Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013
I had a successful long distance relationship once. But she came back after only a week, so I guess that wouldn't count. (And she left me later, but not while we were apart.)
I agree that long distance relationships are dicey. But I think they have a better chance if it's for a known time span, whether that's weeks, months, or even years. It's when a person doesn't know how long it will last that it becomes even harder to deal with. In this case, there was no end in site, was there? And they hardly even got to talk on the phone. I think if it were me, I would have been looking for ways to move to Tokyo (though that might not have helped much). In any case I hope that I would have talked to her about it before doing anything drastic. Well I can't know unless I were to actually face that situation.
Mizuki, ya AZZ!!! O_O
Why don't breakup BEFORE finding someone else rather than SURPRISING the faithful partner with such shocking dating news!? T^T
I agree wholeheartedly with this!