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joined Jul 4, 2014

Don't worry, this problem will be solve in the next chapter :)

How many chapters remain?

Probably around 5-7 chapters I think. This doujin have 7 volumes.

Can you tell us what happens?

joined Apr 4, 2014

No, really, this can't have meant anything to Isechi. She was just in a breakdown from being turned down by Kaoru and rebounded when she could get her hopes back up. Looks like Kaoru likes her back even. The only drama this could possibly start is Saitou's solo "if I can't have her no one can" drama. I mean that or this becomes another series I stop reading till it's finished looking at you, Citrus.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Every time I hear people try to use 'cliché' as a legitimate criticism I die a little inside.

joined Feb 2, 2013

a triangle? personally, i didn't see it coming

joined May 3, 2014

I mean that or this becomes another series I stop reading till it's finished looking at you, Citrus.

i might do that so i won't start reading this until it's finished :3

joined Dec 5, 2014

Can you tell us what happens?

Well...I can't really tell you what happen, sorry. I saw the next chapter (curiousity ^^) by a thai fansub (can't read this language). With the images, I can just deduct that :
Isechi gets angry with this girl (they problaby speak of the teacher). The teacher is hidden and listen the conversation then comes and she make up with her. After she is gone, the teacher cries and Isechi comforts her with a big hug :D
END Not native english speaker, I hope you can understand a little what I say :)

joined Apr 23, 2014

"Give up on Kaoru Sensei. She's a Teacher!"

LMFAO. That is the most cliched reasoning I have ever heard; only a simple minded person would say something so unoriginal.

And didn't Isechi already make a plan so that she and sensei can have a relationship AFTER she graduates? Guess it only goes to show how little people think of others when they know close to nothing about said person.

last edited at Jan 8, 2015 3:27PM

joined Jan 8, 2015

-_____- takes deep breath mhm yup....WHYYYYYY?! STAY AWAY FROM THEIR PRECIOUS FORBIDDEN LOVE YOU HARLET D; You had your chance ^ get away from sensei! Gooosh! Let some other student have a chance <_< I believe in their love >_> student/nurse for the win!

joined Jul 21, 2014

Either Saitou says that to Isechi to warn her or she's up to something...I mean she came to see Kaoru twice as she says" Coincidence really is scary". The plot thickens as Saitou's hair is a lot shorter.

I really love this since from the beginning and the stares between those 2 grabbed my attention especially Isechi-san. Ugh...have to wait patiently!!

I always joke with anime friends about how cliche this series is, doesn't mean we don't enjoy it a lot.

Series is also still ongoing after 8 "chapters" and a side chapter. We should have fixed the chapter numbering a while ago since there isn't one to begin with...oh well.

joined Jul 21, 2014

Chapter 5 kinda nice to become an ending, I thought it was.

No way, there haven't been nearly enough kisses yet. Nobody leaves until we get more smooching!

What Nezchan says!!

joined Aug 1, 2011

Was anyone else annoyed/confused by that girl in the bar?

If I followed that right, she had feelings for Isechi, but wasn't able to act on them because Isechi kept falling for straight women. Now that Isechi's fallen for a lesbian, she's annoyed because she didn't get a chance.

The thing is, it's not like Isechi's psychic and automatically knew the sexuality of her crushes(?) in advance and did, infact, think Kaoru was straight up until she found out otherwise.

That all makes enough sense on it's own, but why are the other girls siding with her over Isechi?

joined Feb 5, 2013

ooooooooooh, her past is huntin' her!

joined Dec 18, 2014

This "Saitou" character instantly made it to one of the top places in my People-I-want-to-shoot-in-the-head-List
p.24 and p.25 made me despise her so much in such a short amount of time, it's almost a new record.

last edited at Jan 8, 2015 5:25PM

joined Nov 19, 2014

I'm all for the standard someone-from-the-past cliff-hanger, but come onnnnnn!!
Same plot, different take: Kauro and Isechi flirt. Isechi leaves. Shadowy figure watching from around a corner thinks that Isechi is really cute. Shadowy figure follows Isechi and taps her on the shoulder, intro Saitou without revealing who she is. Set up meeting to appear new sensei realllllly likes Isechi in a naughty way. Uncomfortable, Isechi starts to return to the infirmary. Saitou stops her and gives her the "she's teacher" line, angled in a way suggesting she's trying to eliminate competition for interest in Isechi, not interest in Kauro. Kauro catches the end of this from down the hallway, seeing only Saitou's back. Thinks she seems familiar but can't place her. Saitou glances back but Kauro has ducked back inside. Kauro is wondering why she has a dread feeling and doesn't want to investigate further. End with Saitou thinking something with ambivalent meaning regarding who she's really after.

I wish I could draw....

joined Jan 30, 2013

I wish I could draw....

=and write=
Haha, I know, right?

last edited at Jan 8, 2015 5:30PM

joined Apr 1, 2014

what a twist.

joined Feb 8, 2014

That ex-crush girl shouldn't have been there between new lovers(it seems :3), just stop this angst :T Let there be more kisses and yuriness~

joined Aug 8, 2013

Your past will always find someway to bite you in the ass. It's just a matter of how hard you get bit.

joined Feb 23, 2014

seriously though this is dumb i don't go up to my ex girlfriends and say "hey you shouldn't be with this person because insert dumb reason here" to their girlfriends, that's fucking stupid and bitchy.

joined Apr 25, 2014

Back off b*tch you had your chance!

Is that a wedding band on her finger?


yeah. shes married and has a kid. also, saitou told kaoru that shes happy with her life now. i doubt this will go love triangle. rather, saitou can tell whats going on with isechi cuz saitou went through the same thing and she sees now that teacher-student relationships are iffy. she probs also wants to spare isechi the pain of rejection since saitou was rejected by kaoru on the grounds of teacher-student relationship and thinks she'll do the same to isechi.

remember, she doesnt know about the agreement isechi and kaoru have.

joined Apr 24, 2014

Back off b*tch you had your chance!

Is that a wedding band on her finger?


yeah. shes married and has a kid. also, saitou told kaoru that shes happy with her life now. i doubt this will go love triangle. rather, saitou can tell whats going on with isechi cuz saitou went through the same thing and she sees now that teacher-student relationships are iffy. she probs also wants to spare isechi the pain of rejection since saitou was rejected by kaoru on the grounds of teacher-student relationship and thinks she'll do the same to isechi.

remember, she doesnt know about the agreement isechi and kaoru have.

Exacto! but still.. kinda annoying -.-

joined Mar 6, 2014

Well this IS cliche, but hey at least this is not a completely new character coming out of nowhere just to stretch things out, which i don't think will happen anyway since we already have the drink buddies there set up for the next arc

joined Nov 10, 2013

So cliche. Didn't like this chapter at all.

joined Mar 9, 2013

This "Saitou" character instantly made it to one of the top places in my People-I-want-to-shoot-in-the-head-List
p.24 and p.25 made me despise her so much in such a short amount of time, it's almost a new record.

rightt!! I completely agree with you =/ what a bitch..

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