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OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Currently running in Rakuen Le Paradis. As Rakuen is a romance magazine, the series will probably eventually contain Het, Romance and Pseudo-incest. However, these tags will not be added until the content of the series deems them necessary.

Personally, I'd kill for their relationship to stay platonic, but Japan.

last edited at Aug 22, 2014 1:42PM

joined Jan 30, 2013

Well I guess that's to be expected of Aoki Ume manga.

joined Jul 8, 2014

This is really good, I can't wait for more.

joined Aug 20, 2014

I like this! It's cute. I hope it stays platonic.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm pulling for not only platonic, but at least one of them getting a significant other of their own.

joined Jul 6, 2012

Ha! The end of chapter 2 reminded me about what my relationship with my siblings was like

Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

It's cute. I don't mind for them to get along and reach a step further. As long as not turning into a random harem.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Predicting: Het-Incest ending :p

joined May 22, 2014

I think that most people who create stories with sibling incest don't have any themselves.

joined Aug 11, 2014

Naoya: Somehow I really like how girls from an all-girls school act...

Y-yuri fanboy identified?! If we're talking about developments we'd love to see happen but obviously won't because it's not conventional...

last edited at Dec 13, 2014 4:05PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

Y-yuri fanboy identified?! If we're talking about developments we'd love to see happen but obviously won't because it's not conventional...

It's running in a magazine that already features a lot of yuri, so who's to say it won't?

joined Aug 16, 2014

I hope the sister takes a liking to her Friend. Also the art style reminds me a little of Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

joined Apr 10, 2013

Kyuubey! Contract! Make the Yuri crush comes true!

I'll risk my life to make it the universal truth!!!


Yeah, I'm seriously shipping the girl-prota x friend of girl-prota.

joined Sep 19, 2014

That page 18
Kinda anoying me that this manga have a explicity yuri character who is already fixed to lose
Disappointed too about Ume-sensei, see Hidamari will keep the status quo without any explicity crush diferent than here

joined Feb 28, 2013

I hope the sister takes a liking to her Friend. Also the art style reminds me a little of Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Because the mangaka for Binetsu Kuukan is the character designer for PMMM (as well as Hidamari Sketch).

I'm kinda expecting Ikuno to go nuts and time travel back a few dozen times to prevent the impending sis-con ending. (but probably not, since this isn't written by Urobuchi)

last edited at Dec 13, 2014 5:20PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

I hope the sister takes a liking to her Friend. Also the art style reminds me a little of Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Because the mangaka for Binetsu Kuukan is the character designer for PMMM (as well as Hidamari Sketch).

Oh wow I didn't catch that at all.

How? 0_0

Aoki Ume art style is so distinctive, that you have to see it since a mile away!!

joined Nov 11, 2010

You've got the red string of fate imagery from chapter 2. But if this really went het after ch.3, that'd be really shitty. Why introduce a yuri side character in the first place? And why make it seem like the guy would be interested/supportive of a yuri relationship? If he ends up getting together with the sister regardless, it'd be like a deliberate demonstration of not taking female-female relationships seriously/seeing them as competition.

I'm gonna bank on this not going het for now. Guess I'll just drop it if it ever actually does.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Why introduce a yuri side character in the first place? And why make it seem like the guy would be interested/supportive of a yuri relationship?

For drama? Seen this in het romance before.

MC girl and MC guy Het+Incest
(Side chatacter(?)) One-sided Yuri love

The girl is clearly gliding towards the guy... Also, japanese's bizarre obsession with Incest outweighs Aoki Ume's previous yuri works (also has made het before). It's much easier to bet that this will be the Het Incest route. It's better not to hope for Yuri. Hell... if it goes that way let it be a surprise.

If he ends up getting together with the sister regardless, it'd be like a deliberate demonstration of not taking female-female relationships seriously/seeing them as competition.

Well, isn't that a frequent real life situation?

Am I being too much of a downer?... Maybe I am...

last edited at Dec 14, 2014 3:52AM

joined Nov 11, 2010

First of all, commercial arguments about Ume's works really lack in perspective. As an artist, Ume has already hit it huge with Madoka and Hidamari Sketch. There's absolutely no reason to expect her to make a work about incest or whatever just because "that's what Japan wants".

What it actually comes down to is what does Ume want. And in that regard, yes it's clear that Ume has a history of doing both yuri and het. (She also has a history of hardly ever edging past the line of subtext in her non-doujinshi works, this is in fact the more likely scenario for this series, you won't be seeing much het even if the story actually is heading in that direction.)

My own feelings about Ume are that, whatever her inclinations are regarding het, you will be extremely unlikely to ever see her actually shitting upon yuri. And that's what leads me to chapter 3. As an individual chapter, it has an effect of strongly reorienting the story towards yuri. For the story (interpreted as het/pseudo-incest romance) as a whole, it comes off as mildly schizophrenic. My personal interpretation is it's Ume backing off on the het/incest angle. A true yuri end would still be a surprise, but I don't expect the het now to get past subtext either.

joined Jun 13, 2012


joined Oct 15, 2013

First of all, commercial arguments about Ume's works really lack in perspective. As an artist, Ume has already hit it huge with Madoka and Hidamari Sketch. There's absolutely no reason to expect her to make a work about incest or whatever just because "that's what Japan wants".

Didn't she only do the character art for Madoka? Not sure if that is relevant to this.

What it actually comes down to is what does Ume want. And in that regard, yes it's clear that Ume has a history of doing both yuri and het. (She also has a history of hardly ever edging past the line of subtext in her non-doujinshi works, this is in fact the more likely scenario for this series, you won't be seeing much het even if the story actually is heading in that direction.)

My own feelings about Ume are that, whatever her inclinations are regarding het, you will be extremely unlikely to ever see her actually shitting upon yuri. And that's what leads me to chapter 3. As an individual chapter, it has an effect of strongly reorienting the story towards yuri. For the story (interpreted as het/pseudo-incest romance) as a whole, it comes off as mildly schizophrenic. My personal interpretation is it's Ume backing off on the het/incest angle. A true yuri end would still be a surprise, but I don't expect the het now to get past subtext either.

I am just expecting the worst. No matter what the artists has made before, since it has frequently betrayed my expectations in the past.

But hey, here I am hoping I am utterly wrong about my prediction.

joined Oct 20, 2014

I am just expecting the worst. No matter what the artists has made before, since it has frequently betrayed my expectations in the past.

Dear me, I don't think so.
joined Apr 19, 2012

It'd be even worse if the friend liked MC boy later on too.

I'll flip 10 tables at that.

joined Feb 18, 2013

I will be pleased if the bro is a bro and tries to help Iku land his sister. I don't really expect that to happen, but... <dreaming intensifies>

last edited at Jan 12, 2015 9:07PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Dem Hetero feels~

Officially tagged.

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