I saw the ending coming since that other pets fakeout doujin a while back came out recently, but still what the fuck.
What is this other pets fakeout doujin you're referring to? Was it Kanon-san's Little Cutie (in which case I thought it was more ambiguous than anything but, yeah, probably) or... was it Shimazaki's thing? (in which case that was definitely a fakeout).
Anyway, I saw the twist coming pretty damn early, but I kept it suppressed 'cause I was hoping it'd be a polyamory thing. I know very little about polyamory, but it seems like this'd be an even worse depiction than A Kiss and a White Lily's highly praised polyamory arc if it actually was, but still... it's polyamory (that's probably the same logic that compelled Canno to write that arc, but I digress). Still fairly cute, and the Shylamanamaman-level twist was decent enough that I'm not even mad that we were robbed of yuri.