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joined Jan 8, 2014

Did the artist like google pics of wrecked anus's or something before drawing? Lol ...

joined Nov 14, 2016

I feel like this manga always gets the weirdest doujins.

joined Dec 4, 2016

Hm. Took a look at a couple of random pages, and as I expected it's one of those "I have no idea what human genitals look like" artists.

I get that censoring porn is a thing in Japan, but it can't be that hard to find references.

Sure the artist know, they just decided to exaggerated it because it's hentai. I found it hot tbh.

joined Aug 17, 2014

just no.

joined Feb 10, 2016

What the Hell did I just read

Nosebleed Uploader
Helvetica Scans
joined Sep 11, 2014

That was a thing

joined Apr 22, 2018

I've been on this site since 7th grade I believe? (Didnt make an account cuz I was too nervous till now) And I've seen some art like this, but never as intense as this. Wow.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Cervixes. Don't. Work. That. Way.

joined Apr 27, 2014

I couldn't care less about the fetishes but..
that scene cut so suddenly
THOSE pointy ass weird nipples wtf man
That weird ass genitalia come on
COME ON at least draw such stuff properly

Then again maybe the whole point was to make it all as gross as possible, well done!!!

joined Aug 27, 2013

An alphabet soup of tags!
Animal ears, BDSM, Yuri?? I am all in!!
(no guro of course, eeeew!)

Well that was disappointing! It was like two unrelated stories, and neither one was any good to boot.

last edited at Apr 22, 2018 3:05PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

Not to kink shame. If you're into watersports or hairy ladies and ahegao faces...

To be fair, that last part is actually staying true to the source material.

last edited at Apr 22, 2018 4:41PM

joined Nov 2, 2013

I feel like this manga always gets the weirdest doujins.

Thats what i was thinking

joined Jan 18, 2016

I am very scared

joined Jul 14, 2016

Dafuq did I just read?

joined Jan 3, 2014

I clicked out of morbid curiosity and now I’m traumatized. Nice.

joined Oct 5, 2013

Come on people. Really? I agree. That was gross, lol. But to say the artist doesn't know what genitals look like? As gross as it was, the artist clearly knows how to draw well. I'm sure they know the basics of human anatomy. Some people like gross ass hentai with odd, fake looking old granny bodies lol. If you're not into that stuff then you're not into it. No need to attack the artist like that. It's just what they're into. Kinda reminds me of some ppl on the internet I've seen attacking artists for drawing yuri. ...I do feel ya tho realmOMFG, as much as this stuff sort-of matches the feel of the source mat, it would still be really cool if those of us that like more 'realistic' looking and a bit more tame doujins, to get a nice watamote one. I also agree about petplay. I've unfortunately nvr had a partner that would be into it, but I've read some really good fics online with petplay that was actually extremely loving and sweet, as well as sexy.

last edited at Apr 23, 2018 2:39AM

joined Jan 30, 2015


joined Dec 4, 2015

-*Sees lots of tags
-*reaches page 4
"Off to a great start huh? . . . that will be one of the weird ones..." (not really unexpected since WataMote).
-*reaches page 14
"Hmm... I see."
-*reaches the end
"Yeah, that won't go into my favorites..."

Even though I'm not very fond to BDSM (except that HonoMaki doujin, so far at least), Watersports or blackmail, I usually find no problem in reading them, but this art style is not for me...

joined Mar 12, 2014


joined Dec 27, 2014

That was uhm.... An experience.... What?

joined Dec 10, 2017

Thats a lot of tags.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Defloration is a turnoff for me, just don't like seeing blood since it's normally associated with pain, and pain isn't my thing

joined Apr 24, 2014


joined Jun 8, 2018

God Damn! Im new here and hooow do I get to see the other pages?

joined Apr 28, 2016

Just click on the right side of the page you're currently on.

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