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joined Apr 11, 2022

Exactly my rant a few posts before lmao xD

joined Jun 27, 2022

Exactly my rant a few posts before lmao xD

Yeah I read that and wholeheartedly agree. The thing is so far this manga is pure sadism, everything is set up to make Fuyuki suffer.

Because of this cheap promise she won't confess hence Eri stays clueless and keeps all the guys that railed her rubbing into Fuyukis face. Eri is also clearly emotional damaged, its pretty much statistically proven that people who are promiscuous. with a high body count tend to be more likely to fail in longterm relationships. She doesn't even like the guy, she just goes along with it cause he genuinely cares for her. Not once was there a hint of Chemistry between them.

She's a hugely flawed character to set up more misery for Fuyuki. I truly hope she's acting like this cause she's clueless about Fuyukis Feelings, otherwise she's just an unredeemable cunt.

My point is this story is nothing more than a Trainwreck to play your feelings and that's why it's so engaging. It's good purely for the cheap drama, but as a girl love manga pretty worthless so far.

last edited at Oct 30, 2023 1:17PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Man, thanks again. I actually already saw the raw up to 9.1, but can't understand much. So with your help I think I don't even need to read the translation later xD

Well, I understand how Kyou feels, but as an observer, I only see it as him knew full well he couldn't win against Fuyuki over Eri's affection, and so had to ask her to "give up" so he could have a chance. Yeah Eri didn't seem that angry afterwards, but also doesn't look like she actually like him more after that. So if anything, I think his plan is already backfire. And so, I wonder how long for him to stop being blinded by love, to realize he would end up like Eri's previous bfs. I mean, right now I feel like he could have thought "wow, she agreed to have sex with me. She finally starts to like me" xD

And about the sex thing, they are exactly my thoughts but the way you put it is wonderful. A bit sad that senpai may not be her option though. Maybe they can keep comforting each other and in the end, be able to move on from their unrequited love and finally be together? Because I think they look great together, like the open page in chapter 9.

And not like only you want that route haha. Personally at this point, I just can't root for a Fuyuki x Eri ending. To much angst that could only leave a bad taste in my mouth if author really intends for that. And so the wedding could be a make or break of an ending to me. Tbh, I don't even mind if it's between Eri and Kyou, but only if Eri actually comes to love him, not that number 1 bs.

Btw, just a rant I want to let out in general, so you can just ignore it. Like, gay girls falling for straight girls aren't that uncommon irl, and most of the time they didn't end well. So why would we have to endure the same thing even in fiction lol. Secondly, what with authors in recent years that keep bringing up het elements in yuri stories? Did they think it would make the story more realistic, or that it will bring a wider range of audiences? I think I have enough with all the harem romcom out there, but they are even here too. I really miss the old days, that even if there is angst, they are all girl on girl actions. And talk about realistic, I feel like only manga could make promises that heavy, like you bet all your life on it lmao. Like, I don't even remember things just some years ago, and here we have a girl that keep living in agony just to not break a promise, when in her pov, the other person may not even remember. I also believe this is the first long serialization of Murasakino? Then to me, it's already the worst one of their works.

where did u find the chapter 9 raws? i only just now saw 8.2 and it was about kyou and eri having sex with fuyuki catching them then meeting with her "gf"

the translators are taking so long with this manga.

joined May 12, 2019

I really hope Fuyuki ends up with her actual girlfriend, this girl seems to be suffering a lot from what I saw in raws,Eri doesn't deserve her. I think I will be mad if they end together after Eri having sex with the guys all this time to realize In the end that she really likes Fuyuki...
I hope someone keep working on this, I am curious to actually read the images I can only see.
Will chaosteam keep working on it?

joined Aug 21, 2016

where did u find the chapter 9 raws? i only just now saw 8.2 and it was about kyou and eri having sex with fuyuki catching them then meeting with her "gf"

You can find the Chapter 9 raws in comic walker. That's where new chapters are uploaded every 3 weeks I think. 9-2 will be uploaded next week, Friday (11/10)

joined Apr 11, 2022

Looks like things are getting spicy between Fuyuki and senpai. But if I'm not wrong, senpai was having a crush on a guy(?) (I only guessed on their back and hand) that already had a gf (her sister/close friend?). Then I can see why things may not work out between them. I mean, all we see so far are senpai "comforting" Fuyuki, are we sure if she could get attracted to girls? I won't be surprised if next chapter starts with senpai rejects Fuyuki lol. There are also messages at the end (probably from Eri) that I will appreciate anyone translate it. But man, this author really like missing messages while having sex xD

And so, I only want Fuyuki to be happy :(

But god, to think this is a yuri story where the only relevant thing is the protagonist having a long time crush on her female childhood friend, and everything else is het shits... There could be actions between two girls next chapter but even so, it doesn't make it any better to me.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Looks like things are getting spicy between Fuyuki and senpai. But if I'm not wrong, senpai was having a crush on a guy(?) (I only guessed on their back and hand) that already had a gf (her sister/close friend?). Then I can see why things may not work out between them. I mean, all we see so far are senpai "comforting" Fuyuki, are we sure if she could get attracted to girls? I won't be surprised if next chapter starts with senpai rejects Fuyuki lol. There are also messages at the end (probably from Eri) that I will appreciate anyone translate it. But man, this author really like missing messages while having sex xD

And so, I only want Fuyuki to be happy :(

But god, to think this is a yuri story where the only relevant thing is the protagonist having a long time crush on her female childhood friend, and everything else is het shits... There could be actions between two girls next chapter but even so, it doesn't make it any better to me.

is fuyuki the only lesbian in this story? lol. even the senpai is straight and just gonna play with Fuyuki. this sucks. i'm starting to really hate this story and possibly the author as a whole. i don't think I've ever read a happy lesbian story from them.

wait. i did a quick deepl translate over that panel you spoke of, and i think that mandly arm and hand is her father

last edited at Nov 10, 2023 10:53AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

people are complaining about how this is not a wholesome yuri and that some of the characters suck as people. well guess what, thats being human. dont get me wrong, i love a good wholesome fluffy idiot couple yuri but sometimes a realistic one like this is refreshing to read. gay people do painfully fall inlove with their straight best friends. i feel like this story does not only reflect real LGBT struggles but also personal struggles.

i personally dont agree with people outright saying eri is sadistic and evil. im gonna go on a whim and speculate that she could be suffering from some neurodivergency, because its typical for neurodivergent people to come off as ‘insensitive’ or ‘rude’ and also be unaware of how people feel/how they come across. thats just my personal theory.

human beings arent happy anime girls who see their first love being fulfilled and then everything is sunshine + rainbows. humans are alot more complicated than that. especially in a more conservative society such as japan, where people arent as free to discuss mental health and LGBT topics unlike in the west - no wonder eri doesnt know how to navigate her feelings. (yes japan is becoming abit more progressive, but i think we can all agree its still not there yet).

personally i dont think this story is meant to serve us a carefree happy love; i think its meant to be a realistic story on how love is sometimes controversial, angsty and painful - especially if youre LGBT or neurodivergent. thats my two cents on this. if you dont like the story then thats fine! just dont grill the author geez lol

last edited at Nov 11, 2023 7:58AM

joined Aug 21, 2016

Spoilers for chapter 9-2:
Fuyuki and Senpai hang out in Senpai's apartment. Senpai lives alone, and she says she moved out because she didn't get along with her mom, and when her mom got married, she left because she didn't like seeing them happy. She notes in passing that she also hated being treated like her step dad's daughter because she never treated him as her dad. (I interpreted this as alluding to the step dad possibly being her unrequited love but still not confirmed).

Senpai suggests that Fuyuki should also try thinking about living alone as well. This is where Fuyuki admits to Senpai that when Kyou approached her about skipping out on Eri's birthday, Kyou quickly changed his mind and figured Eri would be angry. It was actually Fuyuki who basically said "No, it's okay. I can't come to her birthday this year anyway." This is because Fuyuki didn't want to see them both. She didn't want to see them happy together, and that even if Eri thinks everything could go back to normal, it's simply not possible. Fuyuki admits to Senpai that it's her fault because she could've told Eri sooner that she wasn't happy about Kyou and Eri dating. And that she was pathetic because she still went to Eri's house to give her the present even though she didn't want to see them both. She mentions that she already saw Eri and Kyou kiss, but it didn't cross her mind she'll see them having sex. Fuyuki tearfully concludes that she brought this upon herself because of her indecisiveness between not wanting to see them both, but wanting to see Eri and surprise her. She also feels guilty about skipping on Eri's birthday and hurting her, and believes that she herself deserves this pain because of her selfishness.

Senpai softly kisses Fuyuki and tells her that her only mistake is her timing. She tells her she hurts herself too much. Senpai then asks, "Fuyuki, do you want to try it? The thing you wanted to do to Eri-chan."

And they start making out (a direct parallel from Chapter 8-2), this time Eri's messages going unnoticed as Fuyuki scores with Senpai. Eri's message reads: "Fuyuki, I got your gift!"

All in all, I personally think that it's nice Fuyuki is trying to remove herself from this triangle she's in with Eri and Kyou. I really want Senpai and Fuyuki to be endgame now, with how soft, understanding and caring she is with Fuyuki. What worries me is the implications of her unrequited love and the hints that it might've been her stepdad. But either way, she removed herself from that situation. I just hope that Fuyuki doesn't think about Eri while fucking Senpai

I dont get the complaints about how this isn't "Yuri". Not saying that the dislike about this manga is unwarranted, I can understand the frustration and drama turning the readers off. But this is yuri. And as someone who experienced something similar as Fuyuki and doing things pretty much the same as her, I like the realistic and messy aspects of this story. I like how Kyou isn't a bad guy and that Eri is just trying to navigate through these huge changes that's going on with her best friend in an admittedly immature but realistic way. I like how Fuyuki is self aware at how indecisive she is and tries her best to move away from her best friends because it hurts her, but also feeling conflicted since leaving means hurting Eri. I root for Fuyuki to move on, with senpai or not. And the way Murasakino writes and illustrates them is wonderful. For me, it's an excellent manga, but it's not something you should read if you expect a clean, happy and fluff-filled story.

last edited at Nov 11, 2023 4:26PM

joined Mar 24, 2015

Spoilers for chapter 9-2:

Thank you for this! I was going to spend hours looking up kanji trying to figure out what was going on. You saved me a lot of time, ahaha.

I don't love the implication that Senpai's unrequited love is a guy. When she said that she and Fuyuki were in the same situation, I figured she meant not only about unrequited love but also being queer. I guess at the end of the day, it doesn't matter, but it feels like a weird curve ball if true, you know? Anyway. Proud of Fuyuki for getting it in lol

I hope Fuyuki winds up with Senpai (or anyone else who makes her happy other than Eri). I hope Kyou finds someone great for him, and I hope Eri is alone forever.

Quick edit: Has it been announced how long this series is supposed to be?

last edited at Nov 13, 2023 12:22PM

joined May 11, 2023

These last chapters does hint that Senpai is not the end game. I hope I'm wrong though, as I really want Eri out of Fuyuki's life.

joined Aug 21, 2016

Ok I can't defend my girl Fuyuki anymore in the latest chapter. Girl...
I mean, it's good that she didn't have sex with Senpai while Eri is still plaguing her mind. But, man... I wanted to see them fuck lmao I just want her to be happy. It'll probably take her a while to move on, from the look of things.

last edited at Nov 30, 2023 9:55PM

joined Mar 24, 2015

But, man... I wanted to see them fuck lmao

Same x 472847294

joined Mar 24, 2015

Based on chapter 10 part 3, it seems that Eri figured out that she was Fuyuki's first love. The only thing I caught that clued her into Fuyuki's feelings was that Fuyuki was really touchy with her. I didn't understand too well, so I couldn't tell if it was Eri narrating in real time or a future Eri narrating (probably the former bc I don't think I've seen the latter in this manga).

But it seemed that she understood she caused Fuyuki pain and was sorry for it. She seemed to regret something, because she says if she'd known about Fuyuki's feelings sooner, she would've... done something. Lmao I didn't understand. She also wondered about how their relationship would look going forward.

Someone who is actually fluent, please rectify all of this lol

joined Apr 11, 2022

If it's true, then I wish Eri just straight up rejects Fuyuki, so she can finally move on from this mess. Probably won't happen lol.

But then, does that mean Eri is straight? Because based on what you said, looks like returning the feeling didn't cross her mind, only "doing something".

last edited at Jan 24, 2024 12:29AM

joined May 11, 2023

I actually tried to see the last chapter as well. But it does not look like Eri thinks about doing something romantically. But translation apps are not that good. Fuyuki needs to move away. Nothing good will come out of having these people in her life, and based on these last chapters I think her fake relationship is just making things worse

joined Apr 11, 2022

Agree. But based on author's other works, very likely Fuyuki will have to suffer even more and longer, before we reach an okayish conclusion. Unless this realization is a breaking point, and they plan to end this series soon.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Is there a translation somewhere else or are y'all reading Japanese?

joined May 11, 2023

Is there a translation somewhere else or are y'all reading Japanese?

The raws are available for free online. So you can use different apps and webpages to translate for you. It's not great. But you get the gist of it.

joined Apr 11, 2022

Looks like witnessing that scene is too much for Fuyuki. Eri about to lose everything lol.

joined May 11, 2023

Looks like witnessing that scene is too much for Fuyuki. Eri about to lose everything lol.

But Eri is showing some romantic interest in Fuyuki....? Hard to tell, but kind of seems so

joined Mar 24, 2015

Looks like witnessing that scene is too much for Fuyuki. Eri about to lose everything lol.

GOOD. She should lose everything lmao

But Eri is showing some romantic interest in Fuyuki....? Hard to tell, but kind of seems so

I think her behavior is pretty much the same as it has been. I think Eri was excited to see Fuyuki, especially after receiving her birthday gift (the lipstick they're talking about in this chapter) and knowing Kyou asked Fuyuki to stay away on her birthday (though Fuyuki does try to say she missed it because she really was running an errand. Eri dismisses that since she knows Fuyuki came to drop off her present at the very least).

In the last chapter, Eri mentioned something about them being touchy in the past, so when Fuyuki touched her face to comment on the lipstick, I think Eri got physically close to her without even thinking about it. She was just happy to share that intimacy. But that triggered Fuyuki who physically pushed her away. Which I LOVE. Eri can take a short walk off a long pier. Cruel place for a cliffhanger tho lol

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Fuyuki understands her feelings so well and Eri doesn't understand hers at all

joined Apr 11, 2022

Agree lol. Anyway, I know it could be out of her character, but Eri gets angry and spills the beans to end their relationship would be top notch lol.

last edited at Feb 11, 2024 2:34AM

joined Jan 14, 2020

So, is the translator waiting for volume 2 to come out, to work on the whole thing?

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