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joined Aug 11, 2014

I appreciated that Chihiro was fleshed out a lot more as a character, even if most of it came in the very last chapter. The theme park scene between her and Nao reads a lot better when you know more about her thought processes; I feel like a lot of her more absurdly villainous self-described characterisation turns out to be more of a bluff to try and scare Nao, rather than how she actually thinks. Like, I wonder if the actual reason for her going off with Shino was actually the more cliche shojo tactic of "If I pull away, maybe she'll be more motivated and come after me herself, and I'll be able to confirm her feelings without having to put myself out there and be vulnerable". If she had been more sensitive to Aoi's actual feelings, and realised how much she was hurting, I don't think Chihiro would have kept neglecting her.

From what I saw in the last chapter, Chihiro certainly seems like an opportunist, and she's pretty damn underhanded, but she isn't actually that effective as a schemer, and she does feel empathy for other people's pain. She feels pretty shitty when she realises how miserable Aoi felt after the "just friends/make some distance" thing, and even if she hid what she knew about their feelings, she still pushed Nao to go have an honest talk with Aoi, even though she knew they'd probably get together as a result.

Honestly, more than anything, she seems like the kind of coward who'd rather act mean and be hated than be honest and risk having her inner feelings rejected. Basically, if she was short, flat chested, and had improbably long twintails, we'd have seen right through her entire character in her first scene.

Anyway, I'm pretty satisfied with how it all turned out; happy Takemiya Jin endings are what make her tragic stories bearable, and tragic Takemiya Jin stories are what make her happy endings satisfying. Thanks for working on this, Divulge Scans.

joined Dec 14, 2014

It seems that a flag has been raised

Konata would be proud!

Somehow Chihiro remained really passive after she and Nao decided to compete for Aoi's love. That was over with quickly.

joined Jun 6, 2014

There's no such thing as Tamako Love Story.
But Euphonium is super freaking gay for real though!

Is it..? Like overly yuri, or just subtexty?

Heavily subtextual. There's a girl who seems to be head over heels for the MC and the MC is very interested and curious about the girl. Plus, it's based off a legit novel, not like a manga or LN, so the chance of it happening goes up.

It's not the focus, but its there and it definitely is emphasized.

joined Feb 18, 2013

it's based off a legit novel, not like a manga or LN

Oh, so that's why it has a title I can say in the span of a single breath and a premise that isn't completely embarrassing.

joined Oct 12, 2013

There's no such thing as Tamako Love Story.
But Euphonium is super freaking gay for real though!

Is it..? Like overly yuri, or just subtexty?

Heavily subtextual. There's a girl who seems to be head over heels for the MC and the MC is very interested and curious about the girl. Plus, it's based off a legit novel, not like a manga or LN, so the chance of it happening goes up.

It's not the focus, but its there and it definitely is emphasized.

A het LN, so I wouldn't get your hopes up until the end. But fingers crossed tho.

joined May 11, 2012

There's no such thing as Tamako Love Story.
But Euphonium is super freaking gay for real though!

Is it..? Like overly yuri, or just subtexty?

Heavily subtextual. There's a girl who seems to be head over heels for the MC and the MC is very interested and curious about the girl. Plus, it's based off a legit novel, not like a manga or LN, so the chance of it happening goes up.

It's not the focus, but its there and it definitely is emphasized.

A het LN, so I wouldn't get your hopes up until the end. But fingers crossed tho.

But any het romance with the MC and the other girl yet? Could someone tell me why there's no such thing as Tamako Love Story?

last edited at May 18, 2015 5:19PM

joined Nov 29, 2014

Could someone tell me why there's no such thing as Tamako Love Story?

Well, cause there just isn't. How are you supposed to explain that?

joined Dec 18, 2014

Yay for happy end!

joined May 11, 2012

Could someone tell me why there's no such thing as Tamako Love Story?

Well, cause there just isn't. How are you supposed to explain that?

That didn't help at all, could someone else explain please? :x

joined Feb 28, 2015

Yay for happy end!

I can never seen those words together without thinking of that manga.

joined May 11, 2012

Yay for happy end!

I can never seen those words together without thinking of that manga.

Good to know I'm not the only one, I'll never see the words "happy end" the same way thanks to that manga. (iAi)

joined Dec 7, 2013

Yay for happy end!

I can never seen those words together without thinking of that manga.

I've noticed I actually cut down on saying 'Happy end' after that manga hah, I normally use best end now ~_~

So, yay for best end!

joined Sep 12, 2014

A Takemiya Jin story with an actual to goodness happy ending? Be right back, I'll be ice-skating in hell while munching on some flying bacon.

joined Jul 8, 2013

OH MY FUCKING GOD. IT HAS BEEN SO FUCKING LONG SINCE THERE WAS A TAKEMIYA JIN ENDING THAT DIDN'T MAKE ME WANT TO FLIP EVERY SINGLE TABLE WITHIN A TEN MILE RADIUS!!!! Thank you!!!! I mean, Chihiro's very existence and just true evilness made me want to flip 2, maybe 3, tables but for a Takemiya Jin work that's fantastic. God it's been a fucking long time since I had high hopes for a yuri series and it didn't disappoint me silently curses Triangle Struggle to a horrible and brutal death. Nonetheless, WELL DONE! I quite enjoyed this series. No characters that were just truly, utterly stupid cough Fragments of Love Side story cough, no pointless drama, no infidelity, ACTUALLY likable characters, AND a happy ending. This series had everything I liked. Or maybe I should say lacked everything I don't like lol.

last edited at May 18, 2015 7:01PM

joined Nov 7, 2014

Heavily subtextual. There's a girl who seems to be head over heels for the MC and the MC is very interested and curious about the girl. Plus, it's based off a legit novel, not like a manga or LN, so the chance of it happening goes up.

It's not the focus, but its there and it definitely is emphasized.

Hold the eff up. I'm currently on episode 3 and I think it's super awesomely gay so far (meaning no offense), but someone is CONFIRMED to like the MC?
A name in a spoiler tag would be appreciated.

Also, am I the only one who thinks this manga's happy ending feels sort of forced?

joined Jul 8, 2013

Heavily subtextual. There's a girl who seems to be head over heels for the MC and the MC is very interested and curious about the girl. Plus, it's based off a legit novel, not like a manga or LN, so the chance of it happening goes up.

It's not the focus, but its there and it definitely is emphasized.

Hold the eff up. I'm currently on episode 3 and I think it's super awesomely gay so far (meaning no offense), but someone is CONFIRMED to like the MC?
A name in a spoiler tag would be appreciated.

Also, am I the only one who thinks this manga's happy ending feels sort of forced?

In what way did it feel forced? I think it's actually one of the few where it doesn't feel forced and actually had a storyline where that kind of ending made sense. If anything the stalling, courtesy of Chihiro, felt forced. I mean, "maybe you should give some space," really? But as for Aoi choosing Nao, in the end, makes total sense to me. I mean, Nao was there for her LITERALLY everytime she needed her to be, meanwhile the girl who she originally liked spent the entire series doing nothing besides purposely tormenting her. Had the series ended any other way, it would've felt forced.

last edited at May 18, 2015 7:04PM

joined Dec 14, 2014

All I could say when I saw it was updated and read it was. Yes, Yes, YES!!!

joined Dec 14, 2014

Heavily subtextual. There's a girl who seems to be head over heels for the MC and the MC is very interested and curious about the girl. Plus, it's based off a legit novel, not like a manga or LN, so the chance of it happening goes up.

It's not the focus, but its there and it definitely is emphasized.

Hold the eff up. I'm currently on episode 3 and I think it's super awesomely gay so far (meaning no offense), but someone is CONFIRMED to like the MC?
A name in a spoiler tag would be appreciated.

Also, am I the only one who thinks this manga's happy ending feels sort of forced?

In what way did it feel forced? I think it's actually one of the few where it doesn't feel forced and actually had a storyline where that kind of ending made sense. If anything the stalling, courtesy of Chihiro, felt forced. I mean, "maybe you should give some space," really? But as for Aoi choosing Nao, in the end, makes total sense to me. I mean, Nao was there for her LITERALLY everytime she needed her to be, meanwhile the girl who she originally liked spent the entire series doing nothing besides purposely tormenting her. Had the series ended any other way, it would've felt forced.

Ya you're the only one. I want a sequel.

joined Jul 8, 2013

Could someone tell me why there's no such thing as Tamako Love Story?

Well, cause there just isn't. How are you supposed to explain that?

That didn't help at all, could someone else explain please? :x

Basically in Tamako Love Story the main girl's friend all but definitely is in love with her but its pretty subtextual and never really progresses anywhere since, by the movie at least, Tamako has an actual male love interest. Personally tho, i didn't hate it since I'm a fan of romance, in general, not just yuri. My favorite kind of romance is yuri (WHEN IT HAS A FUCKING HAPPY ENDING WHICH FEELS LIKE ITS SO RARE LATELY) since it tends to be sweeter and/or at the very least, more realistic (for example, there is often an actual struggle to get past to achieve the love in yuri while in het the only struggle tends to be every character's own stupidity/obliviousness or "oh you helped me ONCE which means I would literally just die for you because I love you that much). But like I said, I love romance in general, so I'm satisfied either way lol.
I feel like i explained my feelings incredibly poorly, but the gist is I love romance, be it het, yuri, and even, VERY RARELY, yaoi (I loved the first few eps of Love Stage, but after that it got kinda pointless imo), therefore unlike many on this site, I didn't hate Tamako Love Story lol.
Also Tamako Market was the series and Tamako Love Story was the movie. I just feel like that was an important detail I glazed over lol.

last edited at May 18, 2015 7:16PM

joined Sep 28, 2014

Heavily subtextual. There's a girl who seems to be head over heels for the MC and the MC is very interested and curious about the girl. Plus, it's based off a legit novel, not like a manga or LN, so the chance of it happening goes up.

It's not the focus, but its there and it definitely is emphasized.

Hold the eff up. I'm currently on episode 3 and I think it's super awesomely gay so far (meaning no offense), but someone is CONFIRMED to like the MC?
A name in a spoiler tag would be appreciated.

the LN has het confirmed but the anime and LN has some differences like reina's hair flip and reina talking to kumiko in ep 6 which wasn't in the LN. in the LN, reina confesses to taki sensei but he just brushes it off as a joke and it's confirmed that kumiko ends up getting a bf in the future which may be shuuichi?

but keep in mind that anime ≠ LN/manga in many cases. and this anime is produced by KyoAni so there's bound to be lots of subtext since they've produced animes like Free! and K-On!. let's just pray to Godoka that reina x kumiko are canon.

last edited at May 18, 2015 7:22PM!.600.1492198
joined Sep 4, 2014

These credits, lmao.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Chihiro is not evil. She's not the girl for the main character, in the end, but she's not evil. That's why her girlfriend forgives her in the epilogue (that, and she has the patience of a saint).

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

A Takemiya Jin story with an actual to goodness happy ending? Be right back, I'll be ice-skating in hell while munching on some flying bacon.

You don't read Jin's stuff much, do you?

joined Feb 7, 2013

Ok Now I can die in peace

joined Sep 21, 2014

omg fucking god its over, shit.
I wouldnt have liked it to last a bit longer TT_TT
It was good though, glad to know Aoi never thought of Nao's kisses to be forced, some kind of relief there

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