Forum › A Yuri Story About a Girl Who Insists "It's Impossible for Two Girls to Get Together" Completely Falling Within 100 Days discussion

joined Jul 19, 2015

@Arujin Firstly, stories can be about many things at once- secondly sometimes authors dont have a clue what their story is 'about' - message wise, and just make stuff up as they go along a general theme - such as 'ecchi schoolgirl yuri.

And sometimes I guess they do have a plan, and may execute it well- or badly.

In this case, I kinda think its no 2 - they made it up as they went, fluctuating each chapter as the mood took them.
But just to say, thats not neccisarily bad- and a story does not NEED to stick to one 'thing' its trying to be or say.

What you're explaining here wouldn't be bad writing if that fluctuation didn't result in your characters being retroactively less likable and seemingly hypocritical. You can write a story as you go, but you should settle on it's tone. There might be no "message" in the manga as a whole, but there is clearly one in this chapter, and quite hamfisted too. Point is, constantly switching back and forth lowers the overall quality of the story and the writing, because now we don't know when to ignore something rape-y like the 1st few chapters because it's just an "ecchi schoolgirl yuri", or take it seriously because it actually wants to talk about societal views on lesbians. The entire narrative tone is in a limbo and changes whenever the author feels like it, leaving the reader confused.

last edited at Apr 19, 2021 2:34PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

I liked how Marika caught herself as she was saying "normal" to Karen.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I recently proofread most of the first volume to try to try to make it more enjoyable to read, but it's still pretty awkward in spots. The original translation was genuinely incomprehensible in spots, and pretty rough overall, so it took a ton of time to try to get it up to a more readable standard. Not sure if you read the original or my version, but if you read the original, you might find my version more enjoyable.

I would be very interested in reading your version, how can I find it?

joined Apr 19, 2021

I recently proofread most of the first volume to try to try to make it more enjoyable to read, but it's still pretty awkward in spots. The original translation was genuinely incomprehensible in spots, and pretty rough overall, so it took a ton of time to try to get it up to a more readable standard. Not sure if you read the original or my version, but if you read the original, you might find my version more enjoyable.

I would be very interested in reading your version, how can I find it?

Same place as the original, Meatbun Translations.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Thank you.

joined Oct 29, 2013

I wish I had known this manga later, so it'd be finished already.

joined Jul 28, 2016

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but I think it's pretty funny that Teren Mikami is apparently working on three LNs and then three manga adaptations of those LNs that pretty much share the same premise at the same time. The premises of this story, Watanare, and If You Could See Love seem to boil down to "I want to be friends with this girl, but she just wants to fuck me!" I'd say they're just different enough to keep them interesting, but the fact that Mikami's doing all this simultaneously is pretty interesitng.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Minutoh posted:

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but I think it's pretty funny that Teren Mikami is apparently working on three LNs and then three manga adaptations of those LNs that pretty much share the same premise at the same time. The premises of this story, Watanare, and If You Could See Love seem to boil down to "I want to be friends with this girl, but she just wants to fuck me!" I'd say they're just different enough to keep them interesting, but the fact that Mikami's doing all this simultaneously is pretty interesitng.

Some us are one-note and just totally go for it. I respect that.

TheLubeTube Uploader
Me-A Scans
joined Jul 27, 2018

Minutoh posted:

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but I think it's pretty funny that Teren Mikami is apparently working on three LNs and then three manga adaptations of those LNs that pretty much share the same premise at the same time. The premises of this story, Watanare, and If You Could See Love seem to boil down to "I want to be friends with this girl, but she just wants to fuck me!" I'd say they're just different enough to keep them interesting, but the fact that Mikami's doing all this simultaneously is pretty interesitng.

sometimes a premise is that fire

joined Jan 4, 2021

The second I heard bar I knew it was going to be a lesbian bar

TheLubeTube Uploader
Me-A Scans
joined Jul 27, 2018

totorbanana posted:
in chapter 6 of the manga.

Wait, this series isn't cancelled? what the heck

last edited at Apr 19, 2021 10:20PM

joined Apr 19, 2021

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but I think it's pretty funny that Teren Mikami is apparently working on three LNs and then three manga adaptations of those LNs that pretty much share the same premise at the same time. The premises of this story, Watanare, and If You Could See Love seem to boil down to "I want to be friends with this girl, but she just wants to fuck me!" I'd say they're just different enough to keep them interesting, but the fact that Mikami's doing all this simultaneously is pretty interesitng.

I'd say Watanare and If You Could See Love have a nearly identical premise, but Arioto is pretty different, especially later on starting around chapter 4 of the LN.

last edited at Apr 19, 2021 10:36PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

totorbanana posted:
in chapter 6 of the manga.

Wait, this series isn't cancelled? what the heck

holds pistol Never has been

joined Feb 10, 2016

This chapter is quite an upgrade from previous chapters. I like the gradual procedure in which Marika becomes more aware of the reality of lesbianism. I do hope the rapey stuff is toned down or completely left aside. Well, and considering Marika obviously likes it, maybe she will start consenting to it more and more.

joined Apr 19, 2021

This chapter is quite an upgrade from previous chapters. I like the gradual procedure in which Marika becomes more aware of the reality of lesbianism. I do hope the rapey stuff is toned down or completely left aside. Well, and considering Marika obviously likes it, maybe she will start consenting to it more and more.

It gets a lot less rapey later on. The rapey undertones are basically gone by chapter 4 of the LN, which will probably be chapter 8 of the manga, although it could be chapter 7, considering the current pacing of the manga.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 12:42PM

joined Aug 19, 2019

Aya is right, I love seeing Marika slowly shift her opinions on homosexual relationships from “No way, thats gross and impossible!” to “Oh well, there are people like that afterall, i’m not like that, but I can’t really give them shit for it”. Can’t wait for her to finally admit she’s gay now, there are certain scenes id like to see illustrated.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I'm loving this series.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Also, Aya? Aya...ya? AYAYA!

TFW you don't even watch and have never watched Jojo, yet still think you saw a Jojo reference.

joined Apr 21, 2021

The overt grooming and other ridiculousness aside, the LN was an entertaining read. Conversion therapy is just as unsettling to me in the reverse. I still couldn't put the book down, despite there being a lot about it that repelled me.

The art in this is adaption is spectacular. It's much more digestible for me in this format as well, for whatever reason.

joined Oct 29, 2020

Conversion therapy is just as unsettling to me in the reverse.

Calling this "conversion therapy" feels a bit disingenuous, since conversion therapy is all about gaslighting people into suppressing their true feelings, while Aya's determined on making Marika realize what her true feelings actually are. Case in point with Marika never really considering why she wants to be with men the same reason she wonders why women would want to be with other women. It's a real change, not just manipulation (even if it's still got some kinda creepy vibes going on)

joined Jul 6, 2020

Okay so I gotta ask, does anyone in the real world actually walk around with their coats hanging off their shoulders without putting their arms in the sleeves? I’ve only seen it in manga, and there’s no way the coat wouldn’t just fall off while they were moving.

joined Dec 18, 2020

Okay so I gotta ask, does anyone in the real world actually walk around with their coats hanging off their shoulders without putting their arms in the sleeves? I’ve only seen it in manga, and there’s no way the coat wouldn’t just fall off while they were moving.

I've done that before, its pretty doable. You can't really run while doing it though.

IIRC it was actually a really common thing among countries where military uniforms included long coats like the Soviet Union.

last edited at Apr 25, 2021 12:03AM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Someone complaining about it:

Someone explaining how to put in lots of effort to look casual, with photos:

I note yet another instance where female fashion involves reducing your capability to do useful things.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Okay so I gotta ask, does anyone in the real world actually walk around with their coats hanging off their shoulders without putting their arms in the sleeves? I’ve only seen it in manga, and there’s no way the coat wouldn’t just fall off while they were moving.

I've done it a couple of times, when wearing the coat felt too hot but taking it off too cold. It didn't really slip off, though it was quite a heavy coat so I'm not sure how this would work with a light one.

Someone complaining about it:

This was a fun read.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Conversion therapy is just as unsettling to me in the reverse.

Calling this "conversion therapy" feels a bit disingenuous, since conversion therapy is all about gaslighting people into suppressing their true feelings, while Aya's determined on making Marika realize what her true feelings actually are. Case in point with Marika never really considering why she wants to be with men the same reason she wonders why women would want to be with other women. It's a real change, not just manipulation (even if it's still got some kinda creepy vibes going on)

You say that as though Aya is operating from a position of certainty, and is therefore justified. But she just did it on a whim, so far as we can see.

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