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joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm not talking only about kisses, or saying that all the examples are about Yuu's overt desire. I'm packing for a hurricane evacuation, so the skinship list isn't exhaustive, but off the top of my head:

The Maki-observed kiss takes place when Yuu was first planning to leave the student council with everyone else, but stayed behind when Touko gave her a sidelong glance. She could have just kept going had she wanted to.

Yuu takes Touko's hand during the group photo of student election candidates.

Yuu invited Touko outside to calm her down before the candidate speeches, a scene that ended with that half-hug-head-lean moment.

Yuu invites Touko to her house to study when the library is crowded, then grabs her wrist to take Touko's pulse when she sees how flustered her senpai is to be in Yuu's bedroom. (And Yuu literally gets up in her face about that flusteration, a scene which is as close to a no-skinship-skinship moment as you can get.)

Yuu towels off Touko's hair when they get caught in the rain (although she does stifle her impulse to take Touko's hand when they're sitting on the bench).

And, of course, there's the "You said you were going to take advantage of me so please get to it" GBS.

These aren't all about sexual desire, of course, and there are several holding-Touko-off moments going the other way. And pretty clearly Yuu didn't consciously do things like stay behind at the student council (to "use the computer") or invite Touko outside before the speeches specifically in order to facilitate "tactile moments." But I think Yuu plays a more active role in creating physical contact (not necessarily sexual, of course) than it might appear on first reading, and Touko is surprised at Yuu's forwardness several times.

last edited at Sep 6, 2017 2:30PM

joined Dec 18, 2016

I know that Yuu agreed in chapter 6 but she didn't feel attraction and just did it out of curiosity. Or did she feel desire? That comment about Touko's eyelashes and the way she was squeezing Touko somehow parallel the scene in chapter 16.

How I see it is that Yuu has always found Touko to be attractive based on look alone since they met, but as emotionally disconnected as she is, it was hard for her to understand & admit any sort of attraction. Her being curious about kissing Touko is then a normal thought someone would have towards a person they're attracted to. Chap 16 after the magical french kiss & Yuu's gay monologue, it's basically a confirmation (& intensification) of her sexual attraction to Touko that was kinda already there since the beginning.

Anyway, I guess people think best kiss was in chapter 16 but for me it's chapter 22 :^)

Ch 22's kiss trumps ch 16's any day.

joined Jul 17, 2016

I know that Yuu agreed in chapter 6 but she didn't feel attraction and just did it out of curiosity. Or did she feel desire? That comment about Touko's eyelashes and the way she was squeezing Touko somehow parallel the scene in chapter 16.

How I see it is that Yuu has always found Touko to be attractive based on look alone since they met, but as emotionally disconnected as she is, it was hard for her to understand & admit any sort of attraction. Her being curious about kissing Touko is then a normal thought someone would have towards a person they're attracted to. Chap 16 after the magical french kiss & Yuu's gay monologue, it's basically a confirmation (& intensification) of her sexual attraction to Touko that was kinda already there since the beginning.

Anyway, I guess people think best kiss was in chapter 16 but for me it's chapter 22 :^)

That french kiss was so powerful it made Yuu intensify her sexual attraction and awoke her romantic feelings. Touko's tongue is truly something out of this world.

Ch 22's kiss trumps ch 16's any day.


joined Dec 18, 2016

That french kiss was so powerful it made Yuu intensify her sexual attraction and awoke her romantic feelings. Touko's tongue is truly something out of this world.

Hope she is as good with her fingers as she is with her tongue so she can please our girl ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yuu road of sexual awareness or attraction to Touko is something to see, she could have broke off the engagement a long time ago, or played hard to get, but I see her curiosity getting the best of her, she is contradicting at times. for example the scene at the donut shop when Yuu complain that somebody might do sometime weird to her during the summer camp. But them when Touko tell her she wants to tone it down I see Yuu sad reaction . She complains, but does not like the outcome. But at the end of camp is Yuu is the one that comes forward inviting Touko to her bedroom, that catches even Touko by surprise, so what gives.
Is Yuu not sure of herself? or she does not realize that she is falling in love with Touko but she is still in denial (not the river in Egypt ) She is a lonely girl even at the school games when she had that talk to Maki-Kun remember, even he saw the loneliness in Yuu.
It appears here, that Touko is sure for her love of Yuu, and its leading the dance with her, establishing the rules of engagement , something that Yuu may no like, if we go back to the Donut shop scene. So who is going to come out strong here. we wait and see.

to quote W. Shakespeare :
"The Lady (Yuu) doth protest too much, methink."

joined Apr 6, 2017

Yuu road of sexual awareness or attraction to Touko is something to see, she could have broke off the engagement a long time ago, or played hard to get, but I see her curiosity getting the best of her, she is contradicting at times. for example the scene at the donut shop when Yuu complain that somebody might do sometime weird to her during the summer camp. But them when Touko tell her she wants to tone it down I see Yuu sad reaction . She complains, but does not like the outcome. But at the end of camp is Yuu is the one that comes forward inviting Touko to her bedroom, that catches even Touko by surprise, so what gives.
Is Yuu not sure of herself? or she does not realize that she is falling in love with Touko but she is still in denial (not the river in Egypt ) She is a lonely girl even at the school games when she had that talk to Maki-Kun remember, even he saw the loneliness in Yuu.
It appears here, that Touko is sure for her love of Yuu, and its leading the dance with her, establishing the rules of engagement , something that Yuu may no like, if we go back to the Donut shop scene. So who is going to come out strong here. we wait and see.

to quote W. Shakespeare :
"The Lady (Yuu) doth protest too much, methink."

It isn't that complicated well maybe it is but it is fairly simply. Touko has trapped Yuu in a bad position with her telling Yuu she doesn't want Yuu to love her back. Basicly Yuu fell in love with Touko a while ago but because of what Touko did Yuu has to keep putting up a act of not being interested in Touko and she has keep doing it over and over again. For her to do that Yuu has had to lie to herself and try deny the feelings she has to herself to some extreme degree. Now the problem is the more time has passed Yuu's feeling are growing stronger and stronger to the point she is struggling to keep up the lie and is starting to let stuff slip through by doing things that she normally wouldn't. Now she has pretty much hit the breaking point and has decided that she can't let things stay the same and keep up the lie forever. So she is going to force the issue even at the risk of losing Touko since essentially either way right now she will never really get to be with her unless Touko changes. She is at a make or break moment where the reward of getting Touko to face things and change her thinking and just be herself is better than the risk that in the long run either way have no future.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Well guys, guess who's wearing their strap to school?

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Well guys, guess who's wearing their strap to school?

Haha oh it's starting.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Raw is out:

Sadly, too busy to read it right now ; ;

joined Apr 6, 2017

Raw is out:

Sadly, too busy to read it right now ; ;

Oh dear this looks like it will be a interesting chapter....

joined Jul 29, 2017

What a sense, there was no firefight in this chapter ( I don 't read or write Japanese) maybe some acceptance among the main characters about was going on, and it appears that was no resistance to the changes to the Student Counsel play. I notice the Yuu character in the play as the nurse is going to deliver some interesting lines. Maybe I am wrong, but that what I got from the body language of this chapter. Just got the wait for the translation.

Also a big shout out to the Japanese search and rescue team that went to help, the Mexican people at this difficult time. THANK YOU /MUCHAS GRACIAS !!!!

.....the course of true love never did run smooth.......William Shakespeare

joined Apr 20, 2013

Just saw it and it was great! I wasn't expecting a confession and Yuu took it very well it seems? also the new ending for the play is great too. Is Sayaka giving up or declaring war? can't wait to see more X)

joined Dec 18, 2016

TL is out:

Well, we finally have some interesting resolutions to Sayaka and Yuu's interactions in ch 14. Expected a bit more tension between the two, but what I had hoped about them working together has come true (yay) & in the final scene, Sayaka implicitly acknowledged that they are love rivals, unlike here. Now that Touko has lost both of her supports in her ideal, all tensions are now piled on her. She's a time bomb at this point. 2 more chapters until volume release and I'm not entirely sure how the rest of the volume will play out. Will there be some catalyst prior to the play that can trigger a change in Touko's perception of her current situation? Right now, this girl is too drowned in her own confusion & angst to see any way out of it. Just having her doing the play alone probably wouldn't be enough to help opening her eyes at this point.

last edited at Sep 28, 2017 12:56AM

joined Jul 17, 2016

I still don't know how to put spoiler tags here so if someone can tell me it would be nice.
I'm not sure why Sayaka asked Yuu if she likes Touko. It seemed she finally gave up and kind of accepted the idea of Touko and Yuu liking each other, but that question feels like she either really hasn't or just wanted a confirmation of what she suspected after realising Yuu's true motives for changing the script. Her confessing her feelings to Yuu feel like an explanation to her about why she agreed to do the new script rather than something love rival-related.

last edited at Sep 28, 2017 1:05AM

joined Dec 18, 2016

^ You just put == at the beginning and end of whatever sentence or paragraph that you're spoiling.
Sayaka definitely hasn't given up. Her asking Yuu & then declaring her love for Touko is her answer to Yuu's similar question in ch 14. She's confirming her motivation in helping Yuu with the play is because she loves Touko while also acknowledging the fact that Yuu's motivation also spawns from her love for Touko. So in a way, it's her declaring that they are love rivals, or more like love allies (?) at this point since they're both trying to help her rather than competing for her affection.

joined May 19, 2016


I constantly praise Nakatani for her way to build a character, in this chapter, she nails it. I was never one to like Sayaka that much, but of course, i dont hate her. Chapter 26 makes me fall in love with Sayaka as a character. i still dont wish her and touko getting together tho, but i hope she gets her closure
The way Sayaka admits her defeat to Yuu about all the 'i want to see Touko be her self' issue is one thing, SAYING SHE DOESNT WANT TO INTERRUPT IS ANOTHER THING. GOD I LOVE HER NOW. But i see her getting hurt (aka doesnt have her feeling reciprocate) is an inevitable outcome in the end. But again, as i said before, i would like for Nakatani to give her a proper closer. She's been holding it in all this time. I want to rant about Touko, but not enough time. Nice chapter!!

joined Sep 21, 2014

I like that the play is so important, plot wise, character development wise. Writing their own play too. (instead of the classic fairy tale, or romeo and juliet lmao)
Pretty often, the play's just an event, a flag raised to bring characters together and raise romantic tension.
But here tho, hmm yes, that tension. Touko's expression in the end, it's so dark, I got chills. That huge contrast with Yuu in the cover page. Hope and despair.
It's just a play. In no way does it force Touko into decisions in her own life, but she's taking it pretty personally. I kinda can't tell, or imagine, how this will help change her pov, she's so stubborn about her facade. So much has been shaking her up (like finding out her sister was different from how Touko thought she was, and was trying to be), her mood is sinking. I wonder if she resents Yuu for the script change.

Now that Touko has lost both of her supports in her ideal, all tensions are now piled on her. She's a time bomb at this point.

Also props to Sayaka for stepping up as well

joined Aug 10, 2015

oooo shiiet the bomb was drop

joined May 27, 2015

The play reminds me of one lecture my philosophy teacher gave, deconstructing the sense of self and "being yourself". He brought up a very similar scenario involving memory loss.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Now that Touko has lost both of her supports in her ideal, all tensions are now piled on her. She's a time bomb at this point.

Also props to Sayaka for stepping up as well

The way I see it, Touko is lucky AF to have two women in her life who are both in love with her, both want her to change, and are both ready to stand with her during her impending crisis of identity. Most people must face such crises without anyone at their side, their friends not realizing what's happening before it's already too late.

The play reminds me of one lecture my philosophy teacher gave, deconstructing the sense of self and "being yourself". He brought up a very similar scenario involving memory loss.

For some reason, it reminded me of a dialogue with a party member in Dragon Age II, after the player character's mother is murdered by a psychopath. She recounts the death of her own father, and tells you that if anyone ever tells you to "just move on", you take them by the hand and say "My choice." The play is Yuu basically telling Touko that everything she does from now on is her choice, and there is no use in hiding from this responsibility behind the what-would-my-sister-do mindset. On the other hand, I can certainly see that taking responsibility for your own life is scary, which is why Touko is up in arms against the new message of the play.

last edited at Sep 28, 2017 5:18AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Great comments on Chap. 26 so far. Yuu and Sayaka have indeed joined forces and become "Co-stars" in Touko's big drama, but it really is the case that, as Faust says, it's just a play; Touko isn't required to make any change in herself at all. It's up to her what happens after this.

I think it's clear that Sayaka realizes that Yuu does love Touko, so much so that she's willing to help Touko's emotional growth even at the risk of losing her.

This chapter effectively clears the decks for a big finale (the performance of the play and Touko's response to it), but I almost wish there had been some plot twist or emotional puzzle for us to chew over for a month while we're waiting to find out what happens next.

joined Sep 28, 2011


I really, REALLY love this manga. Sure, they might not act like children, but they are all so interesting

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm not entirely sure how the rest of the volume will play out. Will there be some catalyst prior to the play that can trigger a change in Touko's perception of her current situation?

I'm with you--after thinking through a bunch of possible paths that the story might take, at this point I'm officially "I don't know."

But I can't shake the image of a despondent Yuu (for a time, at least) huddled on her bed in the fetal position. Followed by, I hope, a happy ending subsequent to one or more GBS.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Touko is sulking, how cute

last edited at Sep 28, 2017 9:14AM

joined Sep 18, 2014

I am liking Yuu with Sayaka more and more.

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