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OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I for one wish for the return of Feudalism, clearly the best system out there.

I'm just about 90% sure this was sarcastic.

The world may never know for sure!

joined Jun 5, 2016

Also it's probably easier for people to remember who you are and your situation if you'd stop deleting all your posts

Don't be mean :(

I'm not being mean, I have a hard time remembering major things in my own life let alone things mentioned by a stranger on the internet who makes it a habit to go back and delete anything they post, seeing the gaps and responses to nothing confuses the heck outta me

joined Oct 22, 2018

I for one wish for the return of Feudalism, clearly the best system out there.

I'm just about 90% sure this was sarcastic.

The world may never know for sure!


joined Oct 22, 2018


On one of PM Seymour's Tumblr Binge Compilations, I found this cursed image where someone basically said
Uraraka (from My Hero Academia) + Pokemon = Gloria (yes, the one from Sword/Shield).


joined Dec 15, 2015

Lilliwyt said :

There is no system better than another.

Out of the proposed systems on this thread, I sure agree with you! ^^
And, undoubtedly , the interminably-repeated communist / Marxian / anarchist ones are, if not worse, at least bound to fail.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Lilliwyt said :

There is no system better than another.

Out of the proposed systems on this thread, I sure agree with you! ^^
And, undoubtedly , the interminably-repeated communist / Marxian / anarchist ones are, if not worse, at least bound to fail.

Aren't we technically organized in such a system on this site (I mean, sure, this is an internet website, not an IRL place, but still).

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Aren't we technically organized in such a system on this site (I mean, sure, this is an internet website, not an IRL place, but still).

  1. I wouldn't say so, given that there are distinct and enforceable hierarchies at play.

  2. Even if that were the case, Utoptia doesn't like the system we have in place here, clearly.

  3. Of course, the claim that all systems are roughly the same remains absurd, regardless. Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes of historical or contemporary analysis to identify any number of systems that distinctly favour certain groups of people over others.

  4. My entire brain hasn't quite woken up yet, so this post took me nearly hours.

joined Oct 22, 2018

K. Thx.

joined Oct 22, 2018

If I got 0.5€ for every time I have replied to comments on this image I'd have 1.5€... Which is not much, but it's still weird that it happened thrice.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I couldn't find anywhere to post about this: in just the last couple of months several cafes have their web filter banning Dynasty Reader for sex/porn (it's always the same message).

Just a note: As mysteriously and suddenly as it showed up, the filter for dynasty reader is now gone.* I understood better why Pixiv is often filtered where DeviantArt is not, because DA has offered up a policy. It is still troubling, given Pixiv is literally many good Japanese artists' only home on the web.

But for me, personally, the problem went away. I don't know precisely when, because in this coffee shop, I had given up on weeks ago.

joined May 10, 2014

Seabed is coming out for the Switch on March 19. The pre order in a a 10% discount rn. It's on my it good? I haven't played it.

Cat update: he's still scared. He's probably been abused by stupid/mean people. He's definitely feral. He's an adorable little killer RIP that poor bird.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Isn't it kinda funny that the number of pages on this thread as the number of days in a leap year, and this year is a leap year.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Shiki is like my favourite show I feel attacked. But the OPs are really great anyway.

joined Mar 8, 2020

Hi! I'd like to introduce myself.

My name is fall moon. I've loved manga since i was 12 or so. It's what made me teach myself Japanese in junior high and high school, and then I shored up that knowledge in college. Now I've been translating professionally for a few years, but I'm getting sick of the way the "professional" industry is run.

Frankly, scanlators are who created the English-language manga scene. They're the ones who made me love manga enough to learn to translate. And now, I want to switch sides and get scanlating. I have some obligations that I have to fill before I can do that, and obviously I need to get to know how things work around here before I can really be helpful, but yeah, that's me!

Thank you for welcoming me! Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!

joined Apr 20, 2013

Hello Fall-moon, nice to have you around! I don't work for any group, and I know you can't start right away but there's a thread for people looking for help all the time or if you like certain manga translated by fans, you'll most likely see that their credit pages have some recruitment too, in short, there's a lot of demand and active people everywhere! so whenever you're ready, I know you'll be welcome with open arms in any group!

Also please feel free to join the discussions of any manga here, we like to talk a lot about lilies

last edited at Mar 8, 2020 11:02PM

joined Jun 5, 2016


Translators are almost always in high demand so I'm sure you'll be able to find projects to work on pretty easily. :)

joined Mar 8, 2020

Awesome, thank y'all so much! I'll start taking a look around and see if I can find any projects that call to me. ^^

joined May 10, 2014

Greetings! good luck on your quest, fall-moon!

Just came to drop this


joined Oct 22, 2018

Not gonna lie, I'm actually eagerly awaiting a transphobe to rear their ugly head in these forums, just so I could give them a piece of my mind. Like stating something like Trans yuri is yuri. Nuff said. or posting a meme something along the lines of using that certain Spongebob format and having it read I'm sorry, I don't speak hateful bigot..

last edited at Mar 9, 2020 3:10PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ I've just been informed that one possible interpretation of the term enemies with benefits may be what I'm looking for.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Greetings! good luck on your quest, fall-moon!

Just came to drop this


Seconded. This was stupid and great. Meanwhile I'm terribly concerned for YouTube's algorithm...

joined Oct 22, 2018

Stupid MadoMagi/MagiReco doujin idea:
Halloween, but all the magical girls turn into their respective magical girl forms, but, for the purposes of those among their respective families and friends who have no idea that they're magical girls, are pretending their magical girl attires are just some Halloween costumes they bought/rented/borrowed/sowed.

joined Nov 15, 2019

i was following arknights intently but "global launch" apparently didn't include south america so ive been like begrudgingly ignoring all these gals i love and now that someone posted that image im filled with the dread of knowing its just a matter of time until the arknights yuri starts hitting hard, why must you hurt me like this

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