^ the name is necessary for story-type works (series, oneshot), so it's obligatory field. For images you can just put in whatever, it's not shown once the image is approved anyway, but try being a bit descriptive to invite the reviewer.
As for author/artist name, it's best to put in romaji for Japanese names, GTrans can help with that most of the times, Chinese names are more tricky so I usually copy it wholesale and leave it the reviewer's discretion. Pixiv usually contains links to the artist's other social network pages, you can also garner more info there (like how the artist transliterates their name, or what is their preferred penname). Sometimes it's also useful to directly google the name, even in kanji, to search such info. Alternatively, use their username on twitter, if that applies. Including the links to the artist's social network pages in the Artist field really helps. Kind of the same for Scanlator field.
The Link field is for the link to image that you want to request upload, like the link to twitter thread/tumblr post/pixiv post/etc that contains the image, though in the case of pixiv albums, it's better to put the link to album plus an indication to which picture you want instead of direct link to that image, since I find that link doesn't always work when I copy it into a new tab. Check the link in a new tab before submitting.