one romantic partner at any given time, I'll assume it isn't a thing for sake of ease of argument's rather irrelevant in this case). But all the same you're on the right track with the fact I see Hotaru and Yuma fitting together nicely and they seem to work well for each other.

Did you seriously #NotAllMen here? That's hilarious.

Has this place become the "tumblr reader" now?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Has sex with you
"No homo, just a womanly joke!"
Who would believe that?

Girls have sex between friends all the time ..It's like.. a greeting or a (very) friendly hug


It's how you say hello in America.

joined Mar 6, 2014

So Girlfriend's excuses was finally surpassed, what ya gonna do Morinaga Milk?

joined May 13, 2015

with all the rants, I hardly see anything about the manga itself anymore.
btw does anyone know how many chapters this is going to have? because I saw raws up to chapter 5, and from what I've seen I see it's still going to continue on

last edited at Jul 30, 2015 10:44PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

Well, here we go. Boyfriend is getting suspicious, crap is about to go down.

Hotaru's boyfriend was getting suspicious before. Now he is starting to believe, not just suspect. I expect he will hurt Horaru before too long...

joined May 15, 2014

Scared to read more of this, because cheating and het, but for the sake of my yuri, I'll do my best.

my thoughts exactly

joined Jan 19, 2015

Yaaassss I'm so glad that this is being translated

joined Jul 27, 2015

Has sex with you
"No homo, just a womanly joke!"
Who would believe that?

Girls have sex between friends all the time ..It's like.. a greeting or a (very) friendly hug


It's how you say hello in America.

It's a trap. Man + Woman = Woman makes sandwich...


joined Mar 12, 2014

Agh I always hate it when the healthier relationship is the one thats not gonna happen. I was waiting for the boyf to turn into a dick and try and pressure the MO into sex but nope he's being pretty decent as far as male manga characters go. Hotaru is basically a bitch, but thats standard in a NTR so not surprising.

joined Jul 31, 2015

Wow 3 chapters in 3 days. Thanks and I hope you're not pushing yourself...

joined Nov 9, 2014

Has sex with you
"No homo, just a womanly joke!"
Who would believe that?

Girls have sex between friends all the time ..It's like.. a greeting or a (very) friendly hug


It's how you say hello in America.

It's a trap. Man + Woman = Woman makes sandwich...


That made me laugh really hard!! Hahaha. All the sandwiches!

joined Mar 28, 2015

I was not particularly upset about anything at first...I simply was trying to say that the argument was flawed. By saying "one yuma for hotaru, one hotaru for yuma" and then "to hell with guys, plenty of fish in the sea", the whole basis of the argument was that yuma and hotaru get special treatment over takeda simply because, essentially, takeda is a straight boy, so his love means less because he has more possible options. Which is not a valid or sound argument, even sovereign of how misogynistic and apathetic that makes him seem. And of course I took offense to it because it was said in a way that is rather patronizing and mitigating toward me (indirectly).

It's not that his love means less. It's just that his love is not even clearly stated. In 3 chapters, all I can get about Takeda is that, while he seems to like Yuma, he's not in love with her and his primary goal is to lose his virginity.

Oh, he's nice about it, and not forceful. But all his actions tend to show that he wants to be on the good side of Yuma so that she spreads her legs willingly. He's not evil. He's just your average Joe who wants to get laid and make nice memories of it. He likes Yuma, but it doesn't have to be Yuma ultimately.

So yeah, I put more value in Hotaru's love, because she needs Yuma. Not some other girl, not some abusive boyfriend, but specifically Yuma. Because she's the one who's always been there for her and the one who swore to protect her always. And she's in love with her.

It can be argued that she's going completely wrong about it, almost forcing herself on Yuma, but I take it as a form of despair on her part. She's on the verge of losing her completely. For years, she's been in the Hell of "there's no way my love will ever be fulfilled". I guess you can't really relate to this, but I've been there and I can tell it's real Hell that keeps you awake at night and makes you want to punch walls because it's so unfair.

Personally, I feel for Hotaru, because I identify with her on many levels. Being next to someone you crave to touch, but can't really because it could mean the end of everything. But just a hug means the world.

So, yeah, in this context, I don't give a shit about Takeda's feelings. He's good looking and he can get a girlfriend anyday if he gets over his awkwardness. Sorry, I'm not reading this to see some random schmoe get laid with a girl he asked out because she happened to be there and cute.

joined Jun 30, 2015

Has sex with you
"No homo, just a womanly joke!"
Who would believe that?

Girls have sex between friends all the time ..It's like.. a greeting or a (very) friendly hug


Rubbing your friend's second lip is pretty normal. Thank goodness she didn't put it in, now THAT would have been intrusive of personal space.

Something's off about Hotaru's behaviour though, bear with me here, I think Hotaru might actually have feelings for Yuma.

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